Sonic Heroes Cheats - GameCube

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Two player Special Stage mode
Collect 40 emblems in single player story or challenge mode.

Two player Team Battle mode
Collect 20 emblems in single player story or challenge mode.

Two player Ring Race mode
Collect 60 emblems in single player story or challenge mode.

Two player Bobsled Race mode
Collect 80 emblems in single player story or challenge mode.

Two player Quick Race mode
Collect 100 emblems in single player story or challenge mode.

Two player Expert Race mode
Collect 120 emblems in single player story or challenge mode.

Metallic Team Sonic characters in two player modes
Select a two player mode. Hold [A] + [Y] when making a choice at the character selection screen. Keep the buttons held through the level selection screen and release them when game play begins.

Metallic characters in single player mode
Collect 141 emblems in single player story or challenge mode.

Follow Me song
Successfully complete story mode as Team Rose.

Team Chaotix song
Successfully complete story mode as Team Chaotix.

This Machine song
Successfully complete story mode as Team Dark.

We Can song
Successfully complete story mode as Team Sonic.

Team Chaotix FMV sequence
Successfully complete story mode as Team Chaotix to unlock their FMV sequence in the CG Theater.

Team Dark FMV sequence
Successfully complete story mode as Team Dark to unlock their FMV sequence in the CG Theater.

Team Rose FMV sequence
Successfully complete story mode as Team Rose to unlock their FMV sequence in the CG Theater.

Team Sonic FMV sequence
Successfully complete story mode as Team Sonic to unlock their FMV sequence in the CG Theater.

Super Hard difficulty setting
Successfully complete the game with all "A" ranks and 141 emblems.
Playing final stage in story mode
When you complete one of the story modes, go to the challenge screen. Notice that one of the stages is not there. To play this stage you must get all seven Chaos Emeralds. You can get the Chaos Emeralds by playing the stages before you face the Boss. Get the key for that stage and go to the bonus stage. Then, catch the Chaos Emerald before you get to the end of the bonus stage. Once you get the all seven Chaos Emeralds, you can play the final stage. There is only one Chaos Emerald for each set of levels.

Final battle
Successfully complete the game with everyone to face Dr. Robotnik in one final battle where everyone is combined to defeat him once and for all.

Chaos Emerald bonus stage
Get all of the keys in all of the even-numbered stage (for example, Stage 2: Ocean Palace).

Easy special stages
To easily get the Emerald, use Team Sonic or Team Dark. Use Team Rose if you want to easily get the key.

Final level
When on the last level use Fly formation and keep pressing [A]. It will be an easy win without any damage.

Defeating Egg Emperor
To defeat the Egg Emperor, you have to destroy the shield of the robot. Then, keep attacking the blue/purple circle on the chest until its HP goes to zero.

First, destroy any enemy in your path and collect as many rings as possible, dodging the attacks as you go. When you get to the "arena", destroy all cannons, collect ring containers or balloons, and destroy robots until you have filled your Team Blast. Then, launch it in range of Egg Emperor. Your aftereffect will boost you while you attack. When you have no more of an aftereffect, switch to Flying Formation and continuously press [Action] to launch Thunder Shoot repeatedly to greatly damage him. Repeat this until he is defeated.

Defeating Egg Hawk
Run down the path of rings, avoiding Eggman's fire. The entire battle will have you running around in a giant circle. There are Power Cores in boxes and on the sides of the beaches, but you will not need them to defeat this opponent. When you reach the beach areas, Dr. Eggman will land the plane (if slow enough). He will begin to spin the plane and fire. Change to your Power Formation then attack the right gunner and damage the plane's body. Attack him as much as you can until his HP reach 0.

When the Egg Hawk stops and Eggman says "Initiate rotary attack", use Thunder Shoot on both of the propeller-like things that rotate the Egg Hawk. Then, switch to Power Formation and use the Fire Dunk on the cockpit and the egg hawk will be completely destroyed in a matter of seconds.

