Wario Land 3 Cheats - GameBoy Color

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Downloadable Wario Land 3 Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
In-game reset
Press [Start] + [Select] + [A] + [B] during game play.

Free Wario Golf play
Before you enter a Wario Golf game, save the game. Reload the game and enter the door. If you do badly in Wario Golf, shut the Game Boy Color. Reload the game and you will be outside the door. Keep repeating this until you win.

Time attack mode
Successfully complete the game after collecting all 100 treasures.

Extra Golf mini-game course
Collect each of the eight musical coins in every level, then unlock time attack mode. Get all seven crayons to unlock a fourth Golf mini-game course between worlds N and W.
Finding destinations easily
Once a level has been completed, if an orange ball spins around a location, you should go there first. If it does not do that, go to the temple.

Defeat final Boss
When reach the final Boss, he will try to grab you. High-jump to his nose, out of the way so he cannot kill you. When he throws a fist at you, jump up and stomp it. Then, throw it at his nose. Do this four times to defeat him.
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