Luigi's Mansion Cheats - GameCube

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Downloadable Luigi's Mansion Cheats
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Feb. 01, 2011
Author: 31KB
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
In-game reset
Hold [B] + [X] press [Start] for about two seconds during game play.

Hidden mansion
Successfully complete the game and save. Go to the lab. Professor E. Gadds will ask where you want to go. Select the hidden mansion to play the game again with various differences..

You can get a different sized house at the end of the game, depending on your rank.

Gallery mode
Successfully complete the game to unlock everything in the gallery.
Move map
Press [A] on the map screen to zoom in. Then, use the [C-stick] to scroll around the floor that you are on.

"A" rank
To obtain an "A" rank, get all the gold mice, catch all the blue ghosts, get both gold diamonds, and collect as much money as possible. You need $100,000,000 to get an "A".

Treasure rooms
Go to the southwest corner of the on the mansion's first floor. Vacuum the butler that carries a candle. Look at the room with the Game Boy Horror to find a mouse hole. Press [A] to examine the mouse hole and enter a hidden treasure room.

To access a hidden treasure room, first unlock the butler's room. Make sure you have a full fire meter; you can get more by going to the mirror room. Then, go to the butler's room and look for where the mice are appearing from. Go in that corner and open your Game Boy Horror. Look around to find a mouse hole. Search it with your Game Boy Horror. It will suck you in. If this does not happen, cancel out of your Game Boy Horror and you will see a big swirl of wind -- just walk into it. You will now be in a hidden room with some ghosts that you must catch with the Fire element, and lots of bills, coins, diamonds, and rubies.

Take the elevator in the toy chamber up to get on the chimney in the mansion's roof. Fall off to land in a hidden treasure room.

After you defeat the three clock soldiers, the Shyguys, and the Ice Element ghost, pick up the key that is in the top of the left ladder tower. Do not go back downstairs after you get i. Instead, go to the top right ladder tower with the hole at the top. Walk the plank that is above it and drop down. You will learn that it is really a chimney in the room where the door is boarded up. This is the only way to get into this location, which is a treasure room. The first treasure chest you open will contain a ghost. There are not that many, and you do not need a special element to defeat them. Defeat the ghost and open all the treasure chests. You will also get a key to another room. Exit through the mirror transport.

Finding Boos
You can capture the fifty Boos that were let go at the start of the game to get a large diamond. To do this, use the Game Boy Horror in Boo sensor mode. Boos tend to hide in rooms with lights. Search all locations within such rooms. A blue Boo sensor light indicates that there is no Boo present. A yellow Boo sensor light indicates that a Boo, Booball, or Bomb is near. A red Boo sensor light indicates you are directly next to a Boo, Booball, or Bomb. Get the Boo sensor to be red, then turn on the vacuum or press [A] to examine the target object. If Booball appears, leave it alone to send it at a wall. Run away if a bomb appears.

You can only find Boos in rooms that you have lit up. This is because the Boos draw their power from the darkness. After you find a Boo (in a lit room), it may escape to an unlit room. If a Boo escapes into a dark room, it will be much more difficult to capture because its HP will drop much more slowly. This is because the Boos are stronger when they are in the dark.

To start capturing the Boos, you will have to find them and release them. Go into the dancing room on the first floor. Then, go to the end of the room and take the door going north. You will be in a small room with a pile of boxes and chairs. Use the Game Boy Horror to go into first person mode and look on the south wall. You should see a button with a sign under it. Line up correctly and press this button. The wall will fall back and the room will be enlarged. You should now see a trap door on the floor and a poster on the wall. Vacuum up the poster and press the button that is under it. The trap door will open and a lot of Boos will appear. They will run away because they see the Poltergust 3000. You will then talk to Professor E. Gadd. He will tell you about them, and you can now start catching the Boos.