If you use Team Attack as Team Dark, Egg Hawk will temporarily freeze, allowing you to get in some attacks.

Defeating Metal Madness
As Team Rose, break one of the boxes to get Team Blast. Get close to him in Power or Fly formation on the edge. Use it, then change to Fly formation attack until you are not invincible. Do the same thing again with the other box, then keep attacking in Fly formation close to him. If you get hit, get back on the stage and avoid the rest of his attacks. Get the rings and try again. Eventually he will lose his 100 HP on that side. Then as Team Chaotix, the color of his weak point changes, and it will not be harmed by that formation (blue impervious to speed, red impervious to power, etc.). First, change to Fly formation and get the balloons above you without getting hit. Get in Power formation, get in the canon on the edge, and fire at the weak point. Note: You will not get hurt in the canon. Do this again until it is red and switch to fly. Do the same thing as Team Rose until it turns yellow. Repeat Power formation and Fly formation until he is defeated. You are now in front of Metal Sonic as Team Dark. First, get the level-ups for all three characters. Rouge's is in the air and the rest are in the boxes. Attack him in this order, according to color of weak point: red fly, blue power, and yellow power. Power formation does the most damage. It is recommended that you first get a few extra lives for each team including Sonic's for the next Boss if you have a problem getting balloons.

The Metal Madness part of the Boss is easy, but is the longest. Every time he shoots three rounds of a crystal attack counter with Homing Attack. If he uses missiles, use Thunder Shoot. If he goes down below the clouds, he will throw a ship at you. To counter, punch the ship. His last attack is Chaos Control. This attack is unavoidable and does not do any damage. The only attack that hurts him is Team Blast. To use it, counter the attacks and most of all check your rings; it still decreases like the other Sonic games while in super mode.

Turn around and break a wooden box to get the Team Blast. Use it to take out a bit of Metal Madness' life and then hit the other box to get the next Team Blast. When the Team Blast gauge goes down (from the last one), use Team Blast again. Metal Madness should be low on life; use Thunder Shoot to finish him off. Once defeated, you will take control of Team Chaotix. Begin by jumping into the cannon to get the Power Cores. Then in Power Formation, get two more Power Cores. The giant Metal Madness will fire at you. Avoid the shots and attack his weak spot. If you look at his weak spot, you will notice that it is a certain color. The color represents the formation. If the color is red, then the Power Formation is useless. Watch the colors and hit him with the correct attacks. When this form is defeated you get to use Team Dark. First, grab the Power Cores. Destroy the boxes on either side to get a red and blue Power Core then fly up to get the yellow cores for Rouge. Attacking him is the same as done with Team Chaotix. Look for which formation is ineffective and attack with the others. You will do more damage if you stick with Omega and Rouge. After this form is Defeated, it is time for the final battle against the Metal Overlord as Team Sonic. Get the Team Blast gauge up as quickly as possible. To do this, you must counter Metal Overlord's attacks. When he uses the crystal attack, use Sonic's speed to crash through them. When he turns around and uses the Spine attack, use Tails to shoot them down. He will dive down and lift a ship from the Egg Fleet as the final attack. Destroy it using Knuckles. Once the Team Blast gauge is filled, use Team Blast. After five of them, Metal Overlord is defeated.

