Metroid Prime Cheats - GameCube

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Downloadable Metroid Prime Cheats
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Apr. 15, 2006
Author: 91KB
Primary Collection of Cheats
Hard mode
Successfully complete the game to unlock hard mode.

In-game reset
Hold [Start] + [B] + [X] for two to three seconds during game play.

Classic Metroid game
Note: This trick requires Metroid Fusion and the Game Boy Advance and a link cable. Successfully complete Metroid Fusion and save the game. Connect both games with the link cable to unlock the classic NES version of Metroid.

To unlock the classic Metroid (via a link cable,Game Boy Advance, Metroid Fusion and completed Metroid Prime data), press [Z] at the main menu to highlight "Password", then enter "JUSTIN BAILEY ------ ------"

Metroid Fusion costume
Note: This trick requires Metroid Fusion and the Game Boy Advance and a link cable. Successfully complete Metroid Prime and save the game. Connect both games with the link cable to unlock Samus' Metroid Fusion costume.

Image Gallery 1 option
Complete 50% of the research and creature data scans.

Image Gallery 2 option
Complete 100% of the research and creature data scans.

Image Gallery 3 option
Successfully complete the game under the hard difficulty setting.

Image Gallery 4 option
Find 100% of all power-ups. Note: This does not include the Log Book.

Note: The last picture in this gallery is that of Samus without her suit in 3D.

Alternate ending sequences
Finish the game with a 74% or less completion percentage for the normal ending sequence. Finish the game with a 75% to 99% completion percentage to view an alternate ending sequence. Finish the game with a 100% completion percentage to view the best ending sequence.

If you defeat Metroid Prime's second form with 74% or less items, the intermission sequence will show you losing your Phazon suit and the Artifact Temple about to explode. After Samus calls her ship and jumps onto it, you will hear a voice saying that the Chozo's were right to believe in Samus. After that, you will see Samus just about to remove her helmet and it starts the credits.

If you defeat Metroid Prime's second form with 75% or more items, the intermission sequence will show you losing your Phazon suit and the Artifact Temple about to explode. After Samus calls her ship and jumps onto it you will hear a voice saying that the Chozo's were right to believe in Samus. After that, you see Samus remove her helmet and stare at the temple for awhile. The credits will then start.

If you defeat Metroid Prime's second form with 100% items, the intermission sequence will show you losing your Phazon suit and the Artifact Temple about to explode. After Samus calls her ship and jumps onto it you will hear a voice saying that the Chozo's were right to believe in Samus. After that, you see Samus remove her helmet and stare at the temple for awhile. Then the camera shows a rippling mass of Phazon in a cave. A black and red metal hand will burst from the Phazon. You then see an alien eye-like object behind the hand look around the place. The credits will then start.
Fire missiles faster
With the first gun equipped, rapidly press [Y] + [A]. As soon as the missile fires, the gun will switch back to beam weapon mode, but when you press [Y] again, it fires another missile. This can take down enemies in a shorter time, preventing them from having more attacks on you.

Extra missiles
After destroying ceiling robots and other enemies, they will leave behind missile ammunition that can be collected. Save missiles to defeat the Parasite Queen easier.

Chozo Ruins: Kill birds
When you enter the Chozo Ruins, aim your gun skywards. You will see birds flying. Shoot the birds and they will explode, with feathers all over the place.

Chozo Ruins: Wave Buster
The Wave Buster can be found at the Tower Of Light in the Chozo Ruins. Climb up the as far as you can, then scan the pillars to learn that they can be destroyed. It takes three missiles to destroy one pillar. There are four pillars on each level. After you lower the temple, keep jumping and destroying the pillars until you reach the top to find the Wave Buster.

Chozo Ruins: Artifacts
When Chozo Ghosts appear, it may be for a fight or an artifact. Sometimes when you visit a certain area, Chozo Ghosts appear because there is an artifact in the room (for example, Flaaghraa's fight room). Defeat the Chozo Ghosts by using the X-Ray Visor. Fight them with either charged Power Beam shots or two Super Missiles. When they are destroyed, collect the artifact.

Impact Crater
Impact Crater's first room is the teleport back to the temple and a save station. Crater Tunnel A, the next room, has Nuclear Phazon on the floor. Do a double jump, and timed correctly, you can escape without damage. Do not forget to scan the Lumigek, as it is the only time you can get data on them. The Phazon Core is the biggest part of Impact Crater. Try to stay away from the Fission Metroids (also do not forget to scan them). If one gets on you, kill it with the Power Bomb, but you can also get it off with the regular bomb. After shaking it off, beam it with the color beam that matches its insides. Take a break by the Missile Station, or use the door trick (stay by the door while it is open and shoot enemies from inside). Crater Tunnel B is filled with Spider Ball tracks. If you can spare about 10 to 15 energy points, just double jump through it. The Phazon Infusion Chamber has Metroid Prime waiting for you. Shoot it with the matching beam color, but also try missile combos. Super Missiles and the Wavebuster work well. The Ice Spreader is good, but takes a while to reload. The Flamethrower is not recommended unless you have a lot of missiles remaining. After you defeat it, get ready for the second form. Your beams are ineffective on this one, but when it creates a Phazon pool, you get the Phazon Beam. It will cloak itself. Take out the Thermal and X-ray visors. Rip through its Metroid minions after it dispatches them (when it creates Phazon pools) with the Phazon Beam.

Magmoor: Ice Spreader
The Ice Spreader is difficult to find. It is in a room called the Shore Tunnel in Magmoor that has a glass case. Use the Power Bombs in the glass tube. The tube will shatter, and the Ice Spreader is directly below.

Magmoor Caverns: Avoid streams of fire
Shoot the little objects that shoot out the fire with the Ice Spreader. This freezes them and prevents them from shooting the fire.

Phazon Core: Stop Metroids
Use the following trick if you do not want to take the trouble to destroy the Metroids in the Phazon Core, or do not want to dodge them all the time. When they are charging, a charged beam blast of the appropriate type will stop them. They may not turn around and go back before they attack you again, but it will stop them.

Phazon Mines: Reaching them
To get to the Phazon Mines, you must go through the Space Pirate Frigate crash site to get to the Transport. You must have the Gravity Suit, Thermal Visor, and Plasma Beam to get through the Space Pirate Frigate crash site successfully.

