Revolution X Cheats - Sega Genesis

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Downloadable Revolution X Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Unlimited Discs
To get unlimited Discs keep collecting them until you have 999. Keep collecting and you will have unlimited Discs. Note: This effect only lasts awhile, but can be repeated to have unlimited Discs again.
Destroy the Sign
On the section where somebody is hurling grenades at you from behind the company sign, just destroy the sign. It will fall on him.

Centipede Monster
In the area where the Centipede Monster appears, keep it at bay by firing at its head until it arrives at the bridge. The bridge is supported by two wooden posts at each end; use CDs to knock down either the fore or aft posts and Centipede will fall along with the bridge.
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