Create A Mall Cheats - iPhone

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 All cheats for this game by platform: iPhone

Arcade Mania - Build 10 arcades.
Bookworm - Build 50 Book Stores
Danger Free - Introduce 5 Security Enhancements.
Dress Designer - Build 100 Clothing Stores.
Fashion Mania - Dress up Kelly with 5 different fashionable outfits.
Final Challenge - Explore the entire Final Challenge to earn this!
Foodie Doodie - Build 50 Restaurants.
Capitolville - Explore the entire Capitolville to earn this!
Centropolis - Explore the entire Centropolis to earn this!
Credit Collector - Accumulate 15 store credits in Kelly's Office.
Helpmate - Build 50 Info Centers.
Littleville - Explore the entire Littleville to earn this!
Movie Buff - Build 10 Movie Theaters
Go Bowling - Build 4 Bowling Alleys.
Gold Souk - Build 100 Jewelry Stores.
Scent Descent - Build 100 Perfume Stores.
Shoe Maker - Build 100 Shoe Stores.
Smalltown - Explore the entire Smalltown to earn this!
Techie - Build 10 Computer Stores.
Ting-a-ling - Build 8 Music Stores
ToyPloy - Build 50 Toy Stores.
Trophy 1 - Win all three medals in Tutotown to earn this trophy!
Trophy 2 - Win all six medals in Littleville to earn this trophy!
Trophy 3 - Win all six medals in Smalltown to earn this trophy!
Trophy 4 - Win all six medals in Centropolis to earn this trophy!
Trophy 5 - Win all six medals in Capitolville to earn this trophy!
Trophy 6 - Win all three medals in the Final Challenge to earn this trophy!
Trophy 7 - Purchase all decorations for your office to earn the golden Decorator trophy!
Trophy 8 - Shop in your mall's stores to earn the golden Ultimate Shopper trophy!
Trophy 9 - Purchase all clothing and accessories to earn the golden Clothes Shopper trophy!
Tutotown - Explore the entire Tutotown to earn this!
Twitter Freak - Tweet 100 scores.
Tycoon - Build 2 Department Stores.
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