Sonic and Knuckles Cheats - Sega Genesis

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Downloadable Sonic and Knuckles Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Bonus rounds
Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Hold [A] + [B] + [C] and press [Start] when the "No Way" message is displayed to play the unknown bonus rounds in order. For example, if you keep playing and reach level 12 and want to stop, make a note of the password at the bottom of the screen. Turn off the game and turn it back on, it will restart at level 1 again. Press [Down] and use the D-Pad to enter the password on the screen. Then, press [Start], the level you last played will begin.

Level select
Begin game play with no other cartridges inserted into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Go to any pulley in the first level and press [Left]x3, [Right]x3, [Up]x3. The sound of a ring being collected will confirm correct code entry. Pause game play and press [A] to restart the game. Hold [A] and press [Start] at the title screen to display a level selection screen.

Alternate level select
Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 2 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Press [Up]x3, [Down]x3, [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right] at the title screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Press [A] + [Start] to display the level selection screen. This code will also all rings to be kept if your character is hit.

Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. In Angel Island Zone, grab on to a vine and while swinging on it press [Left]x3, [Right]x3, [Up]x3. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Press [Start] then [A] at the title screen to enter the Sound Test.

Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Quickly press [Up]x2, [Down]x2, [Up]x4, after the Sega logo fades and Sonic starts to appear, and before the screen flashes white. The timing of this code is particularly sensitive.

As Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles (Note: This is who you will control when you select a level), go to Angel Island Zone. Find one of the swinging vines (not the vines that go down the other vine, but the ones that go back and forth). Press [Left]x3, [Right]x3, [Up]x3. The sound of a ring will confirm correct code entry. Press [Start], then [A]. Press [Up] or [Down]x2 at the title screen to enter the hidden sound test where you can choose any level. (Only the Sonic 3 levels in Sonic 3 but any level in Sonic 3 and Knuckles). To change your character in the sound test, press [C]. The yellow numbers are your character (00 for Sonic and Tails, 01 for Sonic, 02 for Knuckles, and 03 for Tails.)

Debug mode
Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 2 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Play songs 1, 9, 9, 4, 1, 0, 1, 8 in order at the level selection screen. Then, select any level, hold [A], and press [Start]. Screen coordinates will appear instead of a score and the number of objects displayed will appear instead of the time remaining. Use one of the following controller actions to enable the corresponding debug code. Note: This code may only be enabled on the first version of the game.

Alternately, insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. First, enable the "Sound Test" option by grabbing hold of a vine in Angel Island. While swinging, press [Left]x3, [Right]x3, [Up] 3). A ring sound will confirm correct code entry. Next, grab any pulley in Mushroom Hill and press [Left]x3, [Right]x3, [Up]x3. The ring sound will confirm correct code entry. Pause game play and press [Start]. You will be taken to the Sega logo and title screen. Select either the "Sound Test" or "1 player" options. When selecting the level, hold [A] and press [Start].

Alternately, insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Enable the "Debug mode" code and complete the entire Sonic The Hedgehog 3 game. Because it is connected to Sonic and Knuckles, you should go straight from Launch Base to Mushroom Hill and be able to cheat until the end.

Alternately, insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Enable the "Level select" code and go to Mushroom Hill Zone Act I. Hold [A] the enter time that you are there. Press [B] to jump. When you reach the first Pull Up machine, press [Left]x3, [Right]x3, [Up]x3. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Return to the level select screen, choose a level, then hold [A] and press [Start].
Object transformation
Press [B] during game play to change Sonic into a game object. Press [A] to change into a new object. Press [C] to place an object on the screen. Press [B] again to revert back to Sonic. Note: The type of object that may be selectable will vary from level to level.

Sonic is, by default, invincible in debug mode.

Slow motion
Pause game play and hold [B].

Pause game play and press [A].

Frame advance
Pause game play and press [C].
Sound test
Press [A]x2, [B], [A]x2, [B]x3, [A]x2, [B], [C] at the title screen to access the sound test for Zone 1. Press [A]x2, [B]x2, [C]x2, [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right], [A], [C], [B], [A]x7 at the title screen to access the sound test for Zone 2. Hold [Y] and press [Up], [Left], [Start]x2 for the last sound test.

Slow motion
Pause game play during any level or act and rapidly press [C]. You cannot control the game while in slow motion.

Extra points
Jump and hit the end of act marker. 100 points are awarded every time the marker is hit.

Play Death Egg Zones 1 and 2 with Knuckles
Enable the "Level select" code with Knuckles and go to the level Death Egg Zone 1 or 2. You will be playing Death Egg Zone with Knuckles. Note: You can not defeat the Master in Death Egg Zone 1 as Knuckles.

Fight Robitnik in Mushroom Hill Zone Act 2 as Knuckles
Get three Chaos Emeralds (no more and do not fail in getting any) in Act 1, and three more in Act 2 (again not failing). Fail at getting the seventh Chaos Emerald before the pulley leading up to the battle with the Act 2 Boss. Find another Chaos Emerald far off to the left and succeed in getting it. Make sure to have well over 50 rings and pass the lamp post slowly (stop just after hitting it). If you see red stars, jump in and get more rings. When out of the goal, power up to Super Knuckles <STRONG>only</STRONG> as you are jumping to get the last three rings. Run over to the "underground" machine and jump on it, standing there after the <STRONG>one</STRONG> jump. You should see Dr. Ivo Robotnik in the machine instead of Robo-Robotnik. It seems to work most of the time.

Hidden area in Mushroom Hill Zone
Find the first pulley in the gray area of Mushroom Hill. This is the pulley leads to the Act 2 Boss. Go up the pulley on the left hand side. When you get to the top, Spindash into the spring. You will be sent up through the ceiling into a secret area with two shields. This can be done with any character. It is important that you go up on the left hand side of the pulley.

Sonic 2 And Knuckles: Secret bonus
Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 2 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. When playing as Knuckles at the second zone, climb up every wall until reaching the top. If you see an extra life there, glide left to find a secret.

Sonic 2 And Knuckles: Easy lives
Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 2 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Play as Knuckles and get to the end of Chemical Plant. There will be a wall that you can climb on. Go to the top of it. There will be an extra life there. Glide to the left you will land on another wall and find another extra life. Glide again to the left. You will land on another wall with yet another extra life.

