The Sims: Bustin' Out Cheats - GBA

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Heidi Shadows
Heidi Shadows is a secret ninja character that sells you cheats. She can be found southwest of Imperial Estates on Mondays (11 p.m. to 12 a.m.) and in the northern corner of the Park Maze on Fridays (3 a.m. to 4 a.m.). Mondays are days 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 36, 43, 50, 57, 64, 71, 78, 85, 92, 99, 106, 113, 120, 127, 134, 141, 148, 155, etc. (every seven days). Fridays are days 5, 12, 19, 26, 33, 40, 47, 54, 61, 68, 75, 82, 89, 96, 103, 110, 117, 124, 131, 138, 145, 152, 159, etc. (every seven days). She will sell you cheats that can save you a lot of time on getting skill points. When you find her south of Imperial Estates, buy from her, and do not leave so that she dos not disappear. Buy out her shop, then wait until after 1 a.m. and go to her again. She will be completely restocked.

To get 5,000 Simoleons, buy the flower from Heidi Shadows. It only costs 800 Simoleons.

When you find Heidi Shadows, buy two rosebuds, then wait until she appears again. Buy more rosebuds. Keep doing this every time she appears to get a lot of Simoleons.

Use the following trick to get 10,000 simoleons a week. Go to Heidi Shadowsand buy the rosebud. Keep Heidi in your view until 12:00 a.m. then talk to her again. She will have restocked. Then, buy the last rosebud of the week.

Getting inside Earl's ghost's house
To get inside Earl's ghost's house, you will have to pick the lock ten to twenty times. Sometimes when you go into the sewer, the screen will move to a selected location. Go there and take the chairs. They sell for