Capturing Boos
To capture a Boo easier, all you need is an Ice element. When you use an Ice element on a Boo, it will momentarily hesitate to move. This gives you a chance to use your Poltergust 3000 on them.

Boos types
There are four types of Boos: white, blue, red, and black with a yellow outline.

Defeating Biff Atlas
Go up to one of the punching bags, making sure to face Biff Atlas, and press [A]. This will swing the bag and hit him. He will come after you. You have to hit him three times, then he will fall down. Proceed to vacuum him up.

Note: After defeating Biff Atlas, run on the treadmill to get a key.

Defeating Bogmire
Vacuum all the goo monsters quickly, then vacuum a giant goo monster. Take aim and fire at Bogmire. No goo monsters will get in your way and he cannot shake you.

To get to Bogmire, you must defeat Spooky The Dog in the Boneyard by luring out Mr. Bones with the dog's barking. After defeating Mr. Bones and Spooky, there will be sparks coming from the doghouse. Press [A] to examine it Game Boy Horror mode, and a mini tornado will appear. Get sucked into it to be transported to the nearby graveyard. You cannot return. By shaking and vacuuming the tombstones, you will lure out a few Mr. Bones. These Mr. Bones disappear very quickly after being surprised with the flashlight; torching them with the nearby flame spirits could be easier. After you have defeated all the ghosts, knock around the other tombstones for some health. The big tombstone should glow. Approach it to be transported to Bogmire. Vacuum a shadow, while still holding [R], then fire it at the purple Bogmire and vacuum him up.

Defeating Boolousus
When you get a chance, try to locate one of the frozen unicorns at one of the end of the balcony. While he's chasing you, just run circles around the unicorn. He will eventually run into the spike and pop on his own. Be careful -- once the Boos are separated, you have to watch your back. They will run up behind you if you are not looking at them.

When you first start, turn on your Poultergust 3000. As long as you hold down the vacuum button, he will try to escape. You cannot suck him up, but you can restrain him and swing him around. Walk to the frozen statue and swing him into it. While you are swinging him into the statue, you should suck up an ice ghost. When he pops, freeze as many as you can because this is the only time they will just float around, not attacking or running. Try to get at least seven to ten of them. When you pop him again, wait slightly before freezing the Boos. They will stay in one spot for a moment. You can either wait until he tries to attack and dodge, then freeze them, or run closer to one and freeze him. Do not use an ice block. The last one is the trickiest. The view zooms in on you, making it so you cannot see him until he attacks you. However, you will have to wait until he attacks because you cannot see him very well. Note: After the first assault you pull on him, the Boos will run if you try to ice them. There are fifteen Boos in Boolousus.

After you poke him on the horse statue, grab the Ice power-up and turn your back to the Boos. They will form up and go for your back. Turn around and freeze them when they are about to strike.

Defeating Chauncey
After you defeat the Neville and Lydia, you get to Chauncey (the baby). You have to defeat him two times. The first time, you have to pick up the ball with the Poultergust 3000, aim, and press [L] to fire. Hit him and he will blab about his owee. You become small and he will be very big. He will throw rocking horses and balls. When all the balls are done bouncing, one will be stationary. Pick it up, aim, and shoot it at him.

Hit him with the ball and when you vacuum him up, attempt to pull him into a corner.

When you enter the nursery, there is a crib. When you look away, there will be a baby in the crib. Vaccum the rocking horse. The baby will wake up and ask to play. Grab the ball and release it in front of the baby. It will get mad and shrink you. Dodge the rocking horses, and when the balls appear, one will land on the ground. Grab it before it disappears and hit the baby with it. You should see a heart shape on its chest. Start vacuuming it up, and it most likely will escape. Repeat those steps until you catch it.

Defeating The Clock Soldiers
Go up to a clock on a small table. Shake it. If done corresly, you will hear "clicky" sounds. Go to the far left all the way down the room on the left. You will see a flower-looking object. Shake the shelf it is on. This will cause it to make a strange sound. Go to the far right side to the end of the room. You will see another object like the one you saw before. Do the same thing as was done to all the other objects. The Clock Soldiers will start freaking out. Vacuum their keys. You should be able to vacuum them up.