Phazon Mines: Invisible to enemies
Enter the Phazon Mines via Magmoor Caverns. Go through the bottom floor until you reach the elevator, marked on the map with a red arrow. Head through the mines until you reach the area marked "Omega Research". Enter through the Dynamo Access, but just jump straight up through the door, not forward or back. Once you land, neither move nor shoot. If done correctly, none of the Power Troopers will see you. Wait awhile, and eventually one of the Power Troopers will enter the alcove that you are in. He will look, then around and leave the alcove, never having noticed you. He will continue to do this until you move or shoot one of them. For extended laughs, charge your Power Beam (they will still ignore you), wait for him to start looking around in the alcove, then fire a Super Missile to blast him across the room. Note: This will not work if you enter Omega Research from the other direction.

Phazon Mines: Flamethrower combo
In the room next to the save point in the Phazon Mines: Main Quarry, is a red door with a force field in front of it. Continue upwards in this room, passing the ice and Wave Troopers to find a Bendezium wall just before the purple door exit. After obtaining the Power Bomb upgrade, use one to destroy the wall and access the control panel with your scan visor. The force field will drop. allowing you to pick up the power-up for the Plasma Beam.

Phazon Mines: Regain health and missiles
A good way to regain health and missiles is in the ventilation shaft towards the beginning of the second floor. When you enter, poison will start coming in from the ceiling as well as Puffers. Go past the gas and stand in the hall just before the exit. If you stand close enough to the door, the poison will not harm you and you can easily kill the Puffers that keep appearing. When you kill one, you can use the Charge Beam to bring the power-ups to you.

Phendrana Drifts: Sheegoth helper
Go to the Quentien cave, where Thardus was located. After you defeat him, a mother Sheegoth is all that is in there. Lure the Sheegoth near one of the ledges and kill it quickly (the Plasma Beam is recommended). Quickly jump onto the Sheegoth's spikes then jump to the ledge. Do this quickly before the Sheegoth fades. This saves you the time of doing the entire spider ball thing.

Ruined Nursery: See Samus in mirror
Scan the object on the wall near the door leading to the North Atrium. The scan will indicate that it is a Ornate Wall Hanging. Place Samus in front of this object, and you can see her helmet as if she was looking into a mirror. These Ornate Wall Hangings appear in other rooms besides this one.

Space Pirates' base: See easier
If you are having trouble seeing in the Space Pirates' base after the power goes out, even with the Thermal Visor, go into Morph Ball mode. The Morph Ball generates its own light, making it easy to see. Note: Do not do this when there are still enemies in the area.

Defeating Baby Sheegoths
To defeat a Baby Sheegoth, after it charges at you, shoot its back shell until it bursts up then shoot its back.

Double jump to the side of a Baby Sheegoth. They will stare at you for a few seconds. As you are already behind them, just fire two missiles and kill them after that.

A Charged Plasma Beam will disintegrate a Baby Sheegoth.

It is better to do this with the Plasma Beam but it also can be done with any other. Lock on to the Baby Sheegoth and charge your Plasma Beam. When it gets very close, double jump and release [A].

Defeating Chozo Ghosts
Shoot two Super Missiles to kill Chozo Ghosts. Also, if you have the X-ray Scope, you can maintain a lock on them.

Defeating Elite Pirates
When the Elite Pirates burst out of containment, switch to your normal beam and build up a charge shot. When the Elite is not trying to absorb energy, fire a Super Missile at them. Two Super Missiles will take them down.

Use the following tactics to defeat the different kinds of Elite Pirates at the Phazon Mines. This is a very difficult area due to switching beams for certain pirates:
Power Troopers
Use Normal Beams or charge a Normal Beam at it three to four times. Alternately, use charged Power Beam shots or Super Missiles. Pursue from a distance if possible, as Power Troopers cannot exactly be stunned.

Wave Troopers
Use Wave Beams or charge a Wave Beam at it (two to four times). Alternately, use charged Wave Beam shots while locked on to the target. Do not be tempted to use the Wavebuster combo, as you would only be wasting missiles.

Ice Troopers
Use Ice Beams or charge an Ice Beam at it and finish it with one missile. You can keep using charged Ice Beam shots on solitary units if desired to preserve your missile supply.

Shadow Pirates
Use the Thermal Visor to see them. Use Wave Beams or charge a Wave Beam at it at full force (two to four times); or, fire with ease with the Plasma Beam.

Plasma Troopers
Fire at them with your Plasma Beam three or four times. Hide behind a wall and the Plasma Beam will end up finishing them with its burning effect. Do this to other pirates as well, even though they only need about three shots to be killed, only about one will evaporate them if you just wait patiently. Note: As long as they are engulfed in flames, they will keep taking damage.
Note: All Trooper types can be killed instantly if they get caught in a Power Bomb blast. This tactic is particularly useful when they appear during the Omega Pirate battle, especially under the hard difficulty setting.

Use the following trick to kill Air and Water Pirates quickly. If you have the Ice Beam and Charger Beam, you can kill them easily. One shot with the Ice Beam will freeze them for a few seconds. This may require a few shots because they sometimes try to dodge your shots. You can then either shoot them with the Ice Beam until they die (four or five shots), shoot a Charged Ice Blast (Charger Beam required) which will kill them in one or hits, or shoot a missile. This will save a lot of time and health.

When you enter the first room with the Space Pirates after the timer sets off, wait thirty seconds and an explosion will kill all the pirates on the lower part of the room.

When a Pirate shoots a weapon that is not a really fast beam, hold [L] and move left for the first shot, then right for the next. Moving the same way does not work well because you run into things.

This trick can be used anywhere that you see a Pirate that can be killed with any beam weapon, except for the special Troopers (Wave, Ice, Power, and Plasma Troopers). When Samus encounters a Space Pirate, charge your Wave Beam and lock on to them. Fire the charged Wave Beam at the Pirate then quickly change to the Plasma Beam. Fire an uncharged Plasma Beam while the Pirate is still being electrocuted. It will catch on fire, and will remain on fire and still be electrocuted so that they cannot fire their weapons. This works best when there are many Pirates in the area, so that you can get to the others quicker. The Pirate will not be able to move and will burn to death. If you are close to the Pirate when it falls, it will explode and you will take damage.

Use the following trick to kill flying Pirates without taking a lot of damage. After they shoot missiles, lock on and shoot them with a super missiles. Note: If you do not use Super Missiles, they will crash down and you will take a lot of damage. After you destroy one, hide. Note: If you shoot one with another one behind it or close to it, you will blow them both up.

Note: This trick requires the Ice Beam and an abundance of missiles. When you encounter a pirate, lock on to him with [L] and have your Ice Beam ready. Next, make sure that you have a clear shot of your target. When you are ready, fire the Ice Beam and keep locked your target locked so that you can fire your missile. This should shatter the pirate as soon as it hits. This maneuver works on the following opponents: Space Pirates, Flying Pirates, Aqua Pirates, Ice Troopers, Metroids, and Hunter Metriods.

