Hamtaro: Ham-Hams Unite Cheats - GameBoy Color

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Downloadable Hamtaro: Ham-Hams Unite Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Hold [B] to run -- it is faster than walking.

Hamtaro Time song
Go to Sunflower Elementary. Go to the ham swap and buy it for 50 Sunflowers or less

G-Rock song
Collect all of the rocks in each area and go to the Sky Garden area. Go to the hole and Chuck-Chuck all of the rocks in the box in order to open the rock door. Note: Inside the rock door is the HM Boutique.

Postman's Rush song
Go to the sunflower market. Go inside the giant freezer and Tack-Q the mail box to collect the song.

Bolero song
Go to the Ruins and Tack-Q the clock twice. A hamster will appear and do ballet. Keep saying Clap-Clap to get the song.

Young 'n' Wild song
Go to the Sunflower market and help the hamster stuck between the two boxes with Tuggie. He will give you a strawberry and a new Ham-Ham word. Go to the isles and to the Strawberry Self. Say Hiff-Hiff, then Hamha. Play the Strawberry mini-game and get a perfect score of 6 to receive the song.

Chick-ah Jam song
Go to Acorn Shrine and climb a long tree that is near the banana peel. Schoochie up the tree and buy the song from HM Boutique.

Little Star song
Collect all 12 Stars to get the song.

I'm Your Ham Song
To receive the song, get all the Ham-Hams back to the clubhouse. Boss will appear and show you the new Dance Hall. After that, you will be receive the song after the ending credits.

Little Lamb Song
This is your first Ham-Jam Song when you first start playing the game.

Sunflower Song
Buy this song at the HM Boutique store in Sunflower Park. Go to the Secret Garden and buy it for 25 Sunflower Seeds.

Strawberry Soccer mini-game
To play, you must have the strawberry. Hiff-Hiff the area where the hamster in the strawberry is located, then say Hamha. Watch where the shadows are heading and go to that area.

Walk into the Sunflower Market. You will see a Hamster stuck in between two boxes. Use Tuggy and free him. He will have a strawberry. He says that it is a ball. This is what you use to play Strawberry Soccer. Go to the place where you see two cartons of strawberries. Use Hiff-Hiff by the moving berries. A Hamster will appear up and think that you are a soccer player because you have a ball. He will start laughing at you. Say Hamha and he will ask if you want to run a few drills. He will throw the ball. Yse Hiff-Hiff while your under the ball to hit it six times. You will earn Young and Wild The Ham Jam.

Tack-Q Bowling mini-game
There is a pattern when playing this game. Go to the end of the ball and wait for four red balloons, then tap [A]. Go to the second ball and wait for three red balloons. Tap [A] quickly then go to the first ball and tap [A] after one red balloon to get a perfect score of 200.

Learning Hamspar
Go to Sunflower Park and go to the right until you see an old Hamster. Then, go down between the television and junk. Tack-Q the television three times and you will hear a Hamster. Go back to the old Hamster and talk to him. You will then learn Hamspar (enemy).

Learning Hamteam
Go to Sky Garden. Go to the resort.Go to the Hamster by the banana (above the golfing Hamster and the gray/white tanning Hamster. Trip over the banana Say Spiffie to the Hamster to learn Hamteam. It does not matter if you say "Yes" or "No".

Learning Spiffie
Go to the Hamster that is playing golf and say Hamha, then say Blizzaro to get Spiffie.

Learning Twintoo
Go to Sky Garden. Go to the big blue punching Hamster. Say four basic Ham Chat words, then say Spiffie and you will get Twintoo.

Getting Sunflower Seeds
Go to the ruins. Go near the lamp and climb up the string. You will see a toy car that is flipped over. You will also see a white car. Walk two or three steps away from the car, then Tack-Q. You will go backwards onto the car. Then, use Hif-Hif to get ten seeds.