Defeating The Floating Whirlindas
Get close to them, with your back turned to them. When you see them let each other loose, turn towards them and vacuum them.

Defeating Henry and Orville
Make the airplane mobile on the ceiling spin and the twins will appear. They are going to want to play hide and seek. They will be in boxes. To find the boxes that they are in, vacuum them. If they shake, that means they are in the box. Once you have found them, one will ride an airplane and the other will ride a car. Vacuum out the car from under the twin, then vacuum the twin. Vacuum out the airplane form under the twin, then vacuum the twin.

Defeating King Boo
Take Bowser's head off by shooting the spikeballs at him when he leans down to shoot fire. King Boo will appear. Press [L] and [R] and try to pull him back from the Bowser body. Practice on one of the higher number of heart power Boos that you find at the end of the game, since he has only 300 HP.

When you finally make it to King Boo, you will have to walk very close to start him talking. Instead, go directly to the right. You will see two vase-like objects with purple flames coming out of them. Hit them (to check inside) to find a gold bat in one and a lot of coins in the other.

Defeating Lydia
Use the following trick to capture Lydia. After you defeat the Neville, he will give you a key. Go to the room at the end of the hall. Enter and a girl ghost will be there, setting her hair. Go to the window go in front of the curtain to the right. Stand facing to the right then vacuum with the Poultergust 3000. It will move to the right and the ghost will walk to the window saying "Oh what a draft". Use this chance to vacuum her up.

Defeating Madame Clairvoya
You cannot defeat Madame Clairvoya unless you have retrieved all five of the items that Mario has dropped (Hat, Glove, Star, Letter, and Shoe), As you collect each of these items, bring them to Madame Clairvoya and listen to her speak. When you bring the last item, she will talk about Mario then ask you to vacuum her so she can go back to the peacefulness of her painting. Flash her with your light, then vacuum her up.

Defeating Melody Pianissima
Go to the music room with the key that you got from Shivers. Press [A] on all instruments except the piano. She will talk to you and send papers. Defend yourself by vacuuming them up, then vacuum her when she gets upset.

Defeating Miss Petunia
You need to spray the freeze on her, then vacuum her up.

Defeating Mr. Bones
To defeat the two ghosts in the telephone room (they are Mr. Bones), open one chest facing the north of the room and the second one in the east. The Mr. Bones in the chest to the north is very easy while the one in the other chest takes its time. Even if you get your flashlight on it, if you do not react fast enough it will disappear. Also, in the telephone room, if you want to talk to E. Gadd and Toad as soon as lightning strikes the mansion, go through the door you just unlocked and go to the telephone room.

Defeating: Mr. Luggs
Use our Fire element to light the two candles. Suck up his food with the vacuum. Ghosts will appear and serve him -- vacuum them up. When the food is gone, he will shoot fireballs at you. Dodge them and when he starts panting, vacuum him up.

Defeating Nana
Hit the table with the three balls of yarn. When they fall on the floor, vacuum them up one at a time and shoot them at her.

Defeating Neville
To capture Neville, go over to the bookcase and vacuum with the Poultergust 3000. Books will fly out and he will go over to fix them. Use this opportunity to flash the light and vacuum him in. You still have to vacuum in 100 heart power. If you fail the first time, he will still not regain health. Repeat this a few times to vacuum him in.

Go to his fireplace and start to vacuum his ship in a bottle. When he yawns, his heart will show and that is when you can get him.

Defeating Shivers
Get the Fire element, light all candles in Madame Clairvoya's room, and get the key. Then, go to the room for which the key is intended. Clear the room and find the "floating candle". Use the Fire element on it and follow Shivers. As soon as he sits, you can catch him.