Defeating Fission Metroids
The stage before Metroid Prime, there is a large room filled with respawning Fission Metroids. To deal with the ones following you and to dispatch them quickly, just wait by the missile station. When one or two (more often) come near you, just walk into the station and fire away. To deal with the ones that follow you there before then, roll up into a ball and wait for them to rear back. Just before they charge, lay a power bomb and before they can touch you, they are dead.

Defeating Flaahgra
The trick is to knock down the light-reflecting mirrors and bomb the plant away. At first, there is only one mirror that reflects the light and helps grow the plant. Fire at Flaahgra with normal fire rapidly until it is stunned; there is no need for heavy firearms. It will not be able to attack you at all if you stun it on time. After Flaahgra is stunned, run to the one reflecting mirror and shoot the red target behind the mirror with either a charge beam or only one missile. Flaahgra will shrink and its spiky roots will vanish. Roll into a ball, go into where the roots were protecting, and drop a bomb. The plant is killed, but returns with two mirrors. Do the same thing with two mirrors, then three mirrors, then finally four mirrors. After finally killing Flaahgra, the Varia Suit is yours.

When you are facing Flaahgra, stun it, then fire at the dishes. It is easier to fire at the one you are at, then strafe to the side and hit the next one, whether it is directly in front or off to the side, without going to the next one in line. You can also hit a dish from any direction as long as you are hitting the bottom where the red light would be. This is done easier while Flaahgra is still stunned.

To easily keep Flaahgra from resetting the satellite radar dishes, stun him by shooting lots of blasts, then trip the dish. As you move to the next one. keep a lock on him and pester him with more gunfire. When the shots begin to make him turn yellow again, stop and keep up the fire until he falls once more. Continue to the dish and repeat as many times as necessary.

To defeat Flaahgra, you may need more than ten missiles. Shoot a missile at the first mirror. Then, roll in as a morph ball and bomb him. He will die, but will return. Stand in between the two mirrors and fire. You must aim by holding [R] + Analog-stick. Proceed to bomb after you get the mirrors. On the third time, stand behind the second mirror and fire at all three. Then, bomb. The fourth time, do what you did in the third, except once you are done move around and missile the last mirror. Bomb, then get the Varia Suit.

Defeating Incinerator Drone
Shoot at it until its eye goes up. Before the eye comes, you can dodge the fire by running from it. Be careful, as the fire will sometimes change direction. Then, lock on to the eye with [L] and shoot repeatedly. The fire shooter will go crooked. You can usually avoid the fire by jumping over the low part and going under the high part. After a short time, it will torch the War Wasp hive above it, and War Wasps will appear. Kill enough War Wasps so that no more are attacking you for awhile, then shoot the drone. It will keep torching the hive intermittently. Keep doing this until it is defeated.

Defeating invisible Sentry Drone
In the Phazon Mines, when you are in the room with the second save point and are fighting the invisible sentry drone, use the Wavebuster combo. Stand on one of the glowing blue platforms (works well with the second from the top of the stage), fire it off the platform and hold it. The drone will become electrocuted to the point of self-destruction because it locks onto it, while none of your other weapons can. Afterwards, you can get the Super Bomb for the Morph Ball.

Defeating Meta-Ridley
To make the fight against Ridley easier, you must have as many missiles as you can possibly find, the Super Missile Beam combo, and the Wavebuster Beam combo. The battle can reduce an inventory of all 250 missiles down to about 25. During the first part when Ridley is flying, use the Super Missile Beam combo when you can get a clear shot as his chest. Then, when his wings burn up and you are forced to fight him melee style, switch to your Wave Beam and activate your Wavebuster combo to constantly shock him. Do not release [A] until he is dead or you are out of missiles. Do not worry about depleting your missiles -- there is a recharge station in the Impact Crater.

Defeating Metroid Prime
When you fight the second form of Metroid Prime and step in his blue Phazon puddles, enter Hyper Mode and attack with the Phazon Beam. No other weapons will defeat him. However, he releases progressively harder Metroids when he lays down Phazon, starting with Larva, moving to Hunter, then Fission Metroids. Dispatch these much as you would a Beam Pirate, with charged shots of the appropriate color. Do not let them latch onto you.

The final Boss is difficult because of the Metroids it releases. You can easily destroy them by entering the Phazon Puddle and blasting them with the Hyper/Phazon Beam.

Use the following trick to kill Metroid Prime's second form under either the easy or hard difficulty setting. As you first enter the battle, scan it immediately so you do not have to deal with it later. The easiest way under the hard difficulty setting us to always have the Ice Beam equipped no mater what the circumstance. After Metroid Prime keeps doing the shockwaves and changes its appearance, it will eventually send out a Phazon Pool. Jump into it and blast Metroid Prime with all you have got. After awhile, it will start making Phazon Pools and releasing no more than two Metroids. Shoot the two Metroids with a charged shot, then shoot them with a pair of missiles. Sometime after you do some damage to Metroid Prime, it will then release two Hunter Metroids. Deal with them the same way you did the normal Metroids. When Metroid Prime sends out the Fusion Metroids, get into the Morph Ball and release a Power Bomb to take them out.

