Wreckless Cheats - GameCube

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat mode
At the scenario selection screen, select "Cheats". Highlight the "Unlimited Time" option, then hold down [L] + [R] + [Right] and press [Z]. All missions and cheats will be unlocked.

Gold rank on all missions
Highlight the "Unlimited time" option at the main menu then press [L] + [R] + [Right] + [Z] as the game loads.

Missions A-2 to A-4
Successfully complete mission A-1.

Missions B-2 to B-4
Successfully complete mission B-1.

Successfully complete mission A-9.

Dragon-SPL Car
Successfully complete mission A-1.

Super Car
Successfully complete mission B-1.

Successfully complete mission B-8.

Successfully complete mission A-8 to unlock the car that Tiger Tagachi drives.

Yakuza Car
Successfully complete mission B-9.

Music test
Successfully complete all twenty missions to unlock the "Music Test" selection at the options screen.

Alternate view
Press [Down] to cycle through different screen effects during game play and replays. To unlock more effects, successfully complete missions A-9, A-10, B-9, and B-10.
Additional Hidden vehicles
The hidden vehicles in the game can be found by locating the "?" on the map in four different missions. Mission A-4 has the police truck. Mission A-7 has the taxi. Mission B-2 has the armored security van. Mission B-3 has the monster truck. Other vehicles are found by completing the missions, everything from sports cars to a tank after mission B-9.

Mission A-4: Police truck
Successfully complete the missions to unlock the tank. At the start of the mission, turn left as soon as you begin and follow the path until you see some road blocks. Turn left and go as fast as you can on the path leading up on the right. Get over the wall by driving off the dirt wall at high speed. Once there you will see a drop-off. Drive the tank so you fall down it. Move forward slightly when you get to the bottom. Turn your turret to the left and fire. Make sure to hit the Police truck with your rocket. Then, return to where you fell and press the button for the lift. The lift will rise to the top. Find the dump truck and shoot it. Then, make your way up to the top of that structure. Wait until you are on the inclines before you shoot the Yakuza cars.

Mission B-2: Shortcut
When you get to the gas station, go straight across instead of around the park.

Mission B-3: Monster truck
In this mission, you have to rescue the professor from the dump truck. On your map you will see a green "?". If you can get to that location, you will find the monster truck.. At the very start of the mission, you will be behind the dump truck. Go to your right and launch yourself off of that edge into the back of the truck. That is the first hit -- you need four hits total to destroy the truck. After the first hit, drive back to where you started and take the U-turn. Follow the road down to the bottom and do a 180 turn by sliding. You should now see a fork in the road. The path to the left is where you just came from. You need to take the path on the right at full speed and run into the wall. This should catapult you up to a little grassy area Once there, you need to find the blue-looking ramp up to the elevator shaft (the elevator is on the bottom floor). Do a graceful dismount with your car straight down the elevator shaft. Poke around down here to find the monster truck. When you see the truck, ram into it. You now need to get back on the elevatorand go to the top. If timed correctly, the dump truck should be making a pass in front of the edge of the end of the grass area that you are now on. Take a run at him as he goes by from left to right. You will bounce off him and back on to the grass. Put it in reverse and take another charge at him when he goes by from right to left (that should be three hits total). You should be back to where the level started. Hit him again from where you hit him the first time. He will explode and the professor will bolt for the helipad. Go towards the helipad, but instead of taking all those ramps to the top, drive around the base and find the elevator. At the top, go across by dodging the two cars attacking you and take that elevator to the top. Get the briefcase and find the helipad. Note: Do not forget to watch your time.

To get the monster truck, go left on the street in front of you. Then, go right on the next street. Go halfway down, turn around, and get to the right sidewalk. Drive full speed into the jump at the end. When you get to the top, keep going but slow down. Go through the glass and slightly to the right is the monster truck. Hit it, then go through the glass in front of you. Then, find the Dim Stands as usual.

Mission B-4: Getting the Police truck
An easier way to get the Police truck instead of jumping the hill is to follow the path to the left all the way around. Then, go up the other path until it ends and turn left. You should see an opening in the overpass with a small grassy area. Go through it and turn right until you reach the dropoff, then get the Police truck as you normally would.

Mission B-10: Shortcut
In this mission you must deliver packs of blood to a hospital. At the beginning of the level, it would seem that you should take the left road that goes with traffic. However, you should really go is right, against the traffic. At the end of this road, go slightly to the right onto a ramp going upwards. Follow this ramp and at the end, stick to the right. Follow the street and when the road turns left, look to your right to find a small road. Take that until you get to an intersection. Take a right and follow the arrows. This saves about 20 to 25 seconds. This also helps you avoid some Yakuza cars. Keep following all of the red arrows until you reach a steep hill. When you get to the top, keep going straight. It looks as if you were going to run straight into a wall. However, the wall collapses and you will go upwards on some stairs. Just at the end of the shortcut, a car drives straight at you. Turn hard left and you should be able to miss him. This saves about 10 to 15 seconds. Then, just keep following the roads until you reach the hospital.

Use any car on any mission
After unlocking all the cars you can cycle through them from both scenarios on any mission. Just scroll past one set to get to the second. Be careful, as in some missions the car you choose affects the opponent you will face.
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