HInt: Defeating Sir Weston
Melt the ice cage that he is in with fire.

Defeating Slim Bankshot
Once he starts shooting the pool balls, vacuum them up and shoot them at him. Once he has been hit three times, you can vacuum him up.

Defeating Spooky
Use the Water element on the green thing (seed) in the sand. Make Spooky chase after you and run to the plant. A skeleton will appear. Catch him then catch Spooky when he runs to the bone.

Defeating Sue Pea
Spray water on her bed. Once it is wet, you should be able to vacuum her up.

Defeating Vincent Van Gore
You have to defeat all the ghosts in the paintings first.

Defeating Elemental Ghosts
Ghosts with a water droplet inside them need to be frozen with ice. A flame indicates that they must be extinguished by water. An ice crystal requires a good torching. Flame/water/freeze the ghost slightly, then you can use your vacuum to take off about 5 HP. Then, quickly hit them again with the correct element and vacuum them a little by little. You should be able to defeat a 20 HP elemental ghost with only one or two notches of elemental power on your meter.

Shoot one second of an element then shine your flashlight at it. You will not waste a lot of element.

Defeating the ghosts with the forks and masks
Vacuum off their masks first, then vacuum them up.

Defeating the Clockwork Soldiers
Vacuum off the keys on their backs, then vacuum them.

Finding Henry And Orville
After the twins tell you to hide and you reenter, vacuum the boxes. If the box shakes, open it.

Avoiding ghosts after Uncle Grimmly
After you defeat Uncle Grimmly and get the Breaker Room key, instead of going through the Waiting Room and the Parlor, warp back to the Foyer pressing [X], aiming at the mirror on the north wall, and pressing [A]. By doing this, you do not have to run through the rooms with the ghosts.

Vacuuming ghosts and Boos
If you can barely catch a Ghost while vacuuming, or just want a faster way to do so, quickly rotate the [C-stick]. This is easier for those who do not have too great of a time holding the [C-stick] in the opposite direction of the Ghost, as each rotation will land at least one heart off the ghosts.

When you have one of those Ghosts in your reach, you have to go through the difficulty of rotating the [C-stick], which can be troublesome. To avoid this, when you find and consume those scattering spirits, try staying in a corner of the room. , and stay in that corner. See, that gives them only so much room to escape. When you are in a corner, it minimizes their rotation to only 90 degrees, eliminating 75% of the struggle.

When vacuuming ghosts, instead of just holding the Analog-sticks in the opposite direction of the ghost(s), repeatedly tap them in the opposite direction. The ghost's hearts will drop a lot faster.

Use the Analog-stick and C "-stick" to aim at a Boo. Once its HP begins to drop, stop using the [C-stick] and use only the Analog-stick to follow the Boo around the room. Luigi will automatically change direction according to the Boo's movement. The closer you are to the Boo, the faster its HP will drop. However, if you touch the Boo, you will get hurt and the Boo will escape the vacuum. If the Boo escapes through a wall, check your map to see which room it has escaped to. Go to that room as quickly as possible.

Throwing Element balls
First, get an Element. Start to shoot the Element, and when you see the Element to start to flow out of your Poltergust 3000, press [L] again. An Element ball should shoot out of it.

To see an Element ball approach you, go to the first floor corridor where the door on the left is the Dining Room and the door on the right is the Ballroom. Have Luigi face you and fire an Element ball. This works with all three balls.

Avoiding trapped doors
To avoid losing coins and life from trap doors, just vacuum towards the door you want to enter. If it rattles and shakes around, it is safe to enter. If it does not move or rattle, it is a trap.

To avoid being hit by the trapped doors, note that Luigi will look at them as he walks past. Luigis will also do this if he is near jars or anything else with money or a ghost in them.

To avoid being smashed by trapped doors, look to see if there is a doormat at the base of the door. If there is a mat, it is safe to open.