Metroid Prime is an extremely difficult Boss. Before battling, have at least have the Wavebuster, Ice Spreader, 150 or more missiles, and all of the energy tanks. Having plenty of Power Bombs is also recommended. Metroid Prime has two different phases. You will be battling Metroid Prime through four subchambers in the first phase. He will attack with a mouth-type-beam weapon, a grapple-beam-type weapon that pulls you in (so he can hurt you by swiping his forelegs), homing missiles, chemical missiles, an ice attack similar to that used by Thardus, and energy orbs that deal massive damage (but can quickly be disposed of by any beam attack). He will change into random colors that make him vulnerable to the corresponding beam weapon. When he is yellow, use your Power Beam and hit him with two Super Missiles. After you hurt him enough, he will turn black and charge across the room. Note: He will charge and change color at any time in the fourth and final subchamber. When that happens, use your Morph Ball and drop into one of the cracks in the ground. He will not charge as far in the first subchamber; you will not have to worry about using the Morph Ball. After he charges, he will change into a different color. When he is purple, take the Wave Beam, get fairly close to him, and use the Wavebuster until you hurt him enough. When he is white, get your Ice Beam and shoot with one Ice Spreader combo, then shoot at him with normal Ice Beam shots. When he is red, take out the Plasma Beam and just keep shooting normal shots while dodging his attacks. You can try to get close enough to use the flamethrower if you have it, but he will strike you with his forelegs. Metroid Prime's second phase is much less complex than the first. Lock on to him immediately. The only attack he uses is to create a wave-like blast that just shoots out in a ring shape. The first time he uses that attack, all the pillars in the room will fall apart. Use the Charge Beam to bring in any power-ups that came out of them. Then, just release the charge. He is not vulnerable to any conventional beam weapon. After a while, it will appear as if he is releasing blue matter out of his tentacles. A pool of Phazon forms directly under him, then Metroid Prime seems to have disappeared. Remember where the pool of Phazon just appeared. Switch to the X-Ray visor and lock on to him again. Try to step into the small Phazon pool that he made. When you are in it, your gun will automatically change to the Phazon Beam. The message "Hyper Mode" will appear. Hold [A] and the beam will fire a continuous stream of Phazon at Metroid Prime. The Phazon pool will eventually disappear, and you will have to repeat the process. Whenever he disappears, he always is visible through each visor in the same pattern: Combat, X-Ray, Thermal, Combat, etc. Sometimes he may disappear without leaving a Phazon pool. Later when he disappears, Metroid Prime will also summon a pair of Metroids of any kind. It could be a pair of normal Metroids, a pair of Hunter Metroids, or a pair of Fission Metroids. When they appear, go into Morph Ball mode. Roll between them and drop a Power Bomb. If done correctly, it should kill both Metroids. If you run out of Power Bombs before you defeat Metroid Prime, use an Ice Beam followed by a missile. This however, will not help if they are Fission Metroids.

Use the following trick to kill Metroid Prime's Metroids faster. At the battle between you and Metroid Prime's second form, it sometimes releases different types of Metroids when it makes the blue Phazon pools. This makes it extremely difficult for Samus to shoot Metroid Prime with her Phazon Beam as the Metroids will not let you shoot it if they latch onto you. This trick works best on the Hunter and Fission Metroids that Metroid Prime releases. When it makes the pool of Phazon, get into the pool as quickly as you can. Then, shoot a tiny amount at the Metroids that it released. They will blow up, and you can get to Metroid Prime much easier because the Phazon Beam kills them in one hit. Alternately, use a Power Bomb and they will also blow up. Make sure that you use the Power Bombs wisely. If Metroid Prime does not make a pool of Phazon, no Metroids will appear. This will save you a lot of health, especially in Hard Mode, as the Metroids sap much more energy.

When you are fighting the second form of Metroid Prime, it releases different types of Metroids. The first types start at infant Metroids, then Hunter Metroids, and finally Fission Metroids. When Metroid Prime releases its second little pool of Phazon, the Metroids will appear. When this happens, get into the pool of Phazon quickly. The Metroids will try to latch onto you. Before this happens, shoot the Phazon Beam at them and they will blow up instantaneously, so that you can shoot Metroid Prime faster. If the Metroids do latch onto you, go into Morph Ball mode and lay a Power Bomb (not a regular Bomb), because this will allow the other Metroid to hit you and take your energy. This will save you a lot of health and time.

Defeating Metroids
Normal Metroids (not Prime) can be dispatched rapidly by using Freeze Beam followed by a missile.

Fission Metroids or any other Metroid can be defeated by using a Power Bomb. This is particularly useful during the last part of the game when you are trying to avoid getting damaged.

Use the following trick to destroy Metroids, no matter where they are. Whenever a Metroid is in relatively close proximity to you, or has latched on to you, instead of laying a Bomb, detonate a Power Bomb. In the Phazon Core and when fighting Metroid Prime's second form, this can be very helpful; if two Metroids are fairly close to you, they both will be destroyed. Use this trick when Metroid Prime releases Metroids. Soon after being released, both Metroids will approach you. Note: This trick is best used when you have a good amount of Power Bombs (eight recommended).

Defeating Omega Pirate
First, blow away his Phazon armor. He will turn invisible and probably unleash some troopers. Ignore them and use X-Ray vision to find Omega Pirate. He is quite vulnerable when he is invisible. A charged blast will take away a good amount of his energy. When he is dead, he will melt and the Phazon suit will be yours.

The Omega Pirate is the third to last Boss. First, find the four Phazon plates on the Omega Pirate's knees and shoulders. Shoot them with Super Missiles or Charged Plasma shots. Once you break all four plates, the Omega Pirate will become invisible and send out troopers. If you are lucky, you will get Ice or Plasma Troopers. Destroy them quickly, switch to your X-ray Visor, then look around. Most likely, the Omega Pirate will still be invisible, except for a few Phazon-filled veins and heart. Avoid the attacks from him, and in time he will uncloak. You will have to repeat the process.

When he charges up at a pool of Phazon, switch to Ice Beam and charge. When it has completely charged, fire out using the Ice Spreader (if available). This will cause more damage, saving you health and time.

When fighting the Omega Pirate, do not use Beam combos while he is in vulnerable form. In fact, when he is visible, his favorite weapon is the Energy Siphon. This allows him to deflect missiles and use your power against you from Beam weapons. However, if you shoot a charged Plasma Beam Shot from Omega Pirate's right side (your left), it will run into one of his legs. Now, the best place to shoot him is from behind (this requires precision), as his armor is weaker there. When he calls down the Power Troopers, look at what they are located. If they are Plasma or Ice, take them down. Otherwise, kill yourself; as you will never kill them in time. When you switch to X-ray vision, find Omega Pirate and shoot two charged Plasmas at him while locked on, followed by two single shots. He will disappear again. When he reappears, shoot only one charged Plasma at him. If he disappears twice while vulnerable, he will call down four Power Trioopers. Note: Before you fight him, scan him while he is in the stasis tank, then run back to the save point. After saving, go back. By doing this, when you die you will not have to fight the Plasma Trooper again.

When you go in, he will jump out, When he does this, have your Plasma Cannon ready and aim for a shoulder or a knee. Charge up and when his hand is not glowing and shoot him. Two charged up shots will destroy each shield. Make sure you have all your missiles. When the other pirates show up, do a combo shot to kill them quickly. For the white ones, charge up, freeze them, and fire a missile. Then, switch to the X-ray visor, go to Plasma Cannon, and keep shooting. He will then go to another place. With the X-ray visor on, shoot him again. Note: This will call more pirates back. Stay close enough to him so that he does not fire his bombs at you, but not so close that he stomps on you. When you back up against a wall, go into morph ball mode then charge and shoot to the other side and repeat.