To challenge Metal Sonic, you must get all the Chaos Emeralds and complete the game as all the teams. Then once you go all the way to the right of the team selection screen in story mode and it will say "Last". Select it to start the final story. You fight Metal Sonic as all four teams. You fight Metal Sonic first as Team Rose, then Team Chaotix, then Team Dark, and finally Team Super Sonic. As Team Rose, all you have to do is break the crate behind you when you start. In it you will find a Team Blast icon, which makes you Team Blast go all the way up. After you get this item, use your Team Blast. You will then become invincible for about twenty seconds, which allows you do some damage to Metal Sonic without being damaged by his attacks. After your invincibility ends, break the other crate that is nearby. It should have another Team Blast icon. Use it and defeat him to continue to the next stage. You will now control Team Chaotix. To defeat Metal Sonic, go to the nearby cannon near as Espio. The cannon should shoot you in the air in to an item balloon which gives you a level up orb. This raises Espio's level by 1. After this, dodge Metal Sonic's attacks and go back into the cannon with Charmy as the leader. The cannon should shoot you in the air again and allow you to get to another level up orb, which will raise Charmy's level by 1. Finally, dodge his attacks and get back in the cannon for the last time with Vector as the leader. This will give you as chance to control the direction that the cannon shoots. Point the cannon in the opposite direction of Metal Sonic and you should see two item balloons in the distance. Shoot Espio toward one and Charmy toward the other. Finally, shoot Vector towards the core of Metal Sonic. Then, attack Metal Sonic's core. If the core is red, power-based attacks will not work. If it is yellow, then flying-based attacks will not work. You will now play as Team Dark. Break all the crates on the ground to get Shadow and Omega's levels to go all the way up to 3, then change to Rouge. Fly all the way up and use Thunder Shoot to break all the balloons to raise Rouge's level to 3. Afterwards, attack Metal Sonic's core. If the core is red, power-based attacks will not work. If it is blue, speed-based attacks will not work. If it is yellow, flying-based attacks will not work. Finally, you will play as Team Super Sonic. This battle is extremely easy if done quickly. Use Super Sonic's speed to dodge Metal Sonic's attacks. When Metal Sonic picks up a piece of the Final Fortress and throws it at you, use Knuckles' punches to destroy it. As you continue, collect as many rings as possible. Your ring count will decrease every second from the starting total of fifty. Keep attacking Metal Sonic with Super Sonic's speed to get your Team Blast. The only way to defeat Metal Sonic is to us your Team Blast five times. After the fourth time that Team Blast is used, Metal Sonic will uses Team Dark's Team Blast, which is Chaos Control. This attack stops you from moving for about twenty seconds. Use your Team Blast one more time and Metal Sonic will finally be defeated.

To defeat Metal Overlord, you need to play on his own attacks. If he uses Crystal attack, use Super Sonic and his Homing attack. If he shoots Freezing bullets at you, destroy the bullets with Tails' Thunder Shoot. If he dives down and throws a ship at you, use Knuckles and repeatedly press [B] without jumping. Do all of this until you get a Team Blast. It takes five Team Blasts to defeat Metal Madness.

Hint:-Defeating Team Boss
When you fighting a Team Boss use Blue Tornado on them by choosing the Speed Formation for any Team desired.

Defeating Team Sonic, Chaotix, Dark and Rose
The object of the battle is simple -- knock the other team off the ledge to win. This is very easy. Get as many Power Cores as possible. Then, attack with the Thunder Shoot (while flying) or use the Tornado Jump on top of the characters. Or, use the character that is the Power type and hit them off.

Bingo Highway: Perfect Bingo
Get all of the numbers and you will win about 100 rings (one life). Note: You can do this best as Team Chaotix.

Bingo Highway: Secret room
Just past the big set of springs, fall down the hole. There will be one enemy. Hit the two switches. Note: For one of them you must use Fly formation. After you hit both switches, go back up and you should see a secret room with some rings and a key.

Robot Carnival: Easy lives for Team Chaotix
When you have many robots, use Team Blast and you will have more than 100 rings because Team Chaotix can get rings from every enemy with their Team Blast.

Secret move
After doing a Team Blast, before the words "Team Blast" in the top right corner of the screen disappears, jump and press [B]. You will do something similar to the Light Attack in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle and kill all enemies that were not killed by the Team Blast. This only works if there is an enemy to destroy.

Easy Team Blast
As Team Chaotix, have Espio as the leader then use the Tornado Spin. He will then turn invisible. Then, stand in a place where you will not get hurt or fall down. Keep pressing [Action] to throw as many ninja stars to gain the full Team Blast.

With the Power Formation (Knuckles, Omega, Big, and Vector), jump and repeatedly press [B]. In awhile, you will have Team Blast.