Trapped doors do not appear on the map (press [Y] ).

In order to avoid trap doors, get a fire element and shoot it at the door. If the door sets on fire, it is a trap and will disappear. By doing this, you do not have try to open it to find out if it is a real door.

Get rid of fake doors
Use the Flamethrower element on the annoying fake doors and they will melt and disappear. Note: They will return after you enter another door.

Warp mirrors
Any mirror in the mansion (except for the large one that reflects the invisible ghosts) can be used to warp back to the entrance hall. Set the Game Boy Horror to first person mode and press [A] to examine the mirror. This allows you to save the game conveniently.

In the first room of the mansion there is a mirror under a cloth. Vacuum the cloth off, then go into first person mode with the Game Boy Horror. Search the mirror and the screen will go blue. Nothing really happens, yet the world twists upside down.

When you are in a room with a mirror and you have the Poltergust 3000, press [X] to look at the mirror then press [A] button when the circle is on the mirror. You will teleport to the very first room entered (the foyer).

Warp from the well to the main entrance
Go to the well where you can see Mario In the picture. Look directly ahead with your Gameboy Horror, and press the [A] button. You will be teleported to the main entrance (the mansion door).

Courtyard shortcut
After you defeat Biff Atlas, run on the running machine on Luigi's left. In a few seconds a normal key will appear. This key is for the door just outside of Biff Atlas' room on the left. By opening the door you are using a shortcut and do not have to go through the Courtyard.

Second chance with cheese
If you turned on the lights in a room where there is a piece of cheese, and you did not spot it with the Game Boy Horror while it was dark, you will not be able to catch a gold mouse. When the lights go out on the balcony, take your time to go through the rooms where you missed the cheese. Since the lights went out, you can use your Game Boy Horror on the cheese again, and you will have a second shot at getting the gold mice. Note: You have to leave the lights out to catch the cheese mice.

Secret altar
You can view the secret altar by going down in the bottom of the well and looking into it. Access all the rooms in the house to finally obtain the key to the secret altar. Once you have the key, the door with the thorns in the basement level will open. You will see the Boo King looking at the Mario painting. Before you get too close, vacuum up the candles to your right, in front of the mirror just as you walk in. A lot of coins will appear from the candle while you vacuum them out. Some bills will also appear. The candle next to it has a bar of gold that you can vacuum out. You can then go over to the King Boo and battle him on the roof top. Note: He will take the appearance of Bowser.

Treadmill Key
In the weight room is a treadmill. Run on it to get the key to the hall door just to the left of the room. With the hall door unlocked, you will not have to run around the back side of the house to get to the stairs that lead to the second floor.

Bathroom access
Collect five Boos and you will be able to access the bathroom.

Treasures from plants
Go to the outside section and find the seen to the right of the dog house, towards the graveyard. It can be found under Toad's balcony. Get the Water Element ability and water the seed. A plant will appear. Press [A] on the Game Boy Horror while examining the dog house to enter it.. Defeat the Boss that is inside, then water the plant again. Continue playing the game, then water the plant again after defeating the next Boss. The plant will flower and give you a diamond. If you do not water the plant after each Boss battle, it will die.

On Area 2, after you get the Water Elemental Medal and before you defeat Bogmire, go past the kitchen and go through the next door that has caught on fire. After you get the ghostly dog Spooky, go to the green thing with white polka-dots in the sand. Get a Water Elemental Ghost into your Poltergust 3000. Water that colorful thing. On Area 3, the plant will be larger. Water it again. On Area 4, the plant will be a big yellow thing. Water that again, and many coins and a golden diamond worth 20,000,000 g will appear.

When you get the Water Element, water all the plants to find hidden treasures growing in them.

On Boolosus's Balcony, have the Water Element on then run northeast. Water the big plant and a diamond will appear.

After defeating Boo on the Balcony, fill yourself with water and walk around to the potted plants. Pour water onto them and they will start to shake and erupt with money, gems, gold and hearts.