Exiting secret flower level
Hif-Hif the tanning Hamster, and on your first time go down the slide. If you try to talk to the tanning Hamster again, he will not be there because he is at the slide. When you go up the slide, he will tell you that he put a lot of oil on it and you will slide with him to the secret flower level. The tanning Hamster will be unconscious and you will be stuck there. To get out, find the treasure chest in the upper left Tack-Q the chest and it will open. Then, use Lookie to look in it. After that, use DigDig next to the tanning Hamster, where there is a puddle of water. He will wake up and say that there is a treasure chest that is opened, and that someone was here first. You will then say that there were three rocks there. He will say something, then stand on top of one of two hamster heat mat. If you stand on the other, a door will open. This is how you get out of the secret flower level.

Ham-Ham Locations
Acorn Shrines
Bijou: Bijou likes to play games -- she is playing Tag with Hamtaro. Once Bijou reaches the far end of Acorn Shrines, she will be hiding behind a tree. Tack-Q the tree she is behind, causing her to be scared of spiders that fall down to make her fall. Say Hamha and she will say that she has lost her Shiny Rock. Go to the hole that is beside her and use Dig-Dig. You will receive a Shiny Rock.

Go back to her and say Oopsie (received this word from the hamster in the tree that you have to Tack-Q to get the Ham Chat word, located one screen up from the flower Ham-Ham) to have Bijou return to the clubhouse.
Maxwell: He is in Acorn Shrines on the top floor of the giant cave. Go inside the cave, located above the skipping Ham-Ham. Go up until you reach an area where there is a cracked spot. Tack-Q that cracked spot twice until you see a light behind you. Go to the light and say Hamha. Maxwell will fall down and hit the floor. Say Hamha, then Nopilbloo (receoved this word from the Ham-ham who is skipping on the ledge). Maxwell will laugh and return to the clubhouse.
Sunflower Park
Oxnard: Oxnard is in Sunflower Park crying about losing his Special Sunflower seed. Note: He os near the Olive-Oil Hamster. Go to the white Hamster who is playing hide and go seek, one screen down from Oxnard. Say Hif-Hif to get her attention. She needs help finding the Hamsters who are hiding. Go all the way to the far right at the end of the slide and use Dig-Dig to have a Hamster say the Ham-Chat word Chuck-Chuck. Return to Oxnard and say Chuck-Chuck to have him go back to the clubhouse.
Pashmina: Go all the way to the far right of the entire area, until you reach the poles. Use Scoochie to climb up the second pole of the jungle gym. Say Hamha, and a terrible gust will blow her scarf. Go down from the pole and use Scoochie to climb up the first pole to find a crow with Pashmina's scarf. Say Hamha and a bunch of Ham Chat words that you know, but not Tack-Q or you will fall off the jungle gym. The crow will begin to laugh and drop the scarf. He will say that he wants to be your friend. Say a Ham Chat word, go down the pole, and return to Pashmina. Say Hamha and she will return to the clubhouse.
Sunflower Elementary
Panda: Go to Sunflower Elementary and enter the school. Go to the room in the far left and climb up the rope. You will see Panda. Say Hamha to have him return to the clubhouse.
Jingle: He is performing a song with an audience. Go to the Ham-Ham who sells tea upstairs, in the left room. Say Hamha, then return to the Hamster who is full from eating. Use Tack-Q, then say Oopsie to tell you that he needs herbal tea. Go to the Ham-Swap to get the bottle there. Buy it from the Ham-Swap. Note: You can lower the price if you say Blash-T. Keep saying this ham-chat word until its price has been lowered to a good one. Take the bottle to Panda in the clubhouse and let him fix it by saying Wishie. Panda will be back at Sunflower Elementary, and has fixed the bottle. Go to the place where they sell herbal tea. Say Hamha to the owner, then Huffpuff to receive the bottle filled with herbal tea. Go back to the Hamster who is full of food and needs it. Go down a screen and back up to reveal that the shelves can now help you go out the window. Go up the shelves and you will fall from the window. Go up to Jingle and say Hamha, Pooie, then Smoochie to have him go back to the clubhouse.
Penelope: Go to the ruins and climb up the lampshade that is besides the giant clock and the ladder. You will see Penelope jumping for joy on a frog on top of a tire. Pull the cork using Tuggie to drain all of the water from the dish where they were jumping on. Climb back up the ladder and go up to the frog/ Say Hamha, then Hammo to have Penelope return to the clubhouse.