Sonic 2 And Knuckles: All Emeralds
With Sonic The Hedgehog 2, to get all emeralds, enable the "Level select" and "Debug" codes, then play songs 01 06 07 07 07 02 01 06.

Sonic 2 And Knuckles: Extra lives
Near the end of Zone 1 of the second level, Chemical Plant Zone, when Knuckles emerges from a tube with a 10 ring box to the right and going far left, a dropper thing that you cannot get back up from, going right takes you to the level end sign. Do not go left. Instead, climb the tall tower with the 10 ring box sitting next to it. When you reach the top, you will find an extra life. Do not stop there. Glide left and you will reach to another tower with an extra life. Keep gliding left to all the towers until you reach one impassable tower. Then, simply glide back. If it does not land to any of the towers, Knuckles will grab on, then just climb up. Finally, when you reach the original tower, go right. You will pass the level end sign and unless you accidentally (or intentionally ) release the button and drop to the bottom, you will be able to glide back and forth until the victory lyrics end and advance you to the next level.

Sonic 2 And Knuckles: Chaos switch
Enable the "Level select" and "Debug mode" codes. Then in any level become Chaos Sonic. Next, enter debug mode and select the television box. Hit it and Tails will inherit Chaos Sonic's invincibility. Afterwards, Chaos Sonic will be vulnerable to all enemies and traps. Get hit and collect fifty more coins to become Chaos Sonic again to get your invincibility back.

Sonic 3 And Knuckles: Play as Knuckles
Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Keep moving right at the character selection screen until Knuckles appears, then press [Start]. Note: This also changes the ending.

Sonic 3 And Knuckles: Hyper Sonic, Hyper Knuckles, Super Tails
Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. In order to get Hyper Sonic, Hyper Knuckles, and Super Tails, get all the regular emeralds. Once at Mushroom Hill, jump into the flashing ring that Knuckles closes. Then, get all the super emeralds. Get fifty rings and double jump. Sonic will turn into Hyper Sonic, will flash colors, and have stars flashing around him. Knuckles will turn into Hyper Knuckles and blink gray and red. Tails will turn Super, but flashes yellow. His bird friends will also help him; even though the birds might get left behind, Tails is invincible.

Defeat the last boss of with either Sonic or Knuckles. You will then fall to the Mushroom Hill Zone (the first stage of Sonic And Knuckles). If you have all the Chaos Emeralds, you will find a bonus ring that will be glowing different colors. Go into it you will warp to a strange room. The Chaos Emeralds will spin above you and fly into the air. Then, large beams of light will come down and large colorless-looking diamonds will appear wherever the light beams hits. Jump onto the diamonds to warp to a bonus level. If you complete it, you will receive a Super Emerald. Get all seven and you will be able to become Hyper Sonic or Hyper Knuckles, depending on who you are playing. When you collect 50 rings or more, press [A], then [A] again while in the air to become Hyper. Note: If you have a shield with Sonic, you will not be able to turn Super or Hyper until you lose your it.

Sonic 3 And Knuckles: Hyper Shadow
When you start the game as Sonic, the introduction will play. Just as Knuckles hits Sonic, pause game play. Sonic will change colors and resemble Hyper Shadow from Sonic Adventure 2 Battle.

Sonic 3 And Knuckles: Defeating Fireball Shooter
To defeat this Boss, hit him as many times as possible before it goes behind the waterfall. At first it will be on the left side of the waterfall, next it will go up, then to the right side of the waterfall. Try to hit it any time you can. Make sure to dodge its fireballs.

Sonic 3 And Knuckles: Defeating flame/missile shooter
If you are Knuckles, it will shoot missiles. Of you are Sonic, it will shoot flames. Either way, it will start to float. Even if you are Tails you cannot hit it from below. Just hit it by jumping on it. Keep jumping on it until it explodes.

Sonic 3 And Knuckles: Secret stages
Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Play "1F" at the sound test screen, then highlight Special Stage one or two and press [Start].

Sonic 3 And Knuckles: Quick goodies
Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. At the start of Angel Island, kill the monkey in the tree and jump on the first gray rock to reveal a bumper spring. Bounce up into the tree, and using the bumper spring hidden in the tree, bounce left to land on the moving platform. The platform will take you to a ring bonus and lightning shield power-up. Using the spring in the tree again, bounce right to land on ground with spikes and a RhinoBot. Jump past these to collect the fire shield. When this is collected, Sonic can use the fire dash attack by pressing [C]x2.

Sonic 3 And Knuckles: Easy Rings
Insert Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Enable the "Level select" and "Debug mode" codes. Select Knuckles (03) and Icecap Act 1. Glide out of tunnel and land on other side. Climb to top and glide to the left. Start climbing the hill. On the steep parts, use the debug mode to help. You can get about 30 Rings in two and a half minutes.

Sonic 3 And Knuckles: Easy big Emeralds
Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Enable the "Debug mode" code and have a saved game. Get all of the small emeralds from the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 stages. When you get to Mushroom Hill, find all of the big colored rings after obtaining all of the emeralds in that stage. Then, restart the game.

Sonic 3 And Knuckles: Hidden monitors
Select Tails and go to the Hidden Palace Zone (Lava Reef Zone Act 4). Just before you get transported up to fight Knuckles, fly up just before the spike and there should be a group of monitors. Note: You must fly quickly and be up at the wall for this to work -- just before you get up there, Tails falls.

Sonic 3 And Knuckles: Anti-gravity Sonic
Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge and enable the "Level select" and "Debug mode" codes. Start in any level, and press [A] while standing still. Sonic will flip upside down and be able to walk on the ceiling. If this is done on a level with no ceiling, like Sky Sanctuary, Sonic will die. This trick can also be done with Tails or Knuckles.