Change vacuum power
There are three different medals you can collect to change the powers of the Poltergust 3000 vacuum cleaner. They are the Fire, Ice, and Water medals. When you collect the Fire Medal, you can suck up ghosts that have a ring of fire around the health hearts. Also, you can press [L] to spray fire from your vacuum to light candles and hit ghosts with a ice health meter. When you collect the Water Medal, you can extinguish flames that are too powerful for your vacuum to put out. Also, you can press [L] to spray water.

Extra hearts and money
Use your vacuum to clean all lamps, chandeliers, and vases. Most of them will contain either hearts (life) and money.

Bigger hearts
Collect as much money and pearls as possible. The more you collect, the bigger the hearts will get. They can almost restore as much health as the large hearts do.

There are two large rubies in the game. One is the King Boo's Crown and the other is hidden in a plant on the Boolosus Balcony.

On Area 2, after you defeat Spooky, walk near the entrance of the dog house and press [X]. Press [A] while aiming at the door to go to the graveyard. To your right will be a rain drain. Walk to it and press [A] to get a ruby.

After you get the Fire Element and defeat Mr. Luggs, go to the kitchen. Light the room and use your Fire Element at the stove next to the freezer and a ruby will appear.

Blue coin
Go into Mr. Lugg's room. Go to the left and there will be a door. Go through the door. Shake the refrigerator by pressing [A]x2. You will lose 4% life. A ghost will appear, and if it has a crystal ball in it, shoot out fire. The ball will soon disappear. Aim your light at it and vacuum it up. Vacuum the running sink and a blue coin will appear. Get the coin.

Red coin
Go to the room next to Madame Claiyova. Vacuum all the ghosts. Then, vacuum the big fire and a red coin will appear. Get that coin.

Finding coins
You can find coins in almost everywhere; in halls, bathrooms, and many more places. When you find coins try to vacuum them up before they disappear. Bills will sometimes also pop up. They do not disappear as easily.

Mario theme music
When in the music room where you have to vacuum all the musical instruments, it will be playing the theme from all the Mario games. Note: This will also unlock the ghost for this room.

Successfully complete the game and you will eventually hear an upbeat version of music from Bowser's Castle from the original Super Mario Bros .

Theme song
Go into an unlit room, press [X], and scan something to stop Luigi from humming. If you listen to the growling of the monsters, you will notice that they are actually singing the Luigi's Mansion theme.

Pokemon painting
On level two, when you catch five Boos go to the bathroom where you get key out of the toilet to find a painting of a Pokemon.

The Munsters poster
Enter the twin's room. After you get the twins and the Boo inside their room, you can see a poster of the television show, "The Munsters" next to the bunk bed.

Mario calls
When you press [A], Luigi will call "Mario!". The more damage Luigi has taken, the more desperate his call for Mario will be.

Mario calls for Luigi
After finding Mario, get close to the well or go down the ladder into the well, but stay on the ladder. Eventually, you will hear Mario calling "Hey, Luigi! What's the hold up?"

Mario location
Mario is located in the basement of the mansion. Once you have defeated the artist and have the key, go to the hallway next to it. Go to the door north of you. Open it and go inside. Walk through the small room, and open the other door. You will see King Boo, and Mario stuck in a painting. Walk up to King Boo and finish the conversation. When he turns around, he will enter his Bowser robot. You will be sucked up and teleport to the roof.

Hidden Boo picture
Although you cannot pull off the projection room screen, you can make it change. Give it a tug with the Poltergust 3000. If you are persistent, you will reveal a huge picture of a Boo.

There is another hidden Boo picture in the first floor bathroom. Vacuum at the poster with the word "Monster" on it. A picture of a Boo will appear.

