Mortal Kombat 2 Cheats - Sega Genesis

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Downloadable Mortal Kombat 2 Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
All characters and modes
Press [B]x2, [C], [Right], [A], [Left], [A], [Down], [C], [Right], [A], [Left], [A], [Down] at the start menu. A new menu option will appear.

Test mode
Enter the options menu and highlight the "Done" selection. Press [Left], [Down], [Left], [Right], [Down], [Right], [Left]x2, [Right]x2. A "Test Mode" option will appear to confirm correct code entry.

Fight against Jade
You must be on the square before the "?" square. Defeat your opponent using only the D-Pad and [LK]. Jade will be the next opponent. If done correctly, you will advance to the Blue Portal to fight Jade, an enhanced version of Kitana.

Fight against Noob
Win 25 consecutive matches in two player mode. The phrase "Incredible winning streak! A new warrior awaits you." will appear. You will advance to the Blue Portal to fight Noob, a shadow of a ninja that only uses the Spear as a special move.

Fight against Smoke
Execute Upper Cuts on the Red Portal stage until Dan Forden appears. Quickly press [Up] + [Start] to teleport to the Blue Portal (Goro's Lair) to fight Smoke (an enhanced version of Scorpion).

Random fighter
Hold [Up] and press [Start] at the character selection screen.

Monster programmer picture
Enable the "Test mode" code. Every time you do an uppercut that normally causes Dan Forden to appear and say "Toasty" will instead display picture of him drawn by his 6 year old brother.

Pong mini-game
Win 250 consecutive matches.

Enable the "Test mode" code and set the background to "6" and enable the "Ooh Nasty" option. Select Rayden as your character. Win the match by pressing [Away]x3, [Block].

More time to use fatalities
Press [Up]x2, [Left], [Up], [Down] + [Select] at the character selection screen.
Baraka: Fatality
When the "Finish Him" or "Finish Her" message appears, take one step away from your opponent. Then, press [Away], [Away] + [Punch]. Note: This combo is for a three-button controller.

Baraka: Head Slice fatality
Note: This move requires a 6-button controller. Press [Back]x4, [HP] when close.

Baraka: Stab fatality
Note: This move requires a 6-button controller. Press [Back], [Forward], [Down], [Forward], [LP] when close.

Jax: Head Pop fatality
Note: This move requires a 6-button controller. Hold [LP] then press [Forward]x3 and release [LP] when close.

Jax: Arm Rip fatality
Note: This move requires a 6-button controller. At two steps away, press [BLK]x4, [LP].

Johnny Cage: Torso Rip fatality
Note: This move requires a 6-button controller. Go in close and press [Down]x2, [Forward]x2, [LP].

Johnny Cage: Head Pop fatality
Note: This move requires a 6-button controller. Go in close and press [Forward]x2, [Down], [Up]. (For three heads, when the screen goes dark hold [Down] + [LP] + [LK]).

Kitana: Fan Decapitation fatality
Note: This move requires a 6-button controller. Stand close and press [BLK]x3, [HK].

Kitana: Kiss Of Death fatality
Note: This move requires a 6-button controller. Hold [LK] and press [Forward]x2, [Down], [Forward] then release [LK].

Kung Lao: Hat Slice fatality
Note: This move requires a 6-button controller. Get five steps away and press [Forward]x4, [LK].

Kung Lao: Head Slice fatality
Note: This move requires a 6-button controller. Get a full screen distance and hold [LP] and press [Back], [Forward], then release [LP].

Lui Kang: Cartwheel Uppercut fatality
Note: This move requires a 6-button controller. Hold [Block] and rotate the D-Pad in two full circles away from your opponent.

Lui Kang: Dragon fatality
Note: This move requires a 6-button controller. Stand one step away and press [Down], [Forward], [Back]x2, [HK].

Mileena: Sai Stab fatality
Note: This move requires a 6-button controller. Go in close and press [Forward], [Back], [Forward], [LP].

Mileena: Bone Spit fatality
Note: This move requires a 6-button controller. Hold [HK] for three seconds then release.

Mileena: Babality
Note: This move requires a 6-button controller. Stand one step away when finishing your opponent, then press [Down] + [C].

Rayden: Uppercut fatality
Note: This move requires a 6-button controller. Hold [HP] for ten seconds then release when close.

Rayden: Shock fatality
Note: This move requires a 6-button controller. Hold [LK] for five seconds, stand close, release [LK] and then repeatedly and simultaneously press [BLK] + [LK].