Cappy: He is distracted and looking at a Shogun Wig. Go to the ruins and go to where the giant Tv is located. Beside it is a frog. Say Hamha to it, then Bestest and Hif-Hif to receive the Frog Badge. Go to where the picnicking hamsters are located. Say Hif-Hif then Pooie to have them go home. Use Dig-Dig from where they were picnicking. You will fall down in a room. Go right until you fall and enter Tack-Q bowling. Travel left until you see Cappy. Say Hamha to Cappy to learn that he wants the Shogun Wig. Play the Tack-Q Bowling game and get a score of 130 points or higher to receive a Shogun Wig. Take the Shogun Wig to Cappy and say Ta-Dah To have him return to the clubhouse.
Sunflower Market
Note: There are two alternate versions of getting Howdy and Dexter, with different problems to the same solution -- it differs depending on who you meet first. If you go to Howdy in the Cash Register and say Dig-Dig, he will get stuck in the register. If you go to Dexter in the Giant Freezer and say Hammo, he will be frozen in ice.
Howdy and Dexter (Howdy in trouble version): Go to Howdy, who is in the cash register looking for a gift for Pashmina. Say Dig-Dig to him. He will think you are crazy, you have time at hand, and wants you to spy on Dexter. Go to Dexter in the giant freezer and say Hammo. After that, rush back to Howdy until a newspaper Hamster runs and slips on ice. He will tell you bad news about Howdy. Go back to where Howdy was located to learn that the cash register closed on him, and that he is knocked out. Go back to Dexter and say Gasp-P so he now knows that Howdy is in trouble. Go to where Howdy is and meet Dexter. Say Goodgo to him. You must now find a Stripped Sticker. Find the Hamster that sells Flugo and speak with him. He will say that he is selling a Stripped Sticker for 10,000 Sunflower Seeds (even though you can only carry 9,999 Sunflower Seeds). Go back to Dexter and say Hamha so he knows that the sales Hamster is selling it for an expensive price. Go outside of the market to find the newspaper Hamster crying. Say Hamha, then go outside where the bike rack is located. Go up the small ladder and use Tack-Q so that a long rope falls down. Use Tuggie near the rope to collect a bag. Return the bag to the newspaper Hamster for a Newsflash. Take the Newsflash to Dexter. Exit out of the market, to see Dexter speaking with the sales Hamster. The sales Hamster will lower the Stripped Sticker to 10 Sunflower Seeds, which is a good opportunity to buy. Buy the Stripped Sticker and return to Dexter, who is near the price checker. You will travel in opposite directions since Dexter put the Stripped Sticker on you. Let the price checker scan the Stripped Sticker and the cash register will open. Howdy is now free, and Dexter and Howdy will return to the clubhouse.
Howdy and Dexter (Dexter in trouble version): Go to Dexter in the giant freezer and say Hammo. Dexter will say that Howdy is my Hamspar, and wants you to spy on him. Go to Howdy, who is in the cash register and say Hamha. For some reason, Howdy will know that Dexter wants you to spy on him. Go down and head towards Dexter until the newspaper Hamster swoops down and says something terrible has happened to Dexter. Go to Dexter and to find out that he is frozen. Go back to Howdy and say Gasp-P. Howdy will know that Dexter is frozen. Howdy will go to where Dexter is located. Go meet Howdy there. Use Pakapaka on Howdy to make him get an idea. He will tell you to get a Heat Patch. Find the hamster that sells Flugo and speak with him. He will say he is selling a Heat Patch for 10,000 Sunflower Seeds (even though you can only carry 9,999 Sunflower Seeds). Go back to Howdy and say Hamha. He wants you to get a Heat Patch in any way possible. Go outside of the market to find the newspaper Hamster crying. Say Hamha, then go outside where the bike rack is located. Go up the small ladder and use Tack-Q so that a long rope falls down. Use Tuggie near the rope to collect a bag. Return the bag to the newspaper Hamster for a Newsflash. Take the Newsflash to Howdy. Exit out of the market to see Howdy speaking with the sales Hamster. The sales Hamster will lower the Heat Patch to 10 Sunflower Seeds, which is a good opportunity to buy. Buy the Heat Patch and return to Howdy, who is in the giant freezer. Howdy will take the heat patch and put it on top of Dexter. He will melt out of the ice and will be saved. Howdy and Dexter will both return to the clubhouse.