Portrait list of ghosts
1. Neville: The bookish father
2. Lydia: The mirror gazing mother
3. Chauncey: The spoiled baby
4. The Floating Whirlindas: The dancing couple
5. Shivers: The wandering butler
6. Melody Pianissima: The beautiful pianist
7. Madame Clairvoya: The freaky fortune teller
8. Mr. Luggs: The glutton
9. Spooky: The hungry guard dog
10. Bogmire: The cemetery shadow
11. Biff Atlas: The body builder
12. Miss Petunia: The bathing beauty
13. Nana: The scarf knitting granny
14. Slim Bankshot: The lonely pool shark
15. Henry And Orville: The twin brothers
16. Boolossus: Jumbo ghost
17. Uncle Grimmly: Hermit of the darkness
18. Clockwork Soldiers: The toy platoon
19. Sue Pea: The dozing girl
20. Jarvis: The jar collector
21. Sir Weston: The chilly climber
22. Vincent Van Gore: The starving artist
23. King Boo
Mario item locations
Mario's Cap: Laundry Room
Mario's Letter: Courtyard
Mario's Glove: Projection Room
Mario's Shoe: The Twins' Room
Mario's Star: Observatory
Big heart locations
First floor graveyard: When you interact with the leftmost gravestone as well as others, you will collect a big heart.

Second floor nursery: The design of the heart-shaped dresser is a clue. Open the drawer to find a 50-point heart.

Third floor safari room: Your first destination on the third floor is a difficult room. Its big heart is in a chest on a corner table.

Basement cellar: The shelves in the center of the cellar hold a big heart. Pull it out with your vacuum.
Gold mice locations
With Cheese: Random
The Study : Main Hall on first floor
Madame Clairvoya: Main Hall on second Floor
Dining Room: Kitchen
Tea Room: Tea Room
Safari Room: Sealed Room
Blue Ghost locations
Wardrobe room in chest on right
Study in chair behind desk
Breaker room under table at left
Storage room in chair at right
Dining room in closet at left
Kitchen in oven at left
Recreation room in machine at bottom right
Nana's room under far right chair
Billiards room under far right table
Cellar in boxes at left of door
Sealed room in chest at far right
Gold diamonds
First gold diamond: Given to you when you catch Boo number 50.

Second gold diamond: After you fight the dog outside the mansion, water the seed under the balcony. It will sprout. Return after going to the next area, water it again, and it will grow again. Return again after beating the Giant Boo on the balcony, and water it again. It will spit out a lot of bills, coins, and finally a gold diamond.
Blue diamond
Before you go to King Boo, when you enter the room point the Poltergust 3000 at the a chandelier. A blue diamond will appear.

Item values
Gold Coin: 5,000 G
Bill: 20,000 G
Gold Bar: 100,000 G
Sapphire (Blue Stone): 500,000 G
Emerald (Green Stone): 800,000 G
Small Ruby (Red Stone): 1,000,000 G
Diamond: 2,000,000 G
Large Ruby (King Boo's Crown): 5,000 G
Topaz (Gold Diamond): 20,000,000 G
Small Pearl: 50,000 G
Medium Pearl: 100,000 G
Big Pearl: 1,000,000 G
Glitch: Strange music
Start capturing a Ghost and pause game play while their health is about 10 or 500 (King Boo). You will hear a trumpet with a flute and other instruments.

Glitch: See Luigi holding Poltergust during intermission sequence
Before fighting Boolossus or Bowser, the Boss will always speak, do an animation, and then there will be a cinematic sequence. During the animation (the Boos scaring Luigi or Bowser swallowing you) , hold [L]. During the cinematic sequence, Luigi will hold his Poltergust 3000.

Glitch: Mario's hat and gloves
When you find Mario's hat and glove, look through the well to see that Mario still is wearing his hat and glove.

Glitch: Misspelling
When you first enter the bathroom and tell Toad to "Don't worry about it", he will make a few statements. One of these include the word "Hey" which is misspelled as "Heyy"
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