In Flying Formation in any team, hold [Y] + [B]. Your flying member should detach from the other two and make a shock sound. Your Team Blast meter will increase quite a bit. Repeat this as needed. This even works while the bar is flowing down after you use the Team Blast.

Use Knuckles and punch a wall. The Team Blast meter will go up, and eventually you will get one. Note: This might take a few minutes.

To get easy Speed Team Blasts, keep doing Rocket Accel, Throwing Ninja Stars, or use Blue/Black Tornado/Tornado Hammer.

To get easy Power Team Blasts, keep using Fire Dunk, Belly Drop, and general punches.

To get easy Fly Team Blasts, keep using Thunder Shoot, or drop Rings/Fire Cheese/Stinging.

As Team Sonic, after you use Team Blast, switch to Speed Formation. As long as the gauge contains some energy, you can still perform Team Blast with the Sonic Tornado. This is very useful for Egg-Emperor.

Sonic Team Blast
After you do Team Blast, jump with Sonic and press [B]. He will do the homing attack.

Team Sonic's Team Blast is controllable. Move the D-Pad to move Sonic in the desired direction, but still hit the enemy. Team Sonic's Team Blast is called "Sonic Overdrive".

Stop time
As Team Dark, after you do a Team Blast time will be frozen until your Team Blast meter empties.

Homing Comet
When on a three star spring, jump on the springs with the homing attack. Then, press [A] again to form a comet. Note: When it is level 3, the comet will be larger.

Fake rings
As Team Sonic, try to find a way to be Tails, then press [B]. You will start to throw out fake rings. This will not take away any rings.

Easy coins
To get easy coins, jump on the three stars on the three starred bumper. Note: You will only get a five or ten coin block.

Getting Chaos Emeralds
Once you obtain a Key, go to the bonus round. In that round, you must chase the Emerald to the end of the round.

If you miss the Emeralds on the story mode as all four teams and are forced to go to challenge to do it, select Team Rose. They have the shortest and easiest levels of the four teams.

Get mask off robot without making him spin
Switch to Power Formation and get close so you can auto-home into the robot's mask. Note: This does not always work.

Statue in Hang Castle
As either Team Sonic, Team Dark, or Team Chaotix, enter the Hang Castle level. Play through the stage until you get to the statue of Eggman. Then, flip the castle upside-down by using the nearby switch. Note: You cannot flip the castle here as Team Chaotix, as the statue will already be flipped over. When you flip the castle over, you will see a different statue. This is a statue of Metallix (Metal Sonic), the real Boss of the game.

Winking Rouge
On any level as Team Dark, if you are Shadow or E-123 (Omega), use the [C-stick] to look at Rouge. She will wink at you.

No-faced Cheese
Enable the metallic characters for Team Rose. Notice that Cheese has no face.

Omega's eye color
When you select Team Dark and everyone is saying something, look at Omega's eyes. They will be white. Select any stage and use the [C-stick] to look at Omega. His eyes will now be red.

Winking Rogue
As Team Dark, if you are Shadow use the "C stick" to look at Rouge. She will wink at you.

Gold Sonic (Super Sonic)
Get all of the Chaos Emeralds on Team Sonic and defeat that team. Go against Metal Madness and Sonic will become Gold Sonic (Super Sonic).

All missions for Team Chaotix
SeaSide Hill: Find all ten Hermit Crabs.
Ocean Palace: Rescue the Chao in the palace.
Grand Metropolis: Clear out the enemies in the city (85).
Power Plant: Defeat the three Gold Camerons.
Casino Park: Win 200 rings.
Bingo Highway: Collect ten casino chips.
Rail Canyon: Infiltrate the terminal station.
Bullet Station: Destroy thirty capsules.
Frog Forest: Avoid detection by the Frogs.
Lost Jungle: Rescue ten Chao.
Hang Castle: Get the keys in the castle.
Mystic Mansion: Blow out all sixty red torches.
Egg Fleet: Avoid enemy detection.
Final Fortress: Find the keys to the client's cell.
Team Blasts
Team Sonic: ?