Sonic 3 And Knuckles: Knuckles in events
Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. On some levels you can see Knuckles in an event. Enable the "Debug mode" code. As Sonic, when an event happens with Knuckles turn into an object and go out of reach of the event. Change back into Sonic and you can play the level with the following effects: Sonic will sometimes get Knuckles' jumping skill; many objects will turn completely or partially red; Knuckles' theme will play; the speed up boxes have pictures of Knuckles' foot; and The 10 ring boxes have pictures of Knuckles' leg. This trick will work in Launch Base Zone Act 1, Launch Base Zone Act 2, Mushroom Hill Zone Act 1, and Mushroom Hill Zone Act 2.

Sonic 3 And Knuckles: Blue Knuckles
Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Enable the "Debug mode" and "Level select" codes. Select Sonic and go to The Sky Sanctuary Act 2. Defeat Metal Sonic with Hyper on. Once defeated, you will see a Blue Knuckles in the ending.

Sonic 3 And Knuckles: Red Sonic and Blue Knuckles
Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge and play as Knuckles. Enable the "Debug mode" code. Play until the end with all of the Super/Hyper emeralds. When Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles resting on a giant Sonic 3 and Knuckles logo appears, press [B] and place an S monitor. Press [B] again and Knuckles will be blue. Break the monitor, and the Sonic on the logo will turn red and flash white, like Super Knuckles.

Sonic 3 And Knuckles: Play as Hyper Knuckles/Sonic or Super Tails
Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Collect all the Emeralds and complete the game. Enter the secret places at beginning of Mushroom Forest (depending on the character you are playing, the locations will vary. Complete the bonus levels in the secret place (they are large rings that flash different colors. Collect 50 rings in any level, jump, and press [Jump] again in the air. Note: You can play as Super Sonic Super Knuckles when you collect just the Emeralds and 50 rings. When playing as Hyper Sonic/Knuckles you can use the following special moves:
Hyper Sonic: Double jump to kill everyone in the screen.
Hyper Knuckles: Glide into a wall to make it shake and kill everyone on screen.
Super Tails: Let your bird followers attack
Note: Your rings are how many seconds you have to stay in Hyper or Super mode. Do not remove the cartridges from each other and play just Sonic And Knuckles or just Sonic The Hedgehog 3, as this will erase your file. You must collect all of the Super Emeralds in order to play as Super Tails or Hyper Knuckles/Sonic. You can still die by getting squished. You can have different files for different people. For example, one file for Sonic, another for Knuckles, and yet another for Tails. You cannot use your special move on Robotnic unless you play as Tails.
Sonic 3 And Knuckles: Hyper Knuckles unlimited
Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Play as Knuckles on level 1. Find a swing, then press [Left]x3, [Right]x3, [Up]x3, [Start], [A]. When the Sonic logo appears, press [Down] repeatedly. Go to "Sound Test", then Mushroom Hill. Find the big ring. It does not matter if it changes color or not. Find a Jack-Pully, and do the exact same thing that was done with the swing. When the Sega logo pops up, go to "Sound Test", choose any level, then hold [A] and press [Start]. Keep [A] held until the level begins. Now that you are in debug mode, turn Knuckles into a monitor and press [C]. Move him around and keep pressing [C] until there are a lot of monitors. Turn him to normal with [B] and hit all the monitors. Not only will he turn into Hyper Knuckles, but his ring points will skyrocket. Do not press [A] at any time or Knuckles will turn upside down and fly very high into the sky. If you hit it by accident, press [A] to get him down and upright again.

Sonic 3 And Knuckles: Semi-homing attack
Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Enable the "Level select" and "Debug mode" codes. Change into the box with the "S" on it. Jump on it and you will change into a rainbow looking Super Sonic. Press [A]x2 to do the technique. Press [A]x2, [Up] to go upwards, press [Down] to slam down on the enemy, [Left] to speed to the left, and [Right] to speed to the right. This also destroys all enemies on the screen (with the exception of Bosses).

Sonic 3 And Knuckles: Go through bridge
Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Enable the "Level select" code. Play as any character and go to Marble Garden Act 1. When you startoff, you will go very fast downhill. Keep going as fast as you can until you reach the bottom of the hill. There will be a collapsible bridge at the bottom. If you go fast enough, you will go through the bridge. Note: This may require a few attempts.

