Mirror's Edge Cheats - iPhone

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Bag lady - Collect a bag.
Balancing act - Balance 200 meters.
I'll take that - Disarm an enemy.
Marathon runner - Run 10,000 meters.
Mountaineer - Climb 1,000 meters.
Neutralizer - Disarm 20 enemies.
Body count - Defeat an enemy 100 times.
Death from above - Drop from a zipline and kick an enemy.
Economist - Defeat 2 enemies with 1 attack.
Falling down - Make an enemy fall.
Fly on the wall - Wall run 500 meters.
Free falling - Fall 1,000 meters.
Gravel rash - Slide 500 meters.
Hoarder - Collect 20 bags.
I heart 88.7 - Find the pirate radio frequency graffiti.
On the clock - Earn one star in speed run mode.
Superstar - Earn all stars in speed run mode.
Tag, you're it - Defeat a runner.
Tango down - Defeat an enemy.
Packrat - Collect all bags.
Rampage - Defeat 10 enemies in 60 seconds.
Scream for me - Make 10 enemies fall.
Scruffy - Find the 'scruffy' graffiti.
Still counting - Earn 20 stars in speed run mode.
That's a wrap - Complete the game.
Thrill of the chase - Defeat 10 runners.
Vrooom! - Maintain sprint speed for 10 seconds.
Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah - Zipline 1,000 meters.
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