Cel Damage Cheats - GameCube

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat mode
Enter the character selection screen, select "Load" then enter "PITA" or "FATHEAD" as a name to unlock all cars, tracks, and modes. Enter "SUSIE!" as a name to unlock various combinations of features.

Enter the character selection screen, select "Load" then enter "CODY" as a name.

Pen and ink graphics
Enter the character selection screen, select "Load" then enter "PENCILS" as a name.

Plastic graphics
Enter the character selection screen, select "Load" then enter "FANPLASTIC" as a name. Enter the event selection screen and highlight "Smack Attack". Press [Down] and select the "Event Settings" button. Then, select the "Options" button and select the "Rendering Modes" button. Change this option to ""Render: Plastic". The message "Current mode: plastic" will appear. Return to the even selection screen, then proceed to select a level and begin game play. To return to normal, repeat the steps and choose the cartoon renderer at the "Rendering Modes" screen.

Ranged weapons
Enter the character selection screen, select "Load" then enter "GUNSMOKE!" as a name.

Melee weapons
Enter the character selection screen, select "Load" then enter "MELEEDEATH" as a name.

Hazard weapons
Enter the character selection screen, select "Load" then enter "HAZARDOUS" as a name.

Personal weapons
Enter the character selection screen, select "Load" then enter "UNIQUEWPNS" as a name.

Movement power-ups
Enter the character selection screen, select "Load" then enter "MOVEITNOW" as a name.

All FMV sequences
Enter the character selection screen, select "Load" then enter "MULTIPLEX!" as a name.

Brian The Brain and Space world
Enter the character selection screen, select "Load" then enter "BRAINSALAD" as a name.

Win Smack Attack, Gate Relay, and Flag Relay in all three levels of the Space world.

Count Earl and Transylvania world
Enter the character selection screen, select "Load" then enter "EARLSPLACE" as a name.

Alternately, win Smack Attack, Gate Relay, and Flag Relay in all three levels of the Transylvania world.

Whack Angus and Desert world
Enter the character selection screen, select "Load" then enter "WHACKLAND" as a name.

Alternately, unlock all modes (Smack Attack, Flag Rally, Gate Relay), then win all three levels in the Desert world in each one (total of nine). After completing the last level, Whack Angus will be unlocked as a playable character. His personal weapons are throwing Butchering Knives.

T. Wrecks and Jungle world
Enter the character selection screen, select "Load" then enter "TWRECKSPAD" as a name.

Alternately, win Smack Attack, Gate Relay, and Flag Relay in all three levels of the Jungle world.

Big head mode
Hold [L] + [R] + [Up] during game play.

Gate Rally mode
Win once in Smack Attack mode.

Additional FMV sequences
Successfully complete Smack Attack, Gate Relay, and Flag Relay with each character to unlock additional FMV sequences.
Flag trial
You have to have at least one or two of these weapons: the Helicopter and Guns, and the Vacuum. Hurry and find the Vacuum in one of the weapon bins. Go straight to the Winner's (or Flag) Circle and wait for whoever gets all four flags to arrive at the circle. Once they are close enough, just vacuum them up. That weapon will not only take their Flags, but also their weapon. After doing so, go to the "Victory Ring". When you have the Helicopter and Guns weapon, just after the lone Flags first, then take out any one else who has the last desired Flag(s) you need. Next quickly go to the "Ring", because you have a limited time with that weapon. Use the Helicopter And Guns to take out any one who has the Flags, and easily fly to the goal.

Easy kills
As Flemming, get his personal weapon on the first desert world level. Go to the end of the train tracks, then turn around. When someone approaches, shoot nonstop.

Extinguish fires
When Flemming, or any one else with the Lasers hits you a number of times and causes you to go into flames, try going into the water. That will put the fire out if you do so quickly. The levels with water are the first two Jungle levels (the three pounds with the crocodiles, and the other level with the shallow water in the piranha pits), and the first Transylvania level (the creek, before you hit the spider web spring).

Another way to extinguish a fire is to go through the alien cases in Babbling 5.

Babbling 5: Free Rocket Pack
To get the secret Rocket Pack for any character, find the rotating platform with the jump on it (which occasionally raises into the air) and go off the jump. You will obtain a Rocket Pack for a short time, but will still be able to use your other weapons (except Gunship, which is also a flying weapon). Use this with the Cluster Bombs weapon to rain bombs on your opponents, or with the Machine/Tommy guns to become a turbo-charged Gunship.

Count Earl: Easy kills
When playing on Smack Attack with Count Earl on Wild Wooly West, get his personal weapon. On the railroad bridge go straight. When you see someone coming on either side close to you fire. Count Earl's seeker missiles should kill your opponent easily.
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