Team Dark: Chaos Inferno. Temporarily stops the time after the Omega's Blast is fired.

Team Rose: Flower Festival. After the blast is executed, every team member increases in level by one and becomes invulnerable for a short period of time.

Team Chaotix: Chaotix Rectical. After the blast is executed, each enemy destroyed will give you a certain number of rings.
Team Blast added effects
Team Sonic: After the Team Blast, until the Team Blast gauge goes down to zero, switch to Fly formation and press [B] to use an attack similar to the Light Attack in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle to finish off all remaining enemies.

Team Dark: Time will be frozen until the Team Blast gauge is down to zero.

Team Chaotix: You will receive rings for each enemy destroyed by the Team Blast. Also until the Team Blast gauge goes back down to zero, you will receive rings for each additional enemy destroyed.

Team Rose: Each team member will receive a level up and they will be invincible until the Team Blast gauge goes back down to zero.
"A" rank requirements for Emblems
Team Sonic
Seaside Hill Mission 1: Get 60,000 points
Bonus mission: get 50,000 points within 5 minutes

Ocean Palace Mission 1: Get 50,000 points
Bonus Mission: Get 45,000 points within 5 minutes

Grand Metropolis Mission 1: Get 60,000 points
Bonus Mission: Get 58,000 points within 5 minutes

Power Plant Mission 1: Get 45,000 points
Bonus Mission: Get 40,000 points within 9 minutes

Casino Park Mission 1: Get 40,000 points
Bonus Mission: Get 45,000 points within 5 minutes

Bingo Highway Mission 1: Get 32,000 points
Bonus Mission: Get 32,000 points within 6 minutes

Rail Canyon Mission 1: Get 35,000 points
Bonus Mission: Get 35,000 points within 5 minutes

Bullet Station Mission 1: Get 40,000 points
Bonus Mission: Get 40,000 points within 6 minutes

Frog Forest Mission 1: Get 35,000 points
Bonus Mission: Get 38,000 points within 5 minutes

Lost Jungle Mission 1: Get 32,000 points
Bonus Mission: Get 30,000 points within 6 minutes

Hang Castle Mission 1: Get 45,000 points
Bonus Mission: Get 45,000 points within 6 minutes

Mystic Mansion Mission 1: Get 36,000 points
Bonus Mission: Get 36,000 points within 7 minutes

Egg Fleet Mission 1: Get 20,000 points
Bonus Mission: Get 30,000 points within 9 minutes

Final Fortress Mission 1: Get 62,000 points
Bonus Mission: Get 40,000 points within 9 minutes

Team Dark
Seaside Hill Mission 1: Get 70,000 points
Bonus mission: Defeat 100 enemies within 7 minutes

Ocean Palace Mission 1: Get 90,000 points
Bonus Mission: Defeat 100 enemies within 5 minutes

Grand Metropolis Mission 1: Get 65,000 points
Bonus Mission: Defeat 100 enemies within 8 minutes

Power Plant Mission 1: Get 72,000 points
Bonus Mission: Defeat 100 enemies within 7 minutes

Casino Park Mission 1: Get 50,000 points
Bonus Mission: Defeat 100 enemies within 10 minutes

Bingo Highway Mission 1: Get 42,000 points
Bonus Mission: Defeat 100 enemies within 12 minutes

Rail Canyon Mission 1: Get 45,000 points
Bonus Mission: Defeat 100 enemies within 10 minutes 30 seconds

Bullet Station Mission 1: Get 55,000 points
Bonus Mission: Defeat 100 enemies within 11 minutes 30 seconds

Frog Forest Mission 1: Get 45,000 points
Bonus Mission: Defeat 100 enemies within 14 minutes

Lost Jungle Mission 1: Get 40,000 points
Bonus Mission: Defeat 100 enemies within 14 minutes

Hang Castle Mission 1: Get 65,000 points
Bonus Mission: Defeat 100 enemies within 11 minutes