This trick may cost some health, but if you have all of your upgrades (minus the Phazon Suit and your fourteenth Energy Capsule), this should work quite fast. The Omega Pirate's main flaw is in his armor plating. The two best weapons to use are the Super Missile (recommended) and the charged Plasma Beam. When the battle begins, immediately lock on to one of the four blue armor plates on the Omega Pirate's shoulders or legs. Charge your Power Beam and prepare to fire a Super Missile, all the while keeping your distance. Do not fire until he is ready to attack, as he has the nasty ability to suck up energy with his hand (Energy Siphon). When he pounds the ground to send out an energy wave, jump to avoid the attack and respond with a Super Missile or charged Plasma Beam shot. Whether or not this is successful depends on if you jumped or not. Do not get to close to him or he will slap you across the room. Also watch out for the Phazon puddles. After you have blown away all four Phazon plates, The Omega Pirate will summon Beam Troopers, then turn invisible. Activate your X-Ray Visor, and if possible, ignore the whatever pirates appear while looking for the Omega Pirate. When he appears, he will laugh and start regenerating his Phazon armor. While he is doing this, continue avoiding the little Pirates and start shooting the Omega Pirate with Super Missiles. This should either kill him or bring his health down enough to the point where a charge shot can kill him, after you again take away his armor. Once he dies, he will melt and you will collect the spoils of your victory. Proceed to find the rest of the artifacts.

Have the Plasma Beam, charge it repeatedly, and attack him. Also, walk in a circle. When he makes his attack, use the Space Jump Boots and jump over them. Keep charging while you jump. Never get too far or directly up at his feet. Stay close enough where he does the Earth Wave attack. When all the Phazon plates are gone and he calls his Trooper friends, shoot them for a while until the Omega Pirate is at Phazon regenerating his plates. You should hear a noise similar to when he reappears. Charge up the Plasma Beam and shoot him once, then shoot him many times until he switches to another Phazon field. While shooting him you need to be running around. Shoot him again. When he appears again, make him kill his Troopers by using the Earth Wave attack. Repeat this strategy. Note: Always jump when he uses the Earth Wave attack. When attacking the Omega Pirate's heart and veins, have the X-Ray Visor on, move to the left and right, jump, and shoot, all at the same time. Make the Omega Pirate kill his own allies and never stop moving.

Defeating Parasite Queen
When you get to the Parasite Queen, shoot in the open spots of the wall. To defeat her, Fast Scan her for a weak spot.

When fighting the Parasite Queen, back up into the doorway area you used to enter the room. When positioned correctly, she will not be able to hit you.

Take out your missiles. When the clear spot comes, release the missile. It will spit out goop-like material. Dash to avoid it.

Defeating Sheegoth
To defeat Sheegoth, immediately after it breathes gas, aim with [L] and shoot two missiles. Repeat until it is dead.

When Sheegoth attacks, it may get worn out. If so, go to the side of it and look by the mouth. There will be smoke. Aim there with [R] and fire a missile. If you run out of missiles, turn into the Morph Ball and go to the side of it. Plant all three bombs to the side. Repeat this until Sheegoth is defeated.

Rather than waste missiles shooting at the adult Sheegoth, simply roll into the ball and drop bombs in front of its head. Keep rolling back and fourth in front of it, continuously dropping bombs and it will eventually die.

Get under Sheegoth and Powerbomb it.

Defeating Thardus
Look around the edge of the room and find a clump of rocks that you can jump up and stand on. There is a nice one two sections to the right of the door that you entered. From this vantage point, you cannot be hit by the rolling Thardus or his ice attack that comes across the floor. You can simply stay and continue to fire at him with either the Wave Beam or your missiles. By repetitively shooting your Power Beam at the rocks that he throws, you can continue to generate power-ups which you can then tractor to you with the Charge Beam. You can actually grow stronger with power-ups as you continue the battle. You can continue this for the first several rounds of the battle until the room is filled with fog. Then, run towards him to target your missiles, as you will not be able to see him with regular vision from your rock outpost. At this point you will have adequate energy supplies remaining to simply stand and let him pummel you with ice and by rolling over you while you target his weak points with your Power Missiles. You will still be able to retreat back to the safe area when it is time to return to using your Wave Beam with your Thermal Vision. When you are not vulnerable to his attacks, he is very easy to defeat.

When you enter the arena, go to the right. There should be a metal beam close to the wall. Jump between the beam and the wall, and you will be standing on a small platform where Thardus can no longer hit you with his roll attack. Fight a normal battle with him until he begins to form into a ball, Then, jump onto the platform again and wait the attack out.

To defeat Thaardus, keep the Wave Beam on and get health as much as possible. When he rolls into a ball, go into ball mode and power boost away. Put on your Heat Visor and when he stands up, lock on and shoot only Charge Beams. Watch out for when he roars and picks up his arms. He will send ice on the ground toward you. Double jump to avoid it. Also if you are in Heat Visor mode and he levitates the rocks, lock on to them and blast them away. Be careful -- when you break them, all you can see is yellow. Just quickly lock on and fire repeatedly. When you are hitting the red spot with your Heat Visor on, it will explode and your visor will lose power. Go back to the Combat Visor and that spot will be blue, like the back of a Sheegoth. Keep hitting it until it breaks and he screams. He will roll into a ball. Just dodge it and repeat. After you drop his health a few times, he will make the room foggy. Use your Heat Visor. Watch out for the ice and rocks. You really cannot see them. When you break his body plate (arm, leg, chest etc.), go into the Combat Visor and you can see him. Repeat this until he dies. You get the Spider Ball for defeating him.