Blue Sphere passwords
<CENTER>1</CENTER>3659 8960 3263
<CENTER>2</CENTER>2965 3192 9023
<CENTER>3</CENTER>3610 2354 7327
<CENTER>4</CENTER>2921 0274 3999
<CENTER>5</CENTER>3737 7423 1487
<CENTER>6</CENTER>3053 9029 9071
<CENTER>7</CENTER>3698 8191 7375
<CENTER>8</CENTER>3009 6111 4047
<CENTER>9</CENTER>3482 7286 3167
<CENTER>10</CENTER>2809 6267 2575
<CENTER>11</CENTER>3454 5929 0879
<CENTER>12</CENTER>2765 3348 7551
<CENTER>13</CENTER>3582 0497 5039
<CENTER>14</CENTER>2898 2104 2623
<CENTER>15</CENTER>3543 1266 0927
<CENTER>16</CENTER>2853 9185 7599
<CENTER>17</CENTER>4014 2308 3455
<CENTER>18</CENTER>3319 6540 9215
<CENTER>19</CENTER>3964 5702 7519
<CENTER>20</CENTER>3275 3622 4919
<CENTER>21</CENTER>4092 0771 1679
<CENTER>22</CENTER>3408 2377 9263
<CENTER>23</CENTER>4053 1539 7567
<CENTER>24</CENTER>3363 9449 4239
<CENTER>25</CENTER>3837 0634 3359
<CENTER>26</CENTER>3163 9615 2764
<CENTER>27</CENTER>3808 8777 1068
<CENTER>28</CENTER>3119 6696 7740
<CENTER>29</CENTER>3936 3845 5228
<CENTER>30</CENTER>3252 5452 2812
<CENTER>31</CENTER>3897 4614 1116
<CENTER>32</CENTER>3208 2533 7788
<CENTER>33</CENTER>2994 5155 4236
<CENTER>34</CENTER>3673 9888 9404
<CENTER>35</CENTER>2944 5155 4236
<CENTER>36</CENTER>3629 6970 4380
<CENTER>37</CENTER>3072 0223 8396
<CENTER>38</CENTER>3762 5728 9452
<CENTER>39</CENTER>3033 0992 4284
<CENTER>40</CENTER>3718 2807 4428
<CENTER>41</CENTER>2817 0087 0076
<CENTER>42</CENTER>3518 2963 2956
<CENTER>43</CENTER>2788 8229 7788
<CENTER>44</CENTER>3474 0044 7932
<CENTER>45</CENTER>2916 3298 1948
<CENTER>46</CENTER>3606 8800 3004
<CENTER>47</CENTER>2877 4066 7836
<CENTER>48</CENTER>3562 5881 7480
<CENTER>49</CENTER>3348 5109 0364
<CENTER>50</CENTER>4028 3236 9596
<CENTER>51</CENTER>3298 8503 4428
<CENTER>52</CENTER>3984 0318 4572
<CENTER>53</CENTER>3426 3571 8588
<CENTER>54</CENTER>4116 9073 9644
<CENTER>55</CENTER>3387 4340 4476
<CENTER>56</CENTER>4072 6155 4620
<CENTER>57</CENTER>3171 3435 0268
<CENTER>58</CENTER>3829 6814 5852
<CENTER>59</CENTER>3100 2081 0684
<CENTER>60</CENTER>3785 3896 0828
<CENTER>61</CENTER>3227 7149 4844
<CENTER>62</CENTER>3918 2651 5900
<CENTER>63</CENTER>3188 7918 0732
<CENTER>64</CENTER>3873 9733 0876
<CENTER>65</CENTER>5034 2855 6732
<CENTER>66</CENTER>4339 7088 2492
<CENTER>67</CENTER>4984 6250 0796
<CENTER>68</CENTER>4295 4169 7468
<CENTER>69</CENTER>5112 1318 4956
<CENTER>70</CENTER>4428 2925 2540
<CENTER>71</CENTER>5073 2087 0844
<CENTER>72</CENTER>4384 0006 7516
<CENTER>73</CENTER>4857 1181 6636
<CENTER>74</CENTER>4184 0162 6044
<CENTER>75</CENTER>4828 9324 4348
<CENTER>76</CENTER>4139 7244 1020
<CENTER>77</CENTER>4956 4392 8508
<CENTER>78</CENTER>4272 5999 6092
<CENTER>79</CENTER>4917 5161 4396
<CENTER>80</CENTER>4228 3081 1068
<CENTER>81</CENTER>5388 6203 6924
<CENTER>82</CENTER>4694 0436 2684
<CENTER>83</CENTER>5338 9598 0988
<CENTER>84</CENTER>4649 7517 7660
<CENTER>85</CENTER>5466 4666 5148
<CENTER>86</CENTER>4782 6273 2732
<CENTER>87</CENTER>5427 5435 1036
<CENTER>88</CENTER>4738 3354 7708
<CENTER>89</CENTER>5211 4529 6828
<CENTER>90</CENTER>4538 3510 6237
<CENTER>91</CENTER>5183 2672 4541
<CENTER>92</CENTER>4494 0592 1213
<CENTER>93</CENTER>5310 7740 8701
<CENTER>94</CENTER>4626 9347 6285
<CENTER>95</CENTER>5271 8509 4589
<CENTER>96</CENTER>4582 6429 1261
<CENTER>97</CENTER>4368 5656 3645
<CENTER>98</CENTER>5048 3784 2877
<CENTER>99</CENTER>4318 9050 7709
<CENTER>100</CENTER>5004 0865 7853
<CENTER>101</CENTER>4446 4119 1869
<CENTER>102</CENTER>5136 9621 2925
<CENTER>103</CENTER>4407 4887 7757
<CENTER>104</CENTER>5092 6702 7901
<CENTER>105</CENTER>4191 3982 3549
<CENTER>106</CENTER>4892 6858 6429
<CENTER>107</CENTER>4163 6858 6429
<CENTER>108</CENTER>4848 3940 1405
<CENTER>109</CENTER>4290 7193 5421
<CENTER>110</CENTER>4981 2695 6477
<CENTER>111</CENTER>4251 7962 1309
<CENTER>112</CENTER>4936 9777 1453
<CENTER>113</CENTER>4722 9004 3837
<CENTER>114</CENTER>5402 7132 3069
<CENTER>115</CENTER>4673 2398 7901
<CENTER>116</CENTER>5358 4213 8045
<CENTER>117</CENTER>4800 4767 2061
<CENTER>118</CENTER>5491 2969 3117
<CENTER>119</CENTER>4761 8235 7949
<CENTER>120</CENTER>5447 0050 8093
<CENTER>121</CENTER>4545 7330 3741
<CENTER>122</CENTER>5204 0709 9325
<CENTER>123</CENTER>4474 5976 4157
<CENTER>124</CENTER>5159 7791 4301
<CENTER>125</CENTER>4602 1044 8317
<CENTER>126</CENTER>5292 6546 9373