Mystic Mansion Mission 1: Get 58,000 points
Bonus Mission: Defeat 100 enemies within 11 minutes

Egg Fleet Mission 1: Get 30,000 points
Bonus Mission: Defeat 100 enemies within 13 minutes 30 seconds

Final Fortress Mission 1: Get 100,000 points
Bonus Mission: Defeat 100 enemies within 12 minutes

Team Rose
Seaside Hill Mission 1: Get 48,000 points
Bonus mission: Collect 200 rings within 2 minutes 30 seconds

Ocean Palace Mission 1: Get 40,000 points
Bonus Mission: Collect 200 rings within 5 minutes 30 seconds

Grand Metropolis Mission 1: Get 50,000 points
Bonus Mission: Collect 200 rings within 3 minutes 45 seconds

Power Plant Mission 1: Get 45,000 points
Bonus Mission: Collect 200 rings within 3 minutes 30 seconds

Casino Park Mission 1: Get 35,000 points
Bonus Mission: Collect 200 rings within 4 minutes

Bingo Highway Mission 1: Get 35,000 points
Bonus Mission: Collect 200 rings within 3 minutes 30 seconds

Rail Canyon Mission 1: Get 38,000 points
Bonus Mission: Collect 200 rings within 4 minutes

Bullet Station Mission 1: Get 38,000 points
Bonus Mission: Collect 200 rings within 4 minutes

Frog Forest Mission 1: Get 40,000 points
Bonus Mission: Collect 200 rings within 3 minutes 30 seconds

Lost Jungle Mission 1: Get 42,000 points
Bonus Mission: Collect 200 rings within 3 minutes 45 seconds

Hang Castle Mission 1: Get 45,000 points
Bonus Mission: Collect 200 rings within 3 minutes 30 seconds

Mystic Mansion Mission 1: Get 45,000 points
Bonus Mission: Collect 200 rings within 3 minutes 30 seconds

Egg Fleet Mission 1: Get 40,000 points
Bonus Mission: Collect 200 rings within 5 minutes

Final Fortress Mission 1: Get 36,000 points
Bonus Mission: Collect 200 rings within 4 minutes 30 seconds

Team Chaotix
Seaside Hill Mission 1: Get 45,000 points
Bonus mission: Collect 20 hermit crabs and get 35,000 points

Ocean Palace Mission 1: Get 50,000 points
Bonus Mission: Find the chao without being detected and scoring 43,000

Grand Metropolis Mission 1: Get 65,000 points
Bonus Mission: Defeat 85 enemies within 8 minutes scoring 60,000 points

Power Plant Mission 1: Get 45,000 points
Bonus Mission: Defeat the 5 golden turtles with 40,000 points

Casino Park Mission 1: Get 32,000 points
Bonus Mission: Collect 500 rings with 14,000 points

Bingo Highway Mission 1: Get 32,000 points
Bonus Mission: Collect 20 casino chips with 20,000 points

Rail Canyon Mission 1: Get 32,000 points
Bonus Mission: Infiltrate the base in 6 minutes scoring 34,000 points

Bullet Station Mission 1: Get 32,000 points
Bonus Mission: Destory 50 capsules scoring 26,000 points

Frog Forest Mission 1: Get 40,000 points
Bonus Mission: Get to the goal within 4 minutes, without being detected, and
scoring 42,000 points

Lost Jungle Mission 1: Get 40,000 points
Bonus Mission: Rescue 20 chao and score 32,000 points

Hang Castle Mission 1: Get 35,000 points
Bonus Mission: Avoid detection and get 23,000 points along with the keys

Mystic Mansion Mission 1: Get 25,000 points
Bonus Mission: Extinguish 46 blue torches and score 20,000 points

Egg Fleet Mission 1: Get 33,000 points
Bonus Mission: Get to the goal in 6 minutes without being detected and
scoring 30,000 points

Final Fortress Mission 1: Get 65,000 points
Bonus Mission: Collect 10 keys and score 55,000 points