Enemy weaknesses and recommended weapon
Aqua Drone: Wavebeam or Wavebuster
Aqua Pirate: Charge Beam or Super Missile
Aqua Sac: Charge Beam, Wave, etc.
Auto Turret: Missile, Power Beam, Ice Beam
Baby Sheegoth: Plasma Beam or Missile
Barbed war wasp: Power Beam
Beetle: Any (best is Plasma Beam)
Blastcap: Any
Bloodflower: Plasma Beam
Burrower: Power Beam, Ice Beam
Chozo Ghost: Super Missile
Crystallite: Plasma Beam
Elite Pirate: Super Missile, Charge Beam
Eyon: Charge Beam
Fission Metroods: Any beam or combo Powerbomb, Phazon Beam
Flaahgra Tentacle (weakness is base of Flaahgra): Morph Ball Bomb
Flaahgra (weakness are mirror reflectors): Charge Beam Stuns
Flickerbat: Any
Flying Pirate (any combo): Charge Beam or Plasma Beam
Geemer: Any Beam weapon
Grizby: Missile
Hive Mecha (weakness are four red lights): Power Beam
Hive: Missile
Hunter Metroids: Ice Beam, Phazon Beam, Powerbomb
Ice Beetle: Plasma Beam
Ice Burrower: Power Beam, Ice Beam
Ice Shriekbat: Any
Incinerator Drone (weakness is red orb when in sight): Any
Jelzap: Combos
Lumigeck: Any Beam
Magmoor: Ice beam
Mega Turret: Wavebuster
Meta Ridley (weakness is chest and head): Plasma or Plasma Beam combo
Metriod Prime 1 (weakness is face): Any Beam weapon
Metriod Prime 2 (weakness is head): Phazon Beam
Metriod: Ice Beam, Powerbomb, Phazon Beam
Oculus: Super Missile
Omega Pirate (weakness is Phazon Armor): Plasma Beam
Parasite Queen (weakness is mouth): Any
Parasite: Any
Phazon Elite: Plasma and Power Beam combos
Plasmatrooper: Plasma Beam
Plated Beetle (weakness is rear abdomen): Any
Plated Parasite: Morph Ball Bomb
Plated Puffer: Missile
Plazmite: Power Beam
Power Trooper: Power Beam
Puddle Spore: Any
Puffer: Any
Pulse Bombu: Wave Beam
Ram War Wasp: Power Beam
Reaper Vine: Any
Reaper: Any weapon
Sap sac: Charge Beam, Wave, etc.
Scarabs: Any
Scatter Bombu: Wave Beam
Seedling: Any
Sentry Drone: Wave Beam
Shadow pirate: Super Missile
Sheegoth (weakness is side of head): Missile, Plasma Beam
Shriekbat: Power Beam
Space Pirate: Power Beam
Stone Toad: Morph Ball Bomb
Tallon Crab: Any
Tangl Weed: Power Beam
Thardus (weakness varies): Charge Beam
Triclops: Morph Ball Bomb
Venom Weed: Any
War Wasp: Any
Wave Trooper: Wave beam
Zoomer: Any
Easy kills
Flying Pirates, Gun Turrets, and most non-mini Boss type creatures can be taken out by the Ice Beam followed by a missile.

To easily take down enemies under hard mode, use the following strategy. Charge up Wave Beam (or another weapon with stun capabilities), fire it at the enemy, shoot a missile, then repeat. This will use up a lot of missiles, but is vital for getting through long parts, such as the Phazon Mines or Research Facility.

When confronting flying or very quick enemies, such as a Flying Space Pirates, Metroids, Stealth Pirates, etc., use your Wave Beam. The Wave Beam, unlike the other beams, homes in on the target you locked on to. When using a different weapon, it is easy to miss. Also, if you charge up the beam, your enemy becomes stunned for a few seconds, allowing you to get in another good shot or two. Missiles can also be used, but should be conserved. Sometimes, if you are very close to an enemy, you may want to use a Charged Ice Beam. This freezes your enemy for a longer time than the Wave Beam stuns them. However, this is risky.

To kill birds easily, when you enter a room with a War Wasp hive, shoot the clustered part of the hive with a missile. It will explode, and the War Wasps can escape.

To defeat ice creatures easily use the Plasma Beam or Flamethrower. It can kill most ice enemies, including Sheegoths, with only one or two hits.

Power Charge
To use the Power Charge, hold [A] then release it.

Phazon Suit
To acquire the Phazon Suit, you must defeat the Omega Pirate. The Phazon Suit makes you immune to most forms of Phazon radiation. It also comes equipped with the Phazon Beam, which can only be activated during the last Boss fight.

Varia Suit
After you defeat the Flaahgra, you will see an intermission sequence. You will then be able to get the Varia Suit.

Morphball Bomb double jump
When in Morphball mode, it is possible to do a double jump with a little innovation. Deploy a bomb, wait about a second, then deploy a second bomb. The first bomb you deployed should send you into the air. While in the air, immediately before the peak of your jump, deploy your third and final bomb. As you descend again, the second bomb you deployed should once again send you airborne, while the third bomb that is in the air should send you up even higher. With some practice, this should come naturally. Remember that timing is key.

Lay a bomb in Morphball mode. As soon as it disappears, lay another bomb. By that time, your first bomb will launch you into the air. When you reach the peak of your bomb jump, lay another bomb in mid-air. When you reach the ground, you will be launched back up again. Then, the bomb you placed in the air will launch you up even further.

Get Baby Metroids to do your dirty work
Go to the first part of the lab area with all the Shadow Space Pirates, on the way to get the Gravity Suit. You will find a large number of Shadow Pirates and a single Metroid in a tank. Ignore the Pirates and shoot a single missile down at the tank. If you can hit it, the Metroid will spring forth and start to devour the Pirates quickly, saving you the trouble of wasting time, ammunition, and health. Note: Do not get too close to the Metroid or it will attack you instead.

Tallon IV Map
When you reach a location where you see two parasites, crawl into a pipe. Use Morph Ball and go through the pipe to get it.

Exploding computer
In the space vessel above Tallon IV, go to the first Map Download station (with the parasites crawling in it). Download the map, then turn slightly left to see the first set of computers. Charge your beam and fire. The computer should explode. Note: This only can be done with one computer and none of the others.

Finding beetles
Go to an area with beetles and equip the Heat Visor. The beetles should appear as red splotches on the ground.

Chozo Artifact locations
Chozo Ruins: Sunchamber; Tower Chamber; Elder Chamber

Magmoor Caverns: Warrior Shrine; Lava Lake

Phazon Mines: Elite Research; Phazon Mining Tunnel

Phendrana Drifts: Control Tower; Storage Cave; Chozo Ice Temple

Tallon Overworld: Artifact Temple; Life Grove
Energy Tank locations
Chozo Ruins: Transport Access North; Vault Access; Furnace; Hall of the Elders; Training Chamber

Magmoor Caverns: Transport Tunnel A; Magmoor Workstation

Phazon Mines: Ventilation Shaft; Processing Center Access

Phendrana Drifts: Ruined Courtyard; Research Lab Aether; Transport Access

Tallon Overworld: Cargo Freight Lift to Deck Gamma; Hydro Access Tunnel
Power Bomb expansion locations
Chozo Ruins: Magma Pool
Magmoor Caverns: Warrior Shrine
Phendrana Drifts: Security Cave, Ice Ruins West
Missile expansion locations
Chozo Ruins: Ruined Gallery (2) ; Watery Hall Access ; Burn Dome ; Dynamo; Ruined Shrine; Ruined Nursery; Vault; Main Plaza (2); Crossway; Watery Hall; Furnace; Training Chamber Access

