Skullpogo Cheats - iPhone

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 All cheats for this game by platform: iPhone

20K Crazy (30) - A wise man once said, "The key to success is getting large combos." Land 20 thousand points in a single combo to earn this one!
A Bit Batty (20) - Bats, everywhere! One hit will take them down easily, but do you think you can hit 10 in a row?
Alley Cat Madness (30) - Those pesky black cats! Hit every single cat you see in a game to earn this one!
Bomb the Bomber (10) - These overweight zombies can be such a pain! Drop a nuke on one of these poor fatsos, and then we're in business.
Classic: Bronze (5) - The Bronze Pogo, awarded to promising pogo amateurs.
Classic: Diamond (50) - The Great Diamond Pogo! This treasure exists only in rumor and old wives' tales, a prize to be earned only by the true Masters of the way of the pogo!
Classic: Gold (25) - The Gold Pogo, rare and valuable. Only awarded to the pogo equivalent of a ninja.
Classic: Silver (10) - The Silver Pogo, awarded only to the more skillful of pogoers.
Couch Potato Killer (10) - It takes some serious airtime to take out those fatso zombies. Send 15 of them back to their oversized graves in a single game!
Drilling Down (10) - The Drill Pogo is a curious power, tricky to use, but deadly when mastered. Take out 5+ monsters with the drill powerup before hitting the ground.
Fire in the Hole (10) - Skullboy has some real explosive powerups at his disposal, doesn't he? Put those tools to use, and see if you can blow up 5 monsters in one fell swoop.
Good Time for Air Time (20) - Things pick up pretty quickly once you get to the later levels. See if you can stay bouncing on monsters for 60 seconds without touching the ground!
Halloween: Bronze (5) - The Bronze Pogo, awarded to promising pogo amateurs.
Halloween: Diamond (50) - The Great Diamond Pogo! This treasure exists only in rumor and old wives' tales, a prize to be earned only by the true Masters of the way of the pogo!
Halloween: Gold (25) - The Gold Pogo, rare and valuable. Only awarded to the pogo equivalent of a ninja.
Halloween: Silver (10) - The Silver Pogo, awarded only to the more skillful of pogoers.
Ham Insanity (20) - Hit 30 pigs on just level 1!
Jack's 20 Karats (20) - "I've finally found your weakness, ... Gold! ...You see my pretty Golden Bats fly by and you freeze right up. MWAHAHA!" - Pumpkin Jack.
Jack's Big 18 (20) - "...Think you're so talented, able to pull off such fancy stunts on your little pogo stick. ...18 hits in a single combo? ..." - Pumpkin Jack.
Jack's Trinity (30) - "...Sure sure, you can fall from the skies to wreak havoc on my minions. But 3 times in one combo? Impossible! MWAHAHA!" - Pumpkin Jack.
Not Just Lucky (30) - Prove that your skills are above luck by winning the Gold Pogo or greater for 3 consecutive games!
Pig-Pong (20) - It's time to do something about these filthy little undead oinkers, even if they are a bit cute! See if you can hit 10 of them in a row, that'll teach.
Please Don't Touch My Shiny Ne... (30) - Think you can last all of level 1 without hitting any monsters?
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