Cyberball Cheats - Sega Genesis

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 All cheats for this game by platform: Sega Genesis

Downloadable Cyberball Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
View ending sequence
Enter "CGBB B8FB BB2V" as a password to view the Chicago Killers as champions.

Select Cyberbowl team
Enter the first character from the following table and place it in the first blank space in the base password. Enter the second character in the second blank space. For example, enter "T5BB B5PS IH6X" to play as Atlanta against Boston.

<TD COLSPAN=3 WIDTH=738>"_5BB B5PS IH_X" base password<TD COLSPAN=3 WIDTH=738>"_5BB B5PS IB_X" base password<TD COLSPAN=3 WIDTH=738>"_5BB B5PS IB_I" base password
AtlantaT - 6Boston
Boston5 - DWashington
ChicagoC - PBoston
Cleveland7 - UBoston
DallasL - 4Boston
Denver8 - GBoston
DetroitH - 7Washington
IndianapolisK - 3Boston
Las VegasS - 8Atlanta
Los Angeles6 - AWashington
MiamiM - JBoston
MinnesotaP - EWashington
New EnglandN - RWashington
New OrleansA - 9Washington
PhiladelphiaG - SWashington
Phoenix9 - NWashington
PittsburghE - 5Washington
San DiegoD - FBoston
San FranciscoU - HBoston
Tampa BayR - TBoston
WashingtonF - CBoston
BuffaloJ - 6Tampa Bay
Houston4 - ALas Vegas
St. Louis3 - YTampa Bay
Cincinnati2 - VTampa Bay
New YorkO - BLas Vegas
PortlandZ - XLas Vegas
SeattleY - ITampa Bay
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