Magmoor Caverns: Storage Cavern; Fiery Shores; Triclops Pit

Phazon Mines: Main Quarry; Elite Research; Elite Control Access; Security Access A; Metroid Quarantine A; Fungal Hall B; Metroid Quarantine B; Fungal Access

Phendrana Drifts: Research Lab Aether ; Research Lab Hydra ; Phendrana Shorelines (2) ; Ice Ruins East (2) ; Frost Cave ; Gravity Chamber ; Quarantine Monitor ; Ice Ruins West

Tallon Overworld: Transport Tunnel B; Landing Site; Overgrown Cavern; Frigate Crash Site; Biohazard Containment; Life Grove Tunnel; Great Tree Chamber; Root Cave; Arbor Chamber
After your accident on the frigate, all of your power-ups will be scattered all over Tallon IV. They can be found at the following locations.
Varia: Kill Flaahgra; Sunchamber, Chozo Ruins.
Gravity: Under water; Gravity Chamber, Phendrana Drifts.
Phazon: Kill Omega Pirate; Phazon Mines.

Morph Ball: Kill Beetles and Plated Beetle; Shrine, Chozo.
Bomb: Kill Incinerator Drone; Hive Totem, Chozo.
Boost Ball: Align platforms; Phendrana Canyon, Phend Drifts.
Spider Ball: Kill Thardus; Quarantine Cave, Phendrana Drifts.
Power Bomb: Kill Invisible Drone and navigate maze under floor, bomb blue puddles to go past electric fields; Level 2 by save station, Phazon mines.

Missile Launcher: Kill Hive Mecha; Chozo.
Charged Blast: Scan all for Runic Symbols in Watery Hall then scan gate.
Super Missile: Activate Hologram in Phendrana Observatory.
Wave Beam: Kill Sheegoth; Chapel of Elders, Phendrana Drifts.
Waveblaster: Super Missile the twelve weak spots in Tower/Light, jump to top.
Ice Beam: Antechamber, Chozo Ruins
Ice Spreader: Power Bomb the weak tunnel in Magmoor and go underneath.
Plasma: Navigate Spider Track in Geothermal Core, Magmoor.
Flamethrower: Power bomb the metal gate Phazon Sec. Access and activate gate access.

Thermal: Power down the force field in Phendrana Research Lab.
X-Ray: Life Grove
Get power-ups
To get the left over items from the enemies you have defeated easily, hold [A] and they will float directly to you.

Get unreachable power-ups
If energy or ammunition is out of your reach, aim and charge your beam. The energy or ammunition will come to you.

Charging any arm cannon weapon will attract energy and missile ammunition to you. However, different weapons have different reaches. The default Power Beam seems to have the furthest reach, while the Wave Beam seems to have the weakest. Keep this in mind when some power-ups do not seem to come to you while using this technique.

Morph Ball
Go to the Chozo Ruins via the elevator. Then, go to the shrine and follow the passages until you get to the center room, where you will see the Morph Ball power-up. When you jump down the ledge, a wall rises up to block you and about ten beetles will burrow up. Defeat these with your Power Beam and get into scan mode just after you kill the last beetle. An intermission sequence featuring a plated beetle burrowing up (the Boss) will start. Scan it quickly by locking on to it and enter combat mode. Lock on to it and press [B] to dodge. Keep dodging until it tries to ram you. Dodge it and fire a Power Beam (and/or missile) onto its exposed red rear. Repeat this until it is defeated and claim the Morph Ball.

Plasma Beam
Enter the Triclops Pit from the Lava Lake side. Walk forward, then look to the right with the X-Ray Visor. You will see a floating platform. Leap to it, then jump to two more platforms and look around until you see a Missile Expansion. Use a Super Missile to destroy the rock encasing the expansion, then hop over and pick it up. Once you have the Grapple Beam, you can careen through Magmoor Caverns with little concern about your own safety. Use the new tool (and strategically placed grapple points) to swing over lava pits easily. Jump to the other side of the Geothermal Core, then look for platforms on the right-hand side of the wall (assuming you are facing away from the twin fires area). Jump to the top, then use the Grapple Beam to swing to the pillar in the middle of the room. Roll into the Spinner Device and twirl with the Boost Ball until you raise the platform. Jump to the other two platforms and repeat the process. Look for a Spider Ball track on the third pillar. Roll up the track, then drop down. Jump to the highest pillar in sight and plant a bomb in the Morph Ball slot. Get on the Spider Ball track, then go through without falling. The best way is to hold [R] and roll on the Spider Ball track. If you need to go up, place a bomb. If you need to go down, release [R], then immediately when it touches the next track, hold [R] again. If you find enemies, lay a bomb and stand back. It is better to destroy them than to avoid them. Go through the door to the Plasma Processing room and get the upgrade. Note: No bosses need to be defeated to get the Plasma Beam, as it is left unguarded. It is a fire-based beam, and is very effective on ice-based creatures.

Adjust view
When something is not visible because Samus' suit is in the way, hold [R] and move the Analog-stick. Samus will put her hand on her gun and look around in the direction you moved. This is helpful for locking on enemies too high to see, and for seeing where certain platforms end (such as in the acid). It can also be used with the Scan Visor.

Dash jumps
To get out of the way quicker than a normal dash, quickly tap [B]x2. To do a Dash-Space Jump, tap [B]x3. These jumps will get Samus out of the way much faster than a normal dash. This trick is especially helpful when you are fighting most of the Bosses that move very fast, such as Meta Ridley, Thardus, and Flaaghra.

Avoid fall damage
Either activate the Space Jump Boots immediately before landing or roll into a ball after falling from a high location.

Heat wave
Shoot any beam weapon repeatedly for about thirty seconds. When you stop, a heat wave can be seen in front of the arm cannon.

Freeze Samus' ship
Fire the Ice Beam missile combo at the ship. The Ice Spreader will completely freeze the ship and have a nice visual effect.

Electrocute birds
To electrocute birds, shoot them with the Wave Beam.

Floating enemies
In the beginning of the game, you will go into a corridor with no gravity. Do not turn the gravity off. Instead, look around the room and you will see two dead enemies (parasites) that are just floating around. When you shoot them, they will explode and send blood flying all over the place.

Shoot asteroids
In the beginning of the game, immediately after getting off your ship, there will be asteroids floating around above you. You can shoot them for target practice.

Full map of Tallon IV
Successfully complete the game under the hard difficulty setting to unlock Image Gallery 3. When this gallery is opened, there will be a map of the entire game, indicating where everything and everyone is. The left side of the map will have a legend on it.

