Dragon Ball Z Cheats - Sega Genesis

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Downloadable Dragon Ball Z Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Primary Collection of Cheats
Turbo mode
Hold [A] + [B] on controller one and power on the Genesis. While holding the buttons, press [Start] when Gokou appears over the other characters. The sky will turn orange to confirm correct code entry.

Random character
Note: This code requires a six-button controller. Press [X] on the character selection screen.

Hidden characters
Press [A]x2, [B], [C] to unlock Ginyu Force and other characters.

In-game reset
Hold [A] + [B] + [C] and press [Start] during game play.
Cell: Kame Hame Ha
Go as far as you can in the stage (at least half), then press [Forward], [Down], [Back], [A].

Cell: Maecancosapo
Go as far as you can in the stage (at least half), then press [Forward], [Down] [Back], [A]. Note: Do this two times.

Freeza: Destroy attack
Go as far as you can in the stage (at least half), then press [Back], [Down], [Forward], [A]. Note: It is possible that you can make the super attack or the normal attack.

Ginyu: Body Change
Get your opponent to attack you until you are on one-fifth life and full power. Go as far as you can in the area (at least half of the entire area) as if you were using a Super KI Blast. Then, press [Back], [Down], [Forward], [Back], [B].

Goku: Kame Hame Ha
Go as far as you can in the stage (at least half), then press [Forward], [Down], [Back], [A].

Goku: KayoKen
Press [Back], [Forward], [A].

Goku: Small ray
Press [Forward], [Back], [A].

Krilin: KayoKen
Press [Forward], [Back], [A].

Krilin: Voaltaren
Go as far as you can in the stage (at least half), then press [Back], [Down], [Forward], [A]. Note: It is possible that you can make the super attack or the normal attack.

N 18: Super Fire attack
Go as far as you can in the stage (at least half), then press [Forward], [Down], [Back], [A]. Note: It is possible that you can make the super attack or the normal attack.

Recoom: Limited invincibility
Press [Forward], [Back], [Forward], [B] during a match and he should do his pose. If done correctly, he should be invincible temporarily.

Recoom: Mouth attack
Go as far as you can in the stage (at least half), then press [Forward], [Down], [Back], [A]. Note: It is possible that you can make the super attack or the normal attack.

Vegeta: Big Bang
Go as far as you can in the stage (at least half), then press [Back], [Down], [Forward], [A].

Down Kick
Press [Forward], [Down], [Back], [B] with any character.

Finger Ray
Press [Back], [Forward], [A] as N 18, Cell, Freeza or Piccolo.

Multiple blast
Hold [Down] for three seconds, then press [Left], [Right], [A].

When a blast comes against you, wait that the image divides then quickly press [Down], [Up], [Down], [Forward], [Back] one or two seconds later.

Allow a CPU vs. CPU match to remain paused for approximately five minutes. A monkey will appear on the screen.
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