Super Hang-On Cheats - Sega Genesis

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 All cheats for this game by platform: Sega Genesis | PlayStation 3

Primary Collection of Cheats
Secret options
Hold [A] + [B] and press [C]x2 at the title screen to display a menu with difficulty, time, language, and sound test options.

Select arcade mode at the options screen, then hold [Up/Left] + [A] + [B] and press [Start].

View ending sequence
Enter "GFF3F546F35564 FFOSLPIMFJEDGH" to view the original mode ending. Note: This password is not valid for the Triple Score version of the game.

Super bike
Enter "6FF3F546F35564 FFOSLPIMFJEDGH" for a super bike in original mode.

Extra money
Enter "5FF3F540F33504 FFHWKJOMBJOFDU" as a password. An alternate method is to repeatedly crash until your bike develops engine trouble or a broken windshield. You will be forced to retire at the start of the next race. Press [B] or [C] to return to the options screen with an extra $400. Repeat this process to build your total amount of money.

Enter "5FZ09000300000 3FJJDO9D6FGDRL" as a password to get over $18 million in original mode.

Accelerate to the bike's top speed 280 kmh, then press [B] + [C] to jump to 320 kmh.

Level passwords
Enter one of the following passwords and select original mode to begin game play at the indicated level with the best parts, mechanic, extra money, and a clean record.

<CENTER>1</CENTER>PharmacyMia Ferraru0FF3F546F30504 FFOSLPIMFJPGNU
<CENTER>2</CENTER>Pizza Chain StoreJose Alverez0FF3F546F30514 FFOSLPIMFJHSSU
<CENTER>3</CENTER>Appliance StoreNobuhiko Hasegawa0FF3F546F30524 FFOSLPIMFJPOFT
<CENTER>4</CENTER>Game CompanyFelica Perez0FF3F546F30534 FFOSLPIMFJHKKT
<CENTER>5</CENTER>DistributorHans Braun0FF3F546F30544 FFOSLPIMFJQFNW
<CENTER>6</CENTER>Bike ManufacturerMarie Lefoure0FF3F546F30554 FFOSLPIMFJIRSW
<CENTER>7</CENTER>Giant Oil CompanyKing Arthur0FF3F546F30564 FFOSLPIMFJQNFV
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