Scanning objects
You only need to scan creatures, Pirate data, Chozo Lore, and computer terminals that activate things. If you are not aiming for the fastest finish, you can scan everything.

See Samus' reaction
To see Samus' reaction within the helmet inside of the reflection, charge and shoot directly at the ground. Note: Try this in an icy place.

Samus' gets bored
Allow the game to idle for a few seconds. Samus will fiddle with her arm cannon, and eventually do something that resembles taking a nap. Try this with the thermal and x-ray visor for a better effect.

See Samus' eyes
Use your charge shot at a wall and you should see Samus's eyes reflecting in her visor. Try doing this at the stone toad in Chozo Ruins.

Samus's right hand
The symbols for each of the different arm cannon functions are actually the positions Samus has her right hand when you switch to those corresponding functions. If you want to see her hand, go where you can see an open area (for example, on top of Samus' gunship looking at the door that goes to the Chozo Temple) and switch to the x-ray visor. If you look at her arm cannon, you will see her hand inside it. If you switch to the function that is red and has all her fingers out, you can see her moving them up and down. This is how she "tells" her arm cannon what function to go in.

Creature list
Aqua Drone
Aqua Pirate
Aqua Reaper
Aqua Sac
Auto Defense Turret
Baby Sheegoth
Barbed War Wasp
Chozo Ghost
Elite Pirate
Fission Metroid
Flaahgra (Boss)
Flaahgra Tentacle (Boss)
Flying Pirate
Hive Mecha (Boss)
Hunter Metroid
Ice Beetle
Ice Burrower
Ice Parasite
Ice Shriekbat
Ice Trooper
Incinerator Drone (Boss)
Mega Turret
Meta Ridley (Boss)
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime, - Second Form (Boss)
Omega Pirate (Boss)
Parasite Queen (Boss)
Phazon Elite
Plasma Trooper
Plated Beetle (Boss)
Plated Parasite
Plated Puffer
Power Trooper
Puddle Spore
Pulse Bombu
Ram War Wasp
Reaper Vine
Sap Sac
Scatter Bombu
Sentry Drone
Shadow Pirate
Sheegoth (Boss)
Space Pirate
Stone Toad
Tallon Crab
Tangle Weed
Thardus (Boss)
Venom Weed
War Wasp
War Wasp Hive
Wave Trooper
Classic Metroid: Play as Samus with bonus weapons
Press [Z] at the main menu, then enter "JUSTIN BAILEY ------ ------" as a password. You will begin the game with all the power-ups, and Samus will not be wearing her suit. Press [Z] to equip the missiles and she will have blonde hair; she will have brown hair without them equipped.

Classic Metroid
Super password:
Enter "NARPAS SWORD0 0000_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _" as a password. Note: "_" indicates a space, and except for the letter "O" in "SWORD", the remaining characters are the number zero. You will start at the beginning of the game with unlimited life, unlimited missiles, and all upgrades. The word in this is "NAR PASSWORD". "NAR" is an abbreviation for the name of the person who designed the password system, Tohru Narihiro.

Classic Metroid Harder game
Press [Z] at the main menu, then enter "999999 999999 KKKKKK KKKKKK" as a password.

Classic Metroid: Play as Samus without suit
Press [Z] at the main menu, then enter "000000 000020 000000 000020" as a password.

Classic Metroid: Samus without suit
Successfully complete the classic Metroid game under two hours to view Samus without her suit during the ending sequence.

Classic Metroid: Super Bomb
Charge a weapon with the Tri Laser, then drop a bomb.

Classic Metroid: Refill energy easily
Go to a pipe that has enemies constantly appearing at ground level with no other enemies around. Just keep shooting and the enemies will fly into your bullets, leaving energy and other items.

Classic Metroid: Defeating Kraid
Use the Ice Beam to freeze the center spike in mid-air as he shoots. Then, use your missiles to shoot the bare spot where the spike was located.

Glitch: Unnoticed in window
In Phendrana Drifts at Research Lab Aether, you will see your first Metroid. An intermission sequence will start. Afterwards instead of breaking the tank to continue, go to the window-like opening. The Pirates on the other side will not see you. Note: It is very difficult to get there in hard mode.

Glitch: Moving platform clone
In the Phazon Processing Center at the top, fire an Ice Spreader at the moving platform. It will freeze the shape of it, but the platform continues, leaving an interesting ice platform that you can jump through.

Glitch: Power Trooper stuck in platform
Go to the Phazon Mines via Magmoor Caverns and look down to see a Power Trooper. Charge a Super Missile and shoot it at him. Most of the time it will knock him down, and he will get stuck under the platform and will not stop jumping. You can also jump down to him and shoot him until he dies.

Note: This trick happens in hard-mode and requires Chargeshot, Supermissiles, Five Missiles, Spiderball, Morph Ball, and Space Jump Boots. At Phazon Mines in the large room with a radioactive floor and the many different colored space pirates (Phazon processing center), enter from the bottom or middle (recommended) entrance. Knock off or defeat the two troopers that are standing by the crates and use the Spider Ball to travel up the left railing. You will be fired at, but they will be easy to evade. At the end of the rail, return to normal and go to the pillar. With your Power Beam out, turn left, up, and fire a Super Missile at the Power Trooper. If done correctly, he will fly back and land partially under a platform. He will attempt to jump up, but will be stopped by the platform. This glitch does not stop it from firing if you are in front of it. However, if you go behind it, it is defenseless.

Glitch: Silent battle
You can battle the second form of Metroid Prime without music. When you defeat its first form and it goes to the intermission sequence with Samus about to jump into the hole where she faces Metroid Prime's second form, quickly press [Start] as soon as she lands in the final battle arena. You will skip the small intermission sequence of the two charging each other. When the battle starts, the music will be muted.

Glitch: Keep health in contaminated water
In the arboretum, go up the ramp until you get to the block that is in your way. Note: This is not a sandstone block, but the one before that. Attack and kill the War Wasps. If you started in the room with 20 or less health, gather the power-ups you earned with your Charge Beam and jump off the side. You should have 80% to 99% when you hit the bottom. However, if you go through the contaminated water, you will have the same amount off health that you came in with, but only a little more.

Glitch: Missile Expansions
At the start of the game, look around the Chozo Ruins with your Scan Visor. Locate one of the two Missile Expansions. It will not say what it usually does with the Missile Expansion text.

Glitch: Metroid Prime's sounds
When you face Metroid Prime's first form, just when he is about to fire his beam breath thing, shoot him. If you shoot at the correct moment (immediately before he goes crazy and charges), he will be wobbling around, and the sounds that it makes when he fires will be heard.
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