<CENTER>127</CENTER>4563 1813 4205
<CENTER>128</CENTER>5248 3628 4349
<CENTER>129</CENTER>3659 8750 6109
<CENTER>130</CENTER>2965 2983 1869
<CENTER>131</CENTER>3610 2145 0173
<CENTER>132</CENTER>2921 0064 6845
<CENTER>133</CENTER>3737 7213 4333
<CENTER>134</CENTER>3053 8820 1917
<CENTER>135</CENTER>3698 7982 0221
<CENTER>136</CENTER>3009 5901 6893
<CENTER>137</CENTER>3482 7076 2809
<CENTER>140</CENTER>2765 3139 0397
<CENTER>141</CENTER>3582 0287 7885
<CENTER>142</CENTER>2898 1894 4569
<CENTER>143</CENTER>3543 1056 3773
<CENTER>145</CENTER>4014 2098 6301
<CENTER>144</CENTER>2853 8976 0445
<CENTER>146</CENTER>3319 6331 2061
<CENTER>147</CENTER>3964 5493 0365
<CENTER>148</CENTER>3275 3412 7037
<CENTER>149</CENTER>4092 0561 4525
<CENTER>150</CENTER>3408 2168 2109
<CENTER>151</CENTER>4053 1330 0413
<CENTER>152</CENTER>3363 9249 7085
<CENTER>153</CENTER>3837 0424 6205
<CENTER>154</CENTER>3163 9405 5602
<CENTER>155</CENTER>3808 8567 3906
<CENTER>156</CENTER>3119 6487 0578
<CENTER>157</CENTER>3936 3635 8066
<CENTER>158</CENTER>3252 5242 5650
<CENTER>159</CENTER>3897 4404 3954
<CENTER>160</CENTER>3208 2324 0626
<CENTER>161</CENTER>2994 1551 3010
<CENTER>162</CENTER>3673 9679 2242
<CENTER>163</CENTER>2944 4945 7074
<CENTER>164</CENTER>3629 6760 7218
<CENTER>165</CENTER>3072 0014 1234
<CENTER>166</CENTER>3762 5516 2290
<CENTER>167</CENTER>3033 0782 7122
<CENTER>168</CENTER>3718 2597 7266
<CENTER>169</CENTER>2816 9877 2914
<CENTER>170</CENTER>3518 2753 5794
<CENTER>171</CENTER>2788 8020 0626
<CENTER>172</CENTER>3473 9835 0770
<CENTER>173</CENTER>2916 3088 4766
<CENTER>174</CENTER>3606 8590 5842
<CENTER>175</CENTER>2877 3857 0674
<CENTER>176</CENTER>3562 5672 0818
<CENTER>177</CENTER>3348 4899 3202
<CENTER>178</CENTER>4028 3027 2434
<CENTER>179</CENTER>3298 8293 7266
<CENTER>180</CENTER>3984 0108 7410
<CENTER>181</CENTER>3426 3362 1426
<CENTER>182</CENTER>4116 8864 2482
<CENTER>183</CENTER>3387 4130 7314
<CENTER>184</CENTER>4072 5945 7458
<CENTER>185</CENTER>3171 3225 3106
<CENTER>186</CENTER>3829 6604 8690
<CENTER>187</CENTER>3100 1871 5322
<CENTER>188</CENTER>3785 6939 7682
<CENTER>189</CENTER>3227 6939 7682
<CENTER>190</CENTER>3918 2441 8738
<CENTER>191</CENTER>3188 7708 3570
<CENTER>192</CENTER>3873 9523 3714
<CENTER>193</CENTER>5034 2645 9570
<CENTER>194</CENTER>4339 6878 5330
<CENTER>195</CENTER>4984 6040 3634
<CENTER>196</CENTER>4295 3960 3634
<CENTER>197</CENTER>5112 1108 7794
<CENTER>198</CENTER>4428 2715 5378
<CENTER>199</CENTER>5073 1877 3682
<CENTER>200</CENTER>4383 9797 0354
<CENTER>201</CENTER>4828 0971 7186
<CENTER>202</CENTER>4183 9952 8882
<CENTER>203</CENTER>4828 9114 7186
<CENTER>204</CENTER>4139 7034 3858
<CENTER>205</CENTER>4956 4183 1346
<CENTER>206</CENTER>4272 5789 8930
<CENTER>207</CENTER>4917 4951 7234
<CENTER>208</CENTER>4228 2871 3906
<CENTER>209</CENTER>5388 5993 5762
<CENTER>210</CENTER>4694 0226 5522
<CENTER>211</CENTER>5338 9388 3826
<CENTER>212</CENTER>4649 7308 1498
<CENTER>213</CENTER>5466 4456 7986
<CENTER>214</CENTER>4782 6063 5570
<CENTER>215</CENTER>5427 5225 3874
<CENTER>216</CENTER>4736 3145 0456
<CENTER>217</CENTER>5211 4319 9666
<CENTER>218</CENTER>4538 3300 9075
<CENTER>219</CENTER>5183 2462 7379
<CENTER>220</CENTER>4494 0382 4051
<CENTER>221</CENTER>5310 7531 1539
<CENTER>222</CENTER>4642 9137 9123
<CENTER>223</CENTER>5271 8299 7427
<CENTER>224</CENTER>4582 6219 4099
<CENTER>225</CENTER>4368 5446 6483
<CENTER>226</CENTER>5048 3574 5715
<CENTER>227</CENTER>4318 8841 0547
<CENTER>228</CENTER>5004 0656 0691
<CENTER>229</CENTER>4446 3909 4707
<CENTER>230</CENTER>5136 9411 5763
<CENTER>231</CENTER>4407 4678 0595
<CENTER>232</CENTER>5092 6493 0739
<CENTER>233</CENTER>4191 3772 6348
<CENTER>234</CENTER>4892 6648 9267
<CENTER>235</CENTER>4163 1915 4099
<CENTER>236</CENTER>4848 3730 4243
<CENTER>237</CENTER>4290 6983 8259
<CENTER>238</CENTER>4981 2485 9315
<CENTER>239</CENTER>4251 7752 4147
<CENTER>240</CENTER>4936 9567 4291
<CENTER>241</CENTER>4722 8794 6675
<CENTER>242</CENTER>5402 6922 5907
<CENTER>243</CENTER>4673 2189 0739
<CENTER>244</CENTER>5358 4004 0883
<CENTER>245</CENTER>4800 7257 4899
<CENTER>246</CENTER>5491 2759 5955
<CENTER>247</CENTER>4761 8026 0787
<CENTER>248</CENTER>5446 9841 0931
<CENTER>249</CENTER>4545 7120 6579
<CENTER>250</CENTER>5204 0500 2163
<CENTER>251</CENTER>4474 5766 6995
<CENTER>252</CENTER>5159 7581 7139
