The Sims 2: Pets Cheats - GameCube

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Downloadable The Sims 2: Pets Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
10,000 Additional Simoleons
Enable the "Cheat Gnome" code, then enter the code below while playing the game. An option to advance time by six hours will now appear on the Cheat Gnome. Select the Cheat Gnome, then cancel the selection. Enter the code again. A "Give Sim Simoleons" option should now appear.

[Up], [Left], [Down], [Right], [R] - 10,000 Additional Simoleons

Advance Clock 6 Hours
Enable the "Cheat Gnome" code. Then enter this one.

[Up], [Left], [Down], [Right], [R] - An option to advance time by six hours will now appear on the Cheat Gnome.

Cheat Gnome
Any time during gameplay press the following butons in succesion to get the corresponding effect.

[L]x2, [R], [A]x2, [D-pad Up] - Cheat Gnome
Another Set of Cheats for This Game
Passwords: Pet Codes
At the codes screen under the "Game Options" menu, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:

ZZZ11ZZZ9Q11Q91ZB1A - Black Dot Cats
ZZZ11ZZQHZ11Q91ZB1A - Black Dot Dogs
ZZZ11ZZQ9Z1AQ91ZB1A - Black Smiley Cats
ZZZ11ZZZ9QAAQ91ZB1A - Black Smiley Dogs
ZZZ11ZZQHZAAQ91ZB1A - Blue Bones Cats
ZZZ11ZZZHZ11Z91ZB1A - Blue Bones Dogs
ZZZ11ZZZHQ11Q91ZB1A - Blue Camouflage Cats
ZZZ11ZZZHZ1AQ91ZB1A - Blue Camouflage Dogs
ZZZ11ZZQ9Z11Z91ZB1A - Blue Star Cats
ZZZ11ZZQHQ11Q91ZB1A - Blue Star Dogs
ZZZ11ZZZ9ZA1Q91ZB1A - Green Flower Cats
ZZZ11ZZQHZ1AQ91ZB1A - Green Flower Dogs
ZZZ11ZZZ9Z11Q91ZB1A - Navy Heart Cats
ZZZ11ZZQ9Z11Q91ZB1A - Navy Heart Dogs
ZZZ11ZZQ9ZA1Q91ZB1A - Orange Diagonal Cats
ZZZ11ZZZ9Z11Z91ZB1A - Orange Diagonal Dogs
ZZZ11ZZQ9QAAQ91ZB1A - Pink Vertical Strip Cats
ZZZ11ZZZHZA1Q91ZB1A - Pink Vertical Strip Dogs
ZZZ11ZZQ9Q1AQ91ZB1A - White Paws Cats
ZZZ11ZZZ9Q11Z91ZB1A - White Paws Cats

Passwords: Pet Fur Codes
When you go to the store in the town square you can put in an unlock code:

ZZZ11ZZQ9Q1AQ91ZB1A - White Paws Cats
ZZZ11ZZQ9QAAQ91ZB1A - Pink Vertical Strip Cats
ZZZ11ZZQ9Z11Q91ZB1A - Navy Heart Dogs
ZZZ11ZZQ9Z11Z91ZB1A - Blue Star Cats
ZZZ11ZZQ9Z1AQ91ZB1A - Black Smiley Cats
ZZZ11ZZQ9ZA1Q91ZB1A - Orange Diagonal Cats
ZZZ11ZZQHQ11Q91ZB1A - Blue Star Dogs
ZZZ11ZZQHZ11Q91ZB1A - Black Dot Dogs
ZZZ11ZZQHZ1AQ91ZB1A - Green Flower Dogs
ZZZ11ZZQHZAAQ91ZB1A - Blue Bones Cats
ZZZ11ZZZ9Q11Q91ZB1A - Black Dot Cats
ZZZ11ZZZ9Q11Z91ZB1A - White Paws Cats
ZZZ11ZZZ9QAAQ91ZB1A - Black Smiley Dogs
ZZZ11ZZZ9Z11Q91ZB1A - Navy Heart Cats
ZZZ11ZZZ9Z11Z91ZB1A - Orange Diagonal Dogs
ZZZ11ZZZ9ZA1Q91ZB1A - Green Flower Cats
ZZZ11ZZZHQ11Q91ZB1A - Blue Camouflage Cats
ZZZ11ZZZHZ11Z91ZB1A - Blue Bones Dogs
ZZZ11ZZZHZ1AQ91ZB1A - Blue Camouflage Dogs
ZZZ11ZZZHZA1Q91ZB1A - Pink Vertical Strip Dogs
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