Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3: Mutant Nightmare Cheats - GameCube

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Use the following key when entering passwords:

L: Leonardo
M: Michaelangelo
D: Donatello
R: Raphael
S: Shredder

Enter the following codes at the password screen:

MDLDSSLR - Invincibility
LMDRRMSR - Unlimited Shuriken
LLMSRDMS - Shuriken Loser (Shuriken will no longer be available)
DMLDMRLD - Endurance (Healing items will no longer be available)
SLLMRSLD - Sushi Party (All healing items will be into Temaki Sushi)
LDMSLRDD - Instant Death (One enemy hit will kill the turtles)
MSRLSMML - Enemies 2X Power
SLRMLSSM - Enemies 2X Defense
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Turtles In Time mini-game
Complete all sixteen missions in Episode 1.

Nightmare episodes
Successfully complete the Episodes 1, 2, and 3.

Final Nightmare episode
Successfully complete all Nightmare episodes.

Free Mode Area 12 and 13
Successfully complete the Final Nightmare episode.

Score Attack mode
Complete Mission 6 Episode 1.

Time Attack mode
Complete Score Attack mode.

Ultimate Turtle Scroll
Successfully complete Free Mode 12 and 13.

Movie Viewer option
Collect any DVD.

April O'Neil movie
Collect the DVD in Free Battle Mission 1.

Fugitoid movie
Collect the DVD in Free Battle Mission 3.

Hover Board movie
Collect the DVD in Mission 5 Episode 1.

Traximus movie
Find the DVD in Mission 8 Episode 1.

Free Battle Arena 1
Complete Mission 1 Episode 1.

Free Battle Arena 2
Complete Mission 5 Episode 1.

Free Battle Arena 3
Complete Mission 10 Episode 1.
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