Streets of Rage 3 Cheats - Sega Genesis

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Downloadable Streets of Rage 3 Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Nine lives
Enter the options screen and highlight the "Number of Players" selection. Press [Up] + [A] + [B] + [C] on controller two and [Right] on controller one. Up to nine lives may now be selected.

Level select
Hold [B], then press [Up] and highlight the options selection on the main menu. Press [Start] while continuing to hold [B]. A sound will confirm correct code entry. A Stage Select item will appear on the options screen.

Two players as same character
Hold [Down] + [C] on controller two while selecting two-player mode.

Play as Roo
Hold [Up] + [B], then press [Start] at the title screen. Roo may now be chosen on the character selection screen. Note: Roo can not use any weapons.

Use the following steps to unlock Roo without a code. When you fight Roo and his master, only defeat his master. Roo will run away. After all your lives have been lost and you select your player on top of the screen Roo will be available.

Play as Shiva
Defeat Shiva during normal game play, then hold [B] until the next level starts. Continue game play until losing all current lives. Display the various characters on the continue screen to select Shiva. Note: Shiva can not use any weapons. His twirling spin kick is activated by pressing [A].

Hold [Left] + [C] then press [Start] at the title screen. The sound of Shiva's special move will confirm correct code entry. Enter a one or two player game. There will be a new character to choose at the selection screen; Shiva, in his green costume from the City Hall stage. When you select Shiva, all of his moves that he uses when on Stage 7 at the City Hall press conference will appear on the screen. You will be shown which buttons to press to perform his moves, including on how to block, walk backwards, the move that Shiva uses to get out of a hold, and also the move where he vaults off the ground, somersaults into the air, and comes down with his palm attack. You will now be able to make your character run diagonally, including Shiva. Shiva will still make the same voice sounds that he makes when you perform his attacks. Also, you will no longer have to make Shiva land on his feet when he is thrown; he will land on his own. In battle mode, player one and player two will be able to choose Shiva, any of the enemies that appear on that particular stage, and any of the bosses in the game. After player one and player two select their characters and after a stage is selected, the screen will indicate the "Head to Head" or "vs. CPU" options. If you choose "Head to Head", both players will fight each other. If you choose "vs. CPU", both players will still have to fight with one another, but there will be enemies coming in to help both players until one of them is defeated.

Play as Super Axel
Press [C] to select a player, then quickly hold [A] and sweep the D-Pad in clockwise full circle in a smooth movement until Axel appears. Then, press [A].

Play as Ash (PAL version)
Defeat Ash, then hold [A] + [B] + [C] + [Start]. After losing all remaining lives, select "Continue" and Ash will be unlocked. In the Japanese version, defeat Ash during normal game play, then hold [A] until the next level starts. Continue game play until losing all current lives. Display the various characters on the continue screen to select Ash.

Advancing Special Move: Press [A] while moving forward
(Some weapons for certain characters change the normal special).
Special Move: Press [A].
Ultimate Move: [Forward], [Forward] + [B].
(Some weapons for certain characters change the normal special)
Retaliate attack: Hold [B] and press [C]. Hits enemies in back of you.
Combo Attack: Press [B]x4.
Run: Press [Forward]x2.
Jump attack: Press [C], [B].
Running Advancing Attack: Press [Forward], then press [F] + [C], [B].
Vault over head: Press [C].
Back Attack: Press [B] (back side of enemy).
Throw: Press [Back] + [B].
(Axel), Skate and Zack's Attacks: ([B]), [B], [B].
Blaze Trip: Press [B].
Axel and Blaze knees: Press [Forward] + [B], [B].
Easy power rush attack
Use a six-button controller and perform one of the following actions for the corresponding power rush attack level without collecting the appropriate number of stars.

CharacterLevel 1Level 2Level 3
AxelX, Toward, TowardX, Down, TowardX, Back, Down, Toward
BlazeX, Toward, TowardX, Toward, UpX, Down, Toward, Up
SkateX, Toward, TowardX, Toward, DownX, Up, Toward, Back
ZanX, Toward, TowardX, Back, UpX, Up, Back, Toward
Bonus points and extra life
There is a 5000 point bonus and extra life hidden in bottom of screen behind boxes when you first enter Stage 1.

Skate/Sammy's Super Finger Trill
In the first level, choose Skate/Sammy. Repeatedly press [A] as soon as the level begins to have him do his spin kick on the floor. Make sure you do not hit anyone. His energy should be going down. Keep pressing [A] until his energy goes down enough so you cannot use the special. Then, find an opponent and intentionally allow them to kill your character - do not press any buttons. When Skate/Sammy appears again, press [B] and his punch will change. It will look like his finger is some kind of trill. Note: This requires a lot of energy, leaving about 10% remaining from a full bar.

Stage 3 shortcut
Activate Skate's Super Finger Thrill cheat, then destroy the first wall so that the bulldozer comes to you. Turn around and when he gets near, press [Attack]. He should go back. Continue to do this until you get to the end of that part of the stage. If done correctly, you should not be harmed.

Surviving throws
When you are thrown by an enemy, hold [Up] and hold [C] (Jump) to land safely. Note: You will not land safely when you are flung off an edge --you will still take damage.

Safely slam the fat fire-breathing enemies
You will usually get squashed when trying to throw a fat fire breathing enemy. However, they can be slammed, but only by certain fighters and certain methods.
Blaze: Hold them from the front and press [Attack]. Do not press [Back] or you will go splat. Also, do not try to slam them from behind. If you grab them from behind, flip yourself over them by pressing [Jump], then press [Attack] button to nail him.

Skate: All types of throws will work for Skate.

Shiva: Shiva can slam these enemies easily.

Zan and Axel: They always gets crushed -- do not bother trying.

Roo: He has no throw.

Ash: He always gets crushed.
Level 3: Bulldozer
There is a part midway through where a thug on a bulldozer attacks you. Your goal is to attack the walls that are present in order to get past the bulldozer. You cannot harm the bulldozer, but your [B] + [C] ( or [Z] on a six-button controller) attack works in driving it backwards briefly. Use your [A] attack when it is evident it will hit you anyway, or if you did not have enough time to press both buttons.
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