Sky Garden
Sandy and Stan: Go to Sky Garden and say Hamha to the Hamster who wants to be a star. Say Hamha to her then Hamtast to have her ask you to get a strawberry drink. Go to the bartender that is one screen beside her. Go up to the bartender and say Wishie for a drink. Select the strawberry drink and buy it for 10 Sunflower Seeds. The bartender will open up the small door and deliver the strawberry drink. He will tell you not to unplug the plug. Use Tuggie to unplug the plug. Cross the log and move into a small island. Climb up the dog leash to reach the bench where Sandy is located and say Hamha then Lookie to have her look for her brother Stan. Say Ham-Team to Sandy so that she can stay in one place while you search for Stan. Once you have gone around twice, Sandy can catch Stan. Stan and Sandy will be reunited. They both will return to the clubhouse.
Star Locations
Acorn Shrine
Go under the building with the sleeping Ham that rolls over a spot where you can dig. Go to the rock and use Tack-Q. A beetle will appear. When you approach it, it will roll into a ball. It will first roll into the wall, then roll away. Go to where the beetle hit the wall and use Tack-Q. A Star will come down.
Go to the place where you will find a Ham that looks a lot like Auntie Viv inside a house in a tree (near the tree with a ladybug on it). Go up to the tree and say Hamha. After that, the ladybug will fly off and circle around an area in the ground before flying back to the tree. Use Dig-Dig in that area and you will get a Star.
Sunflower Park
Go to the Dig-Dig shop. He should say that there is a great prize or something in one of the holes. Keep digging until you find the Star.
Go to the Secret Garden and Tack-Q the treasure chest. Then, Lookie to get the Star.
Get 200 points at Tack-Q Bowling.
Go to the tire with the ladder where you found Penelope. Do not climb the ladder now. Instead, face the tire and use Tack-Q. You will fall in another area. Search the chest to find the Star.
Sunflower Market
Search the register Howdy was at.
Keep giving seeds to the hamster that says he is hungry.
Sunflower Elementary
Go to Panda's Workshop and use Tack-Q on the box with the star.
Go to the ham That will sell you new Ham Ham words. Despite that they are all wrong, keep buying them. Eventually he will give you a Star for being a good customer.
Sunflower Park
Note: This is an alternate area for the Star in the Secret Garden. Go to the Secret Garden and you will see a Star piece sticking out of the ground. It is not hidden. Use Dig-Dig there to collect it.
Sky Garden
Go to the pole with the Ham in the hole. Say Hamha and talk to the hamster. You will then get the option to Scoochie up the pole. Say the word (it varies) that will get the crow to appear. Tell him that you want a ride, then go to his nest. It is directly under the Acorn Shrine on the map. The Star should be in plain sight.
Talk the girl Ham in the northern-most part of the area that asks you to get her a drink. Talk to her until she asks you to get a drink. Then, get a strawberry drink for her and the Ham at the bar should leave the counter open. Unplug the plug and go back to the bench where you met Sandy. Use Dig-Dig under it and you should get a Star. Make sure you use Dig-Dig on the right side. On the left side you can get a rock.
Heavy Rock item in Sky Garden
This is a long process. In Sunflower Park, go one screen down from the Slide's Stairs. Talk to the Tricket Hamster. Say Hiff-Hiff, Koochi-Q, Hammo. You will get the Cucumber item. With the Cucumber in your possession, go back to Acorn Shrine and Hiff-Hiff the "sunflower seed" in the Sunflower Hamster's screen. It is actually Tricket. Keep walking, and Tricket will eat your Cucumber (you do not need it anymore). Go back to the Tricket Hamster in Sunflower Park with Tricket in hand. You will automatically trigger a scene in which you will get "This" item in exchange for Tricket. With "This" item, go to Sky Garden, Tack-Q off the pillar, go one screen right, then one screen down to encounter two Hamsters on the ledge. Say Hamha, Yep-P to trade "This" for "That" item. Note: If you Dig-Dig in front of the Collector Hamsters, you will get "Which" item, but it may not be needed for these steps. Go back to Acorn Shrine and trade "That" item with the Hamster next to the tree. You will get the Nut item. Go back to Sky Garden and talk to the Crying Blue Hamster. He will exchange your Nut item for the Heavy Rock item.