Egg Hawk: All Teams: Defeat in less than 1 minute

Team Battle 1: All Teams: Defeat in less than 30 seconds

Robot Carnival:
Team Sonic: Defeat in under 2 minutes 30 seconds
Team Dark: Defeat in under 3 minutes
Team Rose: Defeat in under 1 minute 30 seconds
Team Chaotix: Defeat in under 3 minutes

Egg Albatross: All Teams: Defeat in under 2 minutes

Team Battle 2: All Teams: Defeat in under 30 seconds

Robot Storm:
Team Sonic: Defeat in under 4 minutes
Team Dark: Defeat in under 6 minutes
Team Rose: Defeat in under 2 minutes
Team Chaotix: Defeat in under 4 minutes

Egg Emperor: All Teams: Defeat in under 3 minutes 30 seconds

Metal Madness/Metal Overlord: All Teams: Defeat as all teams in under 7 minutes.
Attributes for characters in each team

Team SonicTeam DarkTeam RoseTeam Chaotix
SpeedSonicShadowAmy RoseEspio
FlyTailsRougeCream the RabbitCharmy
PowerKnucklesOmegaBig the CatVector

Glitch: Ghost pole
This trick requires a few things. You need to be Team Dark, find a pole which requires a switch to activate or to defeat all enemies around, and have your Team Blast. Get to the pole, use your Team Blast to stop time and destroy all enemies around. Hit the switch or switches and use Tornado Attack at the pole. You will be swinging on a ghost pole.

Glitch: Dr. Robotnik dialogue
When playing as Team Rose, after you complete Egg Carnival, Dr. Robotnik will say "Those were just the easy ones boys", instead of "boys and girls".

Glitch: Floating robots
Select Team Chaotix and go to the Grand Metropolis level. When you reach two robots who are asleep on top of boxes, have Espio turn invisible. Walk up to the boxes where they are standing. Destroy the boxes with Espio's ninja star while he is still invisible. The robots will not fall, and will stay suspended in mid-air. They will float there until you turn visible again or you attack them.

Glitch: Scrambled characters
At the Robot Carnival Boss with Team Dark, hold [Y] button and repeatedly tap [B] just before the Boss level loads. The graphics will glitch for a few seconds and the characters will be scrambled. Note: This may require some practice.

Glitch: Dead end
On Team Chaotix's first stage, where you have to collect ten (or twenty) Hermit Crabs, you can get past normal game boundaries and end up in a dead end. Go through the stage as usual and when you get at the end when you have to sting the flower with Charmy, look around. Notice that there are pillars sticking out of the water for no apparent reason. Fly onto the ledge to the right of you. Jump to the next two pillars. You can see the ledge that is in all the other teams' stages. Jump out as far as you can while still in Flight Formation and start to fly. If you are lucky, you can make it up there. When you get up there, just run through until you reach a cannon. Change to Speed Formation and jump in. You will now be in a dead end where you cannot go any farther and cannot backtrack. You must restart the stage or quit to escape.

Glitch: Bingo Highway: Go through glass
On Bingo Highway as Team Rose, get to the part where there is a yellow flying search robot that you have to destroy to get through the door. Use Cream and fly on to the roof of the glass tunnel. Turn to Big and do not fall. Go to the end where the tube goes up and where the "power" monitor is located. Jump on this and keep pressing [Forward]. It may take more than one attempt, but you can go through the glass and end up on the fan. Then, turn around. This does not always happen, but the door should be open and the robot should have vanished.

Glitch: Final Fortress: Incorrect dialogue
Go to Final Fortress as Team Sonic and look at the dialogue at the start. Sonic will say "This must be Eggman's headquarters!" but the text will read "This must Eggman's headquarters!". Later, Sonic will say "The Egg Carrier is nothing compared to this" but on the text, the letter D on "compared" is missing. There are a few other points in the game where the dialogue is incorrect, but not necessarily in Team Sonic's story.
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