Wordament Cheats - iPhone

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 All cheats for this game by platform: iPhone

Achievements (Steam)
Autobiographical (5G) - Found the longest possible word in a round.
Beat your Frenemies (5G) - You beat all your Frenemies in a round.
Better than half (5G) - You placed better than 50% of the players in a round.
Spin cycle (5G) - You used rotate to find more words.
Sweet sixteen (5G) - You played a game where you used all 16 tiles to make words.
Swipe those tiles (5G) - Completed 10 rounds.
CH a CH IN g (5G) - You found a digram word.
Multilingual (5G) - You've played Wordament in more than 1 language.
Sore fingers (5G) - Completed 100 rounds.
Theme word (5G) - You found a theme word.
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