Reptile: Head Eat fatality
Note: This move requires a 6-button controller. At half screen, press [Back]x2, [Down], [LP].

Reptile: Invisible Slice fatality
Note: This move requires a 6-button controller. Press [Up]x2, [Down], [HP] to turn invisible, then press [Forward]x2, [Down], [HK]

Scorpion: Toasty fatality
From anywhere, hold [BLK] and press [Down]x2, [Up]x2, release [BLK], and press [HP].

Scorpion: Cut opponent in half
Hold [C] and walk up to your opponent to cut them in half.

Scorpion: Spear Slice fatality
Note: This move requires a 6-button controller. Hold [HP], then press [Down], [Forward]x3, then release [HP] when close.

Scorpion: Toasty From Sweep
Note: This move requires a 6-button controller. Hold [BLK] then press [Up]x2, [HP].

Scorpion: Toasty From Anywhere
Note: This move requires a 6-button controller. Hold [BLK], then press [Down]x2, [Up]x2, [HP].

Shang Tsung: Inner Ear fatality
Get within sweeping distance of opponent, then hold [HK] for three to five seconds. Release the button to execute Shang Tsung's Blow Up Fatality.

Shang Tsung: Kintaro Punch fatality
Note: This move requires a 6-button controller. Hold [Low Kick] for the entire round (at least 25 seconds). When the "Finish Him" message appears, release [Low Kick] at a close distance.

Enable the one hit kill cheat in the test mode menu. In round two, hold [HP] for 30 seconds then hit the opponent while still holding the button. When the "Finish Him" message appears, move into sweep range and release [HP].

Shang Tsung: Soul Steal fatality
Note: This move requires a 6-button controller. Take a step away from your opponent when the "Finish Him" message appears. Then, hold [Block] and press [Up], [Down], [Up], [Low Kick].

Sub-Zero: Deep Freeze fatality
Note: This move requires a 6-button controller. For the freeze press [Forward]x2, [Down], [HK]. For the punch press [Forward], [Down], [Forward]x2, [HP].

Sub-Zero: Ice Ball fatality
Note: This move requires a 6-button controller. Go a full screen distance then hold [LP] and press [Back]x2, [Down], [Forward] then release [LP].

Male ninjas: Stage fatality
When in close, press [Down], [Forward]x2, [BLK].

Dead Pool fatality
This fatality works for every selectable character in the game. It will only work on the Dead Pool stage. However, it works differently depending on the type of controller you are using. When using the standard controller, hold [B] + [C], get close to your opponent, hold [Down], then press [A]. When using the six-button controller, hold [A] + [C], get close to your opponent, hold [Down], then press [X]. Either way, your opponent will be knocked into the acid in the background and will float off of the screen as a skeleton.

Fall off spikes
Uppercut opponents onto spikes under BG 2, then hold [Down] + [LP]. They will fall off of the spikes.

Ignored by CPU opponents
When fighting against the CPU, jump and kick your opponent from a good distance away. Now, while your opponent is getting up, go back a few steps, then jump and kick your opponent again. For some reason, the CPU will not move or block, and will allow you to continue doing this. This is especially useful against cheap fighters like Baraka, Liu Kang, and Mileena.

Glitch: The Spoiled Man
Use the following trick to turn Shao Kahn into "The Spoiled Man". Enable the "Test mode" code, check off "No damage to player one", and select "Done". Fight to the finish with any character until you reach Shao Kahn. Defeat Shao Kahn in the first two matches. The game will tell you about the character used to defeat him. Then Shao Kahn will be a spoiled man and want another match. Hit him once, and he will stand there, acting as if he is going to blow up. Stand there until time is up. He will want another match. Defeat him in round five. Once you give him the last hit that kills him, the game will stop for a split second before the game over message appears.

Glitch: Johnny Cage: Green ball
Have both fighters at the extreme opposite sides of each other (backs against the wall and cannot move back any further). Then, continue to throw several consecutive high green ball attacks. Soon after, the "shadows" behind the green ball will disappear. Also, as an added effect, the shadow kick/uppercut will only have one shadow instead of several. This trick can also be done with Shang Tsung morphed as Johnny Cage. Note: This is best done with two controllers, so that the other fighter is just standing there. Also, when the other fighter is about to die, you will have unlimited fatality time. However, the game will have to be restarted, as you will not continue to the next match.
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