Zatch Bell! Mamodo Battles Cheats - GameCube

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Play as Zeno and Dufort
Press [Up]x2, [Down]x2, [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right], [B], [A] at the title screen.

Play as Zeno and Dufort in story mode
Press [Up]x2, [Down]x2, [Right], [Left], [Right], [A], [B] at the title screen.

Play as Laila and Albert
Enter "UCKAHEIT" as a password.
Unlock Maestro
You must win mode Time Attack mode at least 300 times. Then, Maestro will challenge you. Defeat him and he will be unlocked as a playable character.

Unlock Zeon/Deufo
Complete Zeon's Story Mode.

Password mode
Defeat the first ten opponents in Zatch Bell's story line to unlock the password option in the Bonus section.

Play as Laila and Albert
Buy all Event cards in bonus mode. To unlock Leila and Albert (waking), buy all Partner cards in bonus mode.

Play as Milordo-Z and Koko
Buy all Spell cards in bonus mode.

Play as Dr. Riddles and Kido
Defeat Mr. Riddles and Kido in any story mode.

Play as Ponygon
To unlock Ponygon, you must first get the powered-up version of Brago and Sherry in Zeno's story. To do this, after defeating Brago and Sherry in Zeno's story, go to the park. Defeat powered up Brago/Sherry, who are encountered randomly. Then, complete Zenos story, which will unlock powered up Brago/Sherry. Afterwards, use powered up Brago in time attack mode on normal opponents, and not the powered up version if you have it. The last level you do should be Ponygon. Defeat him, and at the end of time attack mode, you should unlock him. Ponygon has no spells. If you try to use one, a "?" will appear on his head.

Alternately, complete Time Attack mode with any character. Getting the powered-up version of a character helps.

To play as Ponygon, reach him in Time Attack mode in under eight minutes and defeat him.

Play as Victoream and Mohawk Ace
Buy all Mamodo cards in bonus mode.

Play as Wonrei and Li-En
Defeat Wonrei and Li-En in story mode.

Powered up forms
To get in a powered up form you must win the first two rounds.

Powered up Bari
Complete Power-Up Time Attack mode as a powered-up character with a time less than 8:00.

Powered up Brago
Complete level 52 (Don't Disappoint Me) in Zeno's story line, then go to Mochinoki Park.

Powered up Kanchome
Defeat Kanchome two times, Brago once, and Bari once in Tia's story line, then go to the Circus Tent.

Powered up Kido
Complete Zatch's story mode. Then, go back into his story and go to Mochinoki Park. He is not very difficult, but he counters frequently.

Powered up Laila
Successfully complete Power-Up Time Attack mode as normal Laila.

Powered up Waking Laila
Successfully complete Power-Up Time Attack mode as normal Waking Laila.

Powered up Milordo-Z
Successfully complete Power-Up Time Attack mode as normal Milordo-Z.

Powered up Ponygon
Defeat Ponygon at Mochinoki Park and Kanchome at the Department Store. Then, go to Mochinoki Middle School.

Powered up Tia
In Kanchome's story mode, defeat Ponygon at the Park. Then go to the Quarry. Folgore should say "Look, a Mamodo!". Tia is the easiest powered up character to get.

Powered up Victoream
Successfully complete Power-Up Time Attack mode as normal Victoream.

Powered up Wonrei
Play as Wonrei in story mode. After defeating Zatch at London Suburbs, go to Fairy Woods. Powered up Wonrei is fast, but besides that is easy to defeat.

Powered up Zatch
To find powered up Zatch, as Kanchome defeat Ponygon at the Park. Then immediately go to the river bed. He is semi-difficult.

Powered-up Zeno and Dufort
When playing Zatch's story mode, after you defeat Ponygon at Fairywoods, go back. Zatch should say, "Hey, who are you?". You will then fight a powered-up Zeno. If you lose, you can go back. This battle is very difficult.

Powered up Zofis and Bari
Complete Powered Up mode in Time Attack for the first time. To get Powered Up mode, defeat powered up Zatch.
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