<CENTER>253</CENTER>4602 0853 1155
<CENTER>254</CENTER>5292 6337 2211
<CENTER>255</CENTER>4563 1603 7043
<CENTER>256</CENTER>5248 3418 7187
<CENTER>257</CENTER>3659 3979 7555
<CENTER>258</CENTER>2965 3612 3315
<CENTER>259</CENTER>3610 2774 1619
<CENTER>260</CENTER>2921 0693 8291
<CENTER>261</CENTER>3737 7842 5779
<CENTER>262</CENTER>3053 9449 3363
<CENTER>263</CENTER>3698 8611 1667
<CENTER>264</CENTER>3009 6530 8339
<CENTER>265</CENTER>3482 7705 7459
<CENTER>266</CENTER>2809 6686 6867
<CENTER>267</CENTER>3454 5848 5171
<CENTER>268</CENTER>2765 3768 1843
<CENTER>269</CENTER>3582 0916 9331
<CENTER>270</CENTER>2898 2523 6915
<CENTER>271</CENTER>3543 1685 5219
<CENTER>272</CENTER>2853 9605 1891
<CENTER>273</CENTER>4014 2727 7747
<CENTER>274</CENTER>3319 6960 3507
<CENTER>275</CENTER>3964 6122 1811
<CENTER>276</CENTER>3275 4041 8483
<CENTER>277</CENTER>4092 1190 5971
<CENTER>278</CENTER>3408 2797 3555
<CENTER>279</CENTER>4053 1959 1859
<CENTER>280</CENTER>3363 9878 8531
<CENTER>281</CENTER>3837 1053 7651
<CENTER>282</CENTER>3164 0034 7056
<CENTER>283</CENTER>3808 9196 5360
<CENTER>284</CENTER>3119 7116 2032
<CENTER>285</CENTER>3936 4264 9520
<CENTER>286</CENTER>3252 5871 7104
<CENTER>287</CENTER>3897 5033 5408
<CENTER>288</CENTER>3208 2953 2080
<CENTER>289</CENTER>2994 2180 4464
<CENTER>290</CENTER>3674 0308 3696
<CENTER>291</CENTER>2944 5574 8582
<CENTER>292</CENTER>3629 7389 9672
<CENTER>293</CENTER>3072 0643 2688
<CENTER>294</CENTER>3762 6145 3744
<CENTER>295</CENTER>3033 1411 8576
<CENTER>296</CENTER>3718 3326 8720
<CENTER>297</CENTER>2817 0506 4368
<CENTER>298</CENTER>3518 3382 7248
<CENTER>299</CENTER>2788 8649 2080
<CENTER>300</CENTER>3474 0464 2224
<CENTER>301</CENTER>2916 3717 6240
<CENTER>302</CENTER>3606 9219 7296
<CENTER>303</CENTER>2877 4486 2128
<CENTER>304</CENTER>3562 6301 2272
<CENTER>305</CENTER>3348 5528 4656
<CENTER>306</CENTER>4028 3656 3888
<CENTER>307</CENTER>3298 8922 8720
<CENTER>308</CENTER>3984 0737 8864
<CENTER>309</CENTER>3426 3991 2880
<CENTER>310</CENTER>4116 9493 3936
<CENTER>311</CENTER>3387 4759 8768
<CENTER>312</CENTER>4072 6574 8912
<CENTER>313</CENTER>3171 3854 4560
<CENTER>314</CENTER>3829 7234 0144
<CENTER>315</CENTER>3700 2500 4976
<CENTER>316</CENTER>3785 4315 5120
<CENTER>317</CENTER>3227 7568 9136
<CENTER>318</CENTER>3918 3071 0192
<CENTER>319</CENTER>3188 8337 5024
<CENTER>320</CENTER>3874 0152 5168
<CENTER>321</CENTER>5034 3275 1024
<CENTER>322</CENTER>4339 7507 6784
<CENTER>323</CENTER>4984 6669 5088
<CENTER>324</CENTER>4295 4589 1760
<CENTER>325</CENTER>5112 1737 9248
<CENTER>326</CENTER>4428 3344 6832
<CENTER>327</CENTER>5073 2506 5136
<CENTER>328</CENTER>4384 0426 1808
<CENTER>329</CENTER>4857 1601 0928
<CENTER>330</CENTER>4184 0582 0336
<CENTER>331</CENTER>4828 9743 8640
<CENTER>332</CENTER>7139 7663 5312
<CENTER>333</CENTER>4956 4812 2800
<CENTER>334</CENTER>4272 6419 0384
<CENTER>335</CENTER>4917 5580 8688
<CENTER>336</CENTER>4228 3500 5360
<CENTER>337</CENTER>5388 6623 1216
<CENTER>338</CENTER>4694 0855 6976
<CENTER>339</CENTER>5339 0017 5280
<CENTER>340</CENTER>4649 7937 1952
<CENTER>341</CENTER>5466 5085 9440
<CENTER>342</CENTER>4782 6692 7024
<CENTER>343</CENTER>5427 5854 5328
<CENTER>344</CENTER>4738 3774 2000
<CENTER>345</CENTER>5211 4949 1120
<CENTER>346</CENTER>4538 3930 0529
<CENTER>347</CENTER>5138 3091 8833
<CENTER>348</CENTER>4494 1011 5505
<CENTER>349</CENTER>5310 8160 2993
<CENTER>350</CENTER>4626 9767 0577
<CENTER>351</CENTER>5271 8928 8881
<CENTER>352</CENTER>4582 6848 5553
<CENTER>353</CENTER>4368 6075 7937
<CENTER>354</CENTER>5048 4203 7169
<CENTER>353</CENTER>4318 9470 2001
<CENTER>356</CENTER>5004 1285 2145
<CENTER>357</CENTER>4446 4538 6161
<CENTER>358</CENTER>5137 0040 7217
<CENTER>359</CENTER>4407 5307 2049
<CENTER>360</CENTER>5092 7122 2193
<CENTER>361</CENTER>4191 4401 7841
<CENTER>362</CENTER>4892 7278 0721
<CENTER>363</CENTER>4163 2544 5553
<CENTER>364</CENTER>4848 4359 5697
<CENTER>365</CENTER>4290 7612 9713
<CENTER>366</CENTER>4981 3115 0769
<CENTER>367</CENTER>4251 8381 5601
<CENTER>368</CENTER>4937 0196 5745
<CENTER>369</CENTER>4722 9423 8129
<CENTER>370</CENTER>5402 7551 7361
<CENTER>371</CENTER>4673 2818 2193
<CENTER>372</CENTER>5358 4633 2337
<CENTER>373</CENTER>4800 7886 6353
<CENTER>374</CENTER>5491 3388 7409
<CENTER>375</CENTER>4761 8655 2241
<CENTER>376</CENTER>5447 0470 2385