Rock locations
There are 29 rocks in total and 1 Heavy Rock to open up the 100g rock door.
Acorn Shrines
Once you enter Acorn Shrines, use Dig-Dig on the soft soil beside the blue hamster.
Under the Giant Rock where you Tack-Q to find a beetle roll out and Tack-Q a wall, use Dig-Dig from where the Giant Rock was located.
Tack-Q the cracked spot in the process to get Maxwell. The rock will appear beside the exit hole (not the clubhouse hole). Hif-Hif the rock to collect it.
Hit the cracked area again to find the rock beside you. Use Hif-Hif to collect it.
Sunflower Park
Go to the Secret Garden and Tack-Q the treasure. Then, use Lookie to collect three Rocks.
Go to the Dig-Dig shop and pay three Sunflower Seeds. Use Dig-Dig in the upper right corner of the soft soil to collect the rock.
Climb up the fourth pole to collect the rock.
A rock is between the slide steps and the entrance to the HM Boutique.
Go to the area where you meet the dancing hamster in the clock. Go in front of the lamp and use Hif-Hif to collect the rock.
Tack-Q the tire that is beside the ladder to fall down. Go down until you see a treasure chest. Use Tack-Q, then Lookie to collect three rocks.
After receiving the Frog Badge, go up to the building from where three Hamsters were picnicking before. Use Dig-Dig to dig in the hole. Turn left to find a rock.
Go to the Dark Tunnel from where you exit Tack-Q Bowling. The rock is located in the left corner. Use Hif-Hif to collect the rock. Note: It is quite hidden in the dark.
Get 40 to 80 points in Tack-Q Bowling to receive a rock.
Sunflower Market
Go to the area where you would play Strawberry Soccer, climb up the small ladder and you'll see it beside you.
A rock is located in the giant freezer next to Dexter's ice sculpture of Pashmina.
A rock is located near the fire extinguisher beside the bike rack. Use Hif-Hif to collect it.
A rock is located inside a can beside the Hamster inside the fridge door. Note: Walk or you will slip and fall from the drink's spillage.
Sunflower Elementary
There is a rock beside the dog. Use Hif-Hif to collect it.
A rock is near the area where Jingle was located. Use Hif-Hif to collect it.
A rock is located upstairs on the left door near the broom and where they sell herbal tea. Use Hif-Hif to collect it.
Enter the school and go towards the hallway. Turn left and keep going until you reach the end of the hallway to find a rock near the wall. Use Hif-Hif to collect it.
Sky Garden
Use DigDig to the right of the bench from where Sandy was sitting.
Go to where the 100g rock door is located. It is near there. Use Hif-Hif to collect it.
When entering Sky Garden, Scoochie up the pillar and use Tack-Q. You will fall down and land in another place. The rock is near you. Use Hif-Hif to collect it.
Go to the Dance Hall, from where Boss teaches you some Ham-Chat words. Go to the right soft soil and use Dig-Dig there.
Acorn locations
There are 10 Acorns in total. They are used to trade with a Hamster for 20 Sunflower Seeds in Acorn Shrines. The hamster is located in the grassy area making noise, near the area where the bird is located.
In the Sunflower Market, use Tuggie where the hamster is Tack-Qing the Cookie Box in the left corner.
