Flick Bowling 2 Cheats - iPhone

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 All cheats for this game by platform: iPhone

2-10 (5) - Knock down a 2-10 split.
3-7 (5) - Knock down a 3-7 split.
4-10 (5) - Knock down a 4-10 split.
6-7 (5) - Knock down a 6-7 split.
7-10 plus 1 (5) - Knock down a 4-7-10 or 6-7-10 split.
Argh! ...Oh wait. (10) - Knock down a 7-10 split.
Baby Split (5) - Knock down a 2-7, 3-8, 2-9, 3-10. 1-4 or 1-6 split.
Baby Split With Company (5) - Knock down a 2-7-10 or 3-7-10 split.
Ballin' (15) - Get a strike with a ball from DLC.
Cincinnati (5) - Knock down a 7-9, 8-10, 4-6 split.
Dime Store (5) - Knock down a 5-10 split.
Double Strike (20) - Roll two strikes in a row.
Eight Bagger (60) - Roll eight strikes in a row.
Eleven Bagger (95) - Roll eleven strikes in a row.
First Strike (10) - Roll a strike.
Fit Split (5) - Knock down a 2-3, 4-5, 5-6, 7-8, 8-9 or 9-10 split.
Five Bagger (50) - Roll five strikes in a row.
Forward Slash (5) - Roll a spare.
Gobble Gobble (30) - Roll a turkey (Three strikes in a row).
Greek Church (5) - Knock down a 4-6-7-8-10 or 4-6-7-9-10 split.
Hambone (40) - Roll four strikes in a row.
Heads Will Roll (5) - Get a strike with a custom ball.
I Vill Get You!!! (20) - Defeat Baron Von Schtopwatch in Story Mode.
Kresge (5) - Knock down a 5-7 split.
Nine Bagger (90) - Roll nine strikes in a row.
Pin Head (25) - Knock down 10,000 pins, comulative, in any game mode.
Pin Pal (25) - Knock down 1,000 pins, comulative, in any game mode.
Seven Bagger (50) - Roll seven strikes in a row.
Sixpack (50) - Roll six strikes in a row.
Sour Apple (5) - Knock down a 5-7-10 split.
Spare Me (25) - Roll a spare in every frame.
Strikeout (10) - Get three strikes in the last frame.
Ten Bagger (95) - Roll ten strikes in a row.
The Big Five (5) - Knock down a 3-4-6-7-10 or 2-4-6-7-10 split.
The Big Four (5) - Knock down a 4-6-7-10 split.
The Big Six (5) - Knock down a 2-4-6-7-8-10 or 3-43-6-7-9-10 split.
The Dude (50) - Abide (Reach level 50 in Fast Lane).
The Face That Knocked Over 10 Pins (5) - Get a strike with Helena of Troy.
The Washout (5) - Knock down a 3-6-9, 1-2-4-10, 1-3-6-7, 1-3-6-9, 1-2-10 or 1-3-7 split.
THIS... IS... SPARTA! (100) - Get 300 points (Roll 12 strikes in a row).
Time Traveler (30) - Complete Story Mode with Jim and Jen.
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