<CENTER>377</CENTER>4545 7749 8033
<CENTER>378</CENTER>5204 1129 3617
<CENTER>379</CENTER>4474 6395 8449
<CENTER>380</CENTER>5159 8210 8593
<CENTER>381</CENTER>4602 1464 2609
<CENTER>382</CENTER>5292 6696 3665
<CENTER>383</CENTER>4563 2232 8497
<CENTER>384</CENTER>5248 4047 8641
<CENTER>385</CENTER>3659 9170 0401
<CENTER>386</CENTER>2965 3402 6161
<CENTER>387</CENTER>3610 2564 4465
<CENTER>388</CENTER>2921 0484 1137
<CENTER>389</CENTER>3737 7632 8625
<CENTER>390</CENTER>3053 9239 6209
<CENTER>391</CENTER>3698 8401 4513
<CENTER>392</CENTER>3009 6321 1185
<CENTER>393</CENTER>3482 7496 0305
<CENTER>394</CENTER>2809 6476 9713
<CENTER>395</CENTER>3454 5638 8017
<CENTER>396</CENTER>2765 3558 4689
<CENTER>397</CENTER>3582 0707 2177
<CENTER>398</CENTER>2898 2313 9761
<CENTER>399</CENTER>3543 1475 8065
<CENTER>400</CENTER>2853 9395 4737
<CENTER>401</CENTER>4014 2518 0593
<CENTER>402</CENTER>3319 6750 6353
<CENTER>403</CENTER>3964 5912 4657
<CENTER>404</CENTER>3275 3832 1329
<CENTER>405</CENTER>4092 0980 8817
<CENTER>406</CENTER>3408 2587 6401
<CENTER>407</CENTER>4053 1749 4705
<CENTER>408</CENTER>3363 9669 1377
<CENTER>409</CENTER>3837 0844 0497
<CENTER>410</CENTER>3163 9824 9910
<CENTER>411</CENTER>3808 8986 8214
<CENTER>412</CENTER>3119 6906 4886
<CENTER>413</CENTER>3936 4055 2374
<CENTER>414</CENTER>3252 5661 9958
<CENTER>415</CENTER>3897 4823 8262
<CENTER>416</CENTER>3208 2743 4934
<CENTER>417</CENTER>2994 1970 7318
<CENTER>418</CENTER>3674 0098 6550
<CENTER>419</CENTER>2944 5365 1382
<CENTER>420</CENTER>3629 7180 1526
<CENTER>421</CENTER>3072 0433 5542
<CENTER>422</CENTER>3762 5935 6598
<CENTER>423</CENTER>3033 1202 1430
<CENTER>424</CENTER>3718 3017 1574
<CENTER>425</CENTER>2817 0296 7222
<CENTER>426</CENTER>3518 3173 0102
<CENTER>427</CENTER>2788 8439 4934
<CENTER>428</CENTER>3474 0254 5078
<CENTER>429</CENTER>2916 3507 9094
<CENTER>430</CENTER>3606 9010 0150
<CENTER>431</CENTER>2877 4276 4982
<CENTER>432</CENTER>3562 6091 5126
<CENTER>433</CENTER>3348 5318 7510
<CENTER>434</CENTER>4028 3446 6742
<CENTER>435</CENTER>3298 8713 1574
<CENTER>436</CENTER>3984 0528 1718
<CENTER>437</CENTER>3426 3781 5734
<CENTER>438</CENTER>4116 9283 6790
<CENTER>439</CENTER>3387 4550 1622
<CENTER>440</CENTER>4072 6365 1766
<CENTER>441</CENTER>3171 3644 7414
<CENTER>442</CENTER>3829 7024 2998
<CENTER>443</CENTER>3100 2290 7830
<CENTER>444</CENTER>3785 4105 7974
<CENTER>445</CENTER>3227 7359 1990
<CENTER>446</CENTER>3918 2861 3046
<CENTER>447</CENTER>3188 8127 7878
<CENTER>448</CENTER>3873 9942 8022
<CENTER>449</CENTER>5034 3065 3878
<CENTER>450</CENTER>4339 7297 9638
<CENTER>451</CENTER>4984 6459 7942
<CENTER>452</CENTER>4295 4379 4614
<CENTER>453</CENTER>5112 1528 2102
<CENTER>454</CENTER>4428 3134 9686
<CENTER>455</CENTER>5073 2296 7990
<CENTER>456</CENTER>4384 0216 4662
<CENTER>457</CENTER>4857 1391 3782
<CENTER>458</CENTER>4184 0372 3190
<CENTER>459</CENTER>4828 9534 1494
<CENTER>460</CENTER>4139 7453 8166
<CENTER>461</CENTER>4956 4602 5654
<CENTER>462</CENTER>4272 6209 3238
<CENTER>463</CENTER>4917 5371 1542
<CENTER>464</CENTER>4228 3290 8214
<CENTER>465</CENTER>5388 6413 4070
<CENTER>466</CENTER>4694 0645 9830
<CENTER>467</CENTER>5338 9807 8134
<CENTER>468</CENTER>4649 7727 4806
<CENTER>469</CENTER>5466 4876 2294
<CENTER>470</CENTER>4782 6482 9878
<CENTER>471</CENTER>5427 5644 8182
<CENTER>472</CENTER>4738 3564 4854
<CENTER>473</CENTER>5211 4739 3974
<CENTER>474</CENTER>4538 3720 3383
<CENTER>475</CENTER>5183 2882 1687
<CENTER>476</CENTER>4494 0801 8359
<CENTER>477</CENTER>5310 7950 5847
<CENTER>478</CENTER>4626 9557 3431
<CENTER>479</CENTER>5271 8719 1735
<CENTER>480</CENTER>4582 6638 8407
<CENTER>481</CENTER>4368 5866 0791
<CENTER>482</CENTER>5048 3994 0023
<CENTER>483</CENTER>4318 9260 4855
<CENTER>484</CENTER>5004 1075 4999
<CENTER>485</CENTER>4446 4328 9015
<CENTER>486</CENTER>5136 9831 0071
<CENTER>487</CENTER>4407 5097 4903
<CENTER>488</CENTER>5092 6912 5047
<CENTER>489</CENTER>4191 4192 0695
<CENTER>490</CENTER>4892 7068 3575
<CENTER>491</CENTER>4163 2334 8407
<CENTER>492</CENTER>4848 4149 8551
<CENTER>493</CENTER>4290 7403 2567
<CENTER>494</CENTER>4981 2905 3623
<CENTER>495</CENTER>4251 8171 8455
<CENTER>496</CENTER>4936 9986 8599
<CENTER>497</CENTER>4722 9214 0983
<CENTER>498</CENTER>5402 7342 0215
<CENTER>499</CENTER>4673 2608 5047
<CENTER>500</CENTER>5358 4423 5191

