Super Smash Brothers: Melee Cheats - GameCube

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Downloadable Super Smash Brothers: Melee Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Rotate menu screens
On all menus screen (including the character selection screen), move the [C-stick] in any direction to rotate the screen in three dimensions.

Glitch: Flying Bowser
Start the game with one player as Zelda or Mewtwo and the other player as Bowser. Go to the bottom half of the stage, and start pounding at Bowser until he gets to about 300%. Next, have Bowser jump over Zelda or Mewtwo, and have Zelda or Mewtwo use their Smash Up [A] attack. Bowser should be taking a massive amount of damage in that smash. Then as he begins his really fast ascension to the ceiling covering the bottom part, have Bowser quickly use a Wall Recovery (press [L] or [R] just before you hit the wall). If done correctly, Bowser should be flying for about six seconds, allowing him to attack, and do anything desired. Basically Bowser is being smashed into whatever his head touches -- if you move him out of the ceiling area covering the bottom half of Hyrule temple, he will actually fly away into a death.

Glitch: Tingle does not drown
In the Termina Bay stage, when you pop Tingle's balloon he falls to the ground. Usually he is on solid ground, but occasionally he is over the turtle. Pop his balloon and he will drown, but return to life again.

Glitch: Dancing Mewtwos
Select three Mewtwos in training mode and go to the stage with three bricks. Make them walk, then push them into the bricks. Do not touch them and they should start dancing.

Glitch: Floating Peach
Play as Peach on the Corneria stage. Go to the top of the airship, and immediately quickly press [Left] and [Right] alternately. If done correctly, Peach should float. She will do this until she dies or gets hit with an item.

Glitch: Floating Pokemon
Start a game in the Fourside stage. Pick up a Pokeball and wait for the UFO to appear. Once it appears, wait about fifteen seconds, then throw the Pokeball down onto it. When the UFO disappears, the Pokemon will be floating in mid-air.

Glitch: Toad bigger than Peach
You can make Toad (Peache's [B] move) bigger than Peach. First, either play as Peach in Giant Melee, or get a super mushroom as Peach. When someone hits you with something (for example, Doctor Mario's [B] move for the pill), Toad will grow bigger than her. Try playing Giant Melee with a super mushroom then hit Toad. He will become huge.

Glitch: Spinning Pichu
Go to training mode. Select Pichu as a training partner. Select the Yoshi's Story stage and begin. Set the Pichus on walk. Once they get on the block, push them and it will start spinning until you hit them off.

Glitch: Announcer mistakes
Play as Zelda and turn to Sheik before the announcer says "GO". After the beginning of the fight, turn into Zelda and win the fight. If done correctly, the announcer will say "This game's winner is Sheik!", but Zelda will be doing the victory dance.

Glitch: No character at ending scene
Play as Mewtwo or Zelda (Shiek) and fight in a versus mode game. Win, and immediately before the final person dies, press [B] + [Up]. They will disappear, then it will say "Game" with no one on the screen.

Glitch: Floating weapon
Select Yoshi, and put all items on. Go to a level and wait for an item that you can hold on to appear (not food or bunny hood). Turn on your Egg Shield by holding [Z] and pausing the game. if done correctly, the item will be hovering in front of the egg.

Glitch: Floating character
Go to training mode and press [Start]. Hold the [A] button over "Reset". You will keep resetting but actually float.

Glitch: Frozen opponent
Play in training mode and select Mewtwo. Choose Bowser or Donkey Kong as your enemy on battlefield and make a red shell. Mewtwo must be under the left platform. Bowser/Donkey Kong must be on the left platform. Mewtwo must have the red shell. Throw the red shell and use [Forward] + [B] on the red shell five times. Have Bowser/Donkey Kong drop through the platform. Use [Forward] + [B] on the red shell a sixth time. If done correctly, Bowser/Donkey Kong will be stuck to you. Make another CPU opponent and on either edge of either platform, grab the opponent that is not stuck to you and throw down. If done correctly, the opponent that was not stuck to you will be frozen. For an infinite combo, do the above then do a Shadow Ball next to the frozen opponent. This will rack up combos. Set the game speed to 2x and after you get 32767 combos with this, the consecutive hits counter will be at 900.

Glitch: Frozen game
Go to the Green Greens stage in training mode and wait for all the star boxes to fall. Destroy just the star boxes in the middle, but do not break the bottom one. Once you are standing in the center of the boxes, pause game play and choose the red shell. Lay down as many as you can, then jump straight up and fall on them. As soon as you hit them, the game should freeze. This trick also works with Bomb-boms. This glitch does not work in the Greatest Hits version of the game.

