Shining Force 2 Cheats - Sega Genesis

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Downloadable Shining Force 2 Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Configuration mode
Quickly press [Up], [Down], [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right], [Up], [Right], [Down], [Left], [Up], [B] when the Sega logo appears. Music will confirm correct code entry. Hold [Start] while choosing to begin a new game or continue and character selection. A configuration menu with turbo speed, auto battle, enemy control, and game completion options will be displayed.

Expert mode
Enable the "Configuration mode" code and complete the game. Reset the Genesis and start a new game. Additional difficulty options will be selectable.

Name all characters
Enable the "Configuration mode" code and complete the game. Reset the Genesis and start a new game. Name your character, highlight the "Exit" option on the character name screen, and press [A] + [Start]. Another character will be displayed and can be named. Repeat this process to name all the characters.

Sound test
Enable the "Configuration mode" code and complete the game. Reset the Genesis and start a new game. Highlight a saved game file and quickly hold [Start] + [Up] + [C].

Final Boss battle
Complete the game and wait approximately five minutes when the phrase "The End" is displayed. The phrase "and more...?" will appear. Press [A], [B], or [C] to enter a final battle with all the Bosses.
Hidden ending
Wait a few minutes at the very end of the game, when it shows the jewels and says "Fin". Eventually, the words "And more" will appear up and you will advance into the Nexus to fight every Boss in the game except for the Kraken and Taros (who are replaced by two Mist Demons). This includes Zeon.

Finding Hanzou
As soon as you enter Runefaust/Protectra, search the bush with flowers to find Hanzou.

Before the first fight, go behind the Grans Tower. There is just a ledge there, and you will not be able to see your characters. Face north somewhere along there while searching or pressing [C] to find Mithril.

In Parmicia, when you go to the town where you get May, go to the sand box. Press [C] to search everywhere in it to find Mithril.

Get all four people in Creeds Mansion
Wait until a scene with odd eye appears. Then return to Creeds Mansion. When the remaining three people are spoken to they will ask to go with you. Answer yes to have them join.

Bonus stage
Get the caravan to travel through the rocks and into a field. This is before the field where you reach the mansion. When you approach from the rocky river and pass by the cave where the dwarves are trying to dig through to the other side, use the caravan again to pass through another small rocky river section to reach a wide open field. Look there for a one-square wide patch of slightly lighter green and walk to it. You will find yourself in a type of inn. Find your way around the back of the inn in a clockwise direction starting from the front door. If you succeed, you will find yourself in the right forest of the inn. Keep pressing [Right] along the screen and you will enter a special timed bonus stage, which does record your time. In it, you must kill the blob in the shortest time possible. This stage is great for characters that need to acquire experience.

Easy levels
Enable the "Configuration mode" code to control the enemies in the battle just before entering Creed's mansion. Make the person drop the Protect Ring. You can do this as many times as desired if you egress from the battle and buy it from the specials shop. Use it on five separate characters at once, needing only 100 experience points to level up. You only need to do it four times to level up.

Easy levels for Sheela
When you are in the battle with Odd Eye have Sheela cast Boost 2 on the group at the start of the battle. Be sure not to move anyone, and have her cast it as many times as she can. Then, leave the battle, return, and repeat the process as many times as desired. Each time should raise her level anywhere from one to four times, depending on how high your MP is. The process can also be used with any other person who knows Boost, such as Sarah.

Higins Spell for Slade
Slade must be equipped with the Chirup Sandals at the battle in Matula's Temple in order to get this spell.

Unstoppable healer
Unlike in the original Shining Force, when a healer (Monk or Priest) casts the healing spell they will get on average 10 experience points. You can use this to your advantage to get all of your healers up to level 40 with a bit of time, then promote them and get them to level 99 where they will all have Attack, Defense, and HP with ?? (above 100). You can make a powerful team of characters where just one of them alone can take on an entire last battle by themselves and kill Zeon very quickly. You can also get Sarah with the Powerball and make her an all-out powerhouse who takes very little damage and deals about 80-120 damage per hit, depending on who you are fighting.
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