In Sunflower Park after receiving Lunch, give it to the Hamster that is running the Dig-Dig shop to receive an Acorn.
In Sunflower Park, go to the olive-oil Hamster who is sunbathing near the Sand Cave. Go behind the umbrella and use Hif-Hif to collect an acorn. Note: It is hidden well.
After receiving Flugo from the selling Hamster in Sunflower Market, give it to the blue Hamster that has a cold. The blue hamster is located either in Acorn Shrines, Ruins, or Sunflower Market. You will receive an Acorn.
After helping the Hamster Doctor from the pipe he was stuck at in Sky Garden, go back to the sick blue Hamster and talk to him. Go back to the doctor to receive Flugo+. It will cost you 20 Sunflower seeds. Go back to the blue sick Hamster to receive an Acorn.
Tack-Q the tree in Acorn Shrines (the one you see when you enter the level).
Say Teenie to the sleeping hamster in Acorn Shrines, then Dig-Dig in the area from where he was located.
Go to Acorn Shrine and Scoochie up the tree that is besides the HM Boutique entrance hole to collect an Acorn.
Tack-Q the tree that is beside the Pink Hamster (the one that you must give the love letter to) to collect an Acorn.
Go to Sky Garden and go to the area where Sandy was sitting. Behind the bench is an Acorn. Use Hif-Hif to collect it. The Acorn is well camouflaged behind the brown bench.
The following is what appears on your screen when you collect the corresponding item.
Bag: Handy bag with lots of space.
Banana: Monkey's slippery favorite. Look out!
Bottle: It was fixed by Panda.
Bottle: Nice, but it looks broken.
Cookies: Homemade cookies.
Cucumber: Tricket loves to eat them on salad.
Flower Tea: This tea soothes upset stomachs.
Flugo: This works on the flu.
Flugo+: It's the best for the flu.
Flyer: "Find bargains at Ham-Swap."
Frog Badge: Award for a great sense of smell.
Heat Patch: Keeps you warm on a cold day.
Heavy Rock: It's not big, yet it's very heavy.
Limburger: Stinky Limburger Pew!
Lunch: Mom's homemade food is good!
News Flash: Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
Nut: So tasty! Yummy in my tummy!
Scarf: Doesn't it look very warm?
Shiny Rock: A Shiny Rock that can't be eaten.
Shogun Wig: The rarest wig of all wigs.
Sticker: It's a striped sticker.
Strawberry: Sweet to eat, but not for playing!
That: Rare item wanted by all.
This: This item is second only to "that"!
Tricket: Is not a seed, but fake it anyway!
Which: Easily found by Ham-Ham rovers.
ChukchukGive Up
Gasp-POh no!
Give-hooAsk for
NogoNo can do
NopiblooDon't Fret
Thank-QThank you

Secret Garden
To go to the Secret Garden, you must have the tanning hamster in Sunflower Park. Go up to the slide. You do this by smelling him a lot. Then, slide down and you will be at the garden.

Sky Garden: Unplug the plug
when you unplug the plug, use Stickie on the outlet.

Supermarket: Swearing Ham-ham
In the supermarket, go to the place where there is a Ham-ham in the refrigerator. She will do everything you do. Do things until you get the option to "Go-P". Use that and she will start swearing at everything you do.
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