Glitch: Hit through wall
You can often hit an enemy though a wall such as at the middle tower on Princes Peach's castle, the center building on Fourside, and many places on Hyrule Temple.

Glitch: Character through building
Play as Mewtwo and set the damage ratio to 2.0 and CPU to level 1. Go to the Corneria level and run as fast as you can to your opponent. Press [Z] to grab him and throw him straight up. If timed correctly, your opponent will go through a skyscraper. This also works if your trying to rack up versus mode battles.

Glitch: Character through platform
Choose versus mode and select a level 1 CPU opponent with no handicap. Go on top of a platform and tap "Control-stick Down". Pause game play as soon as you tap [Down]. Your player will appear as if he or she is sinking through the platform.

Glitch: Same costumes
Go to a normal melee battle and have player one choose any character. Next, have player two highlight player one's character. Make sure that player two has the costume selected that is just before the costume that player one has. Next, have player one deselect their character and at the same moment have player two change the costume color. If done correctly, you should be able to play against an exact copy of that character.

Glitch: Fox or Falcon communications
Select Fox and Falco in two player mode. Set the time to unlimited and play on the Cornelia or Venom stages. Get them to do a special taunt, and make sure that they do not get hit until the team responds. You will see the communications show Fox or Falco talking, even though they are on the Great Fox fighting themselves or fighting CPU players.

Glitch: Disappearing Fox
In special melee, pick camera mode. Then, choose Fox and any CPU opponent. Start the fight, use Fox's side [B] attack, then take the picture. If done correctly, Fox should be invisible in the picture.

Glitch: Shadow Link's shield
In Event #18 (Link's Adventure), Shadow Link never uses his Shadow Shield only the original (bubble) one.

Glitch: Nana does not die
Choose the Ice Climbers and any stage. Begin to fight. If Nana begins to fall to her doom, use the [B] + [Up] attack. If you are close enough to her, she will magically appear next to you, and do the jump with you.

Glitch: Electrified Ness
When you choose Ness, go to the very edge of either side of a level. Use your PK Thunder and have it hit you on the very top of the head. Ness should then just fall to the ground, but will have electricity coming from his body. You can walk around and it lasts until you use your shield, PSI Magnet, PK Thunder or if you die.

Glitch: Peach stuck in the ground
Play in adventure mode as Peach. When you are about to be teleported, walk to the left. Notice that the farther left that you go, the further down the land goes. Jump into the air and hover. Hover towards the teleporter. On the way, it will appear as if Peach is stuck in the ground.

Glitch: Master Sword trophy description
On the Master Sword trophy, it says that it first appeared in Zelda: Ocarina Of Time, but it actually appeared in Zelda: A Link to the Past .

Glitch: Sound test music in trophy gallery
After you unlock the sound test, go to it and play any track. Do not stop it before returning to the menu screen. Then, go to the trophy gallery and it will play the track you chose at the sound test screen.

Glitch: Dr. Mario sounds
When playing on the Green Greens stage in adventure mode as Dr. Mario against the team of Kirbys, use the Megavitamins ( [B] ) and they will sound like regular Mario's fireballs.

Glitch: Jigglypuff sleeps with eyes open
Play as Jigglypuff on the Fountain Of Dreams stage. Go to the very bottom of the stage, so that you can see your reflection. Put yourself to sleep. Jigglypuffs eyes will be closed, but the reflection's will be opened.

Glitch: Teammate shades
Go to a regular Melee. Switch it to team mode. Pick your character, and for your two teammates select that same character. Make sure they are on the same team. Choose any opponent and make sure that their color is not the same as your team. When the match starts, your character will be a normal shade. One of your partners will be a lighter shade, and the other will be a darker shade. When you win the match, at the winner sequence, all the characters will look the same.

Glitch: Play catch by yourself
Choose any character and select a stage that has a wall you can go through (for example, Corneria). Find a capsule and take it. Go to the wall, and stand about two feet away. Throw the capsule, and it should bounce off and return to you, If timed correctly, you should catch it.

Glitch: Frozen briefly in classic mode
When the Crazy Hand starts to come in on normal mode, pause game play, then press [Start] again. You will be at the normal battle screen again, will not be able to move for a short amount of time.

Glitch: Exploding arrow
Press [B] + [Down] to pick up a bomb. Then, hold [B] while still holding the bomb. The bomb will disappear. After about five seconds you will explode. Note: This does inflict damage.
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