Mental Sonic
Enable the "Debug Mode" code. Press [B] + [C] during game play. Sonic will go mental, and dash about on the spot, turn upside down, and do other stunts. This can also be done with Tails and Knuckles.

Bungee jump
Enable the "Debug mode" code in the first level. Press [A] to turn upside down, then turn into a big, bouncy mushroom top using [B] and [A]. Move to the top of the screen and place mushroom there. Next, select the green vine pulley object with [B] and [A] and attach it to the mushroom so that it points down. Next, turn into Sonic or another character. You will still be upside down and can float to the mushroom/vine contraption. The upside down character will repeatedly bungee jump off the mushroom while being held by the vine. Press [A] to return to an upright position and land back on the ground. Spin Dash to exit the screen.

Dr. Robotnik in disguise
If you play as Knuckles, and have ever wondered who the weird robot-like boss is that takes the place of Dr. Robotnik, it is actually Robotnik in disguise. He is attempting to kill Knuckles so he can take the Master Emerald for himself. Knuckles only finds out that Robotnik is trying to steal the emerald when he is caught trying to take the emerald in the Hidden Palace zone. (If you are playing as Sonic or Tails, this happens after the battle with Knuckles).

Defeating final Eggman
After becoming Super Sonic, you will find the big ship. Go in front, so that the ship fires missiles. Make the missiles hit the top right part of ship. After hitting it eight times, it will be destroyed. Eggman will jump into a space suit and fly through space. Pace yourself and get plenty of rings. When you have at least fifteen, go forward quickly and hit the Master Emerald. Do this eight times to complete the game.

Sign points
After defeating a Boss, a sign will drop down from the sky where the enemy was defeated. Jump up and hit the sign to get 100 points for each hit. Also, if you let it drop it will sometimes make a ring package or a type of power-up appear from the ground.

White fade
Enable the "Level select" code. Play as any character and go to a special stage. When you pause game play and press [A], the special stage will fade out to white, but Sonic or Knuckles will still be in the special stage for a while.

Glitch: Alternate Boss weapon (when playing as Knuckles)
Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Usually when playing as Sonic or Tails, the Angel Island Act 1 Boss uses a flame attack occasionally. However, if you play as Knuckles and reach this Boss, it will instead fire rockets and use the flame only when Knuckles is at close range.

Glitch: Change Act 1 Boss Music (Zones 1-6, Sonic 3)
When playing Zones 1 to 6 in Sonic The Hedgehog 3, insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the console without using the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge at all. Instead of the Sonic and Knuckles Act 1 Boss music, you hear the Sonic 3 version (a funky rap backbeat with fun-style music). Knuckles' theme music also changes, taking just the beat from the Act 1 Boss songand putting that in instead.

Glitch: Upside down characters
This trick will turn Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles upside-down. Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Enable "Debug mode", select any level, then press [A]. If there is no roof, your character will die. If you want to return to the ground, press [A] again.

Glitch: Blue Knuckles with two tails
Enable the "Level select" code. Choose Tails (02) and choose Sky Sancuary Act 2. Defeat Mecha Super Sonic. After the screen turns white, Sonic and Tails' plane should appear. Sonic will be flying the plane and a blue Knuckles with tails exactly like Tails' can be seen. You can see the tails in the same size when the plane goes away.

Glitch: Blue Sonic and Knuckles
Enable the "Level select" and "Debug mode" codes. Have Knuckles play The Doomsday Zone Act 1. Knuckles will be glitched, but can still be moved like Sonic. After you have completed this stage it should show Knuckles falling as Sonic would, but the Master Emerald will remain. Knuckles will be his normal color, but as he falls towards the plane he will turn a sky blue color -- the same as Sonic, but he has black where his tan fur should be and the plane will be Sonic blue. When the credits start, Knuckles will now be Sonic blue, Sonic the same sky blue and black, but the plane will now be red again. When Knuckles jumps towards the screen, he will turn into Sonic while the original Sonic will turn Super Sonic gold.

Glitch: Knuckles clings to nothing
Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Defeat the fourth boss (Pinbot) and cling to the right wall that disappears as Eggman is leaving. If done correctly, you will be clinging to nothing.

Glitch: Sonic's snowboard run
Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Activate the level select/sound test mode. Then enable the "Debug mode" code. At the Sound Test screen, set the character number to "01" by pressing [C] and choose Ice Cap Zone Act 1. Hold [A] while the level is activating. When Sonic jumps to get on his snowboard, press [A]. The board will fly up from the ground and Sonic will continue to go high up into the air. When he hits a "ceiling" (which is the bottom of the same boarding hill), press [A]. Sonic will drop down to the hill and start boarding again. If you press [A], he will go up until he hits the "ceiling" or until you press [A] again.

Glitch: Quick super Emeralds
Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cartridge into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Collect all Chaos Emeralds, then go to Mushroom Hill Act 1. When you get there, all the super Emeralds will drop. Get three; the green, purple, and the orange ones. When you get them it will tell you that you have them all. You can now go hyper.

Glitch: Continuous invincibility music
When you get an invincibility package, wait until the song is almost over. Then, press [Start] to pause game play. When the game is resumed, the invincibility song will play continuously, even when you are not invincible.

Glitch: Play unlimited bonus stages
Insert any Sega Genesis game (except for the Sonic series) into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. You will be able to play the bonus levels in which you try to get all of the blue balls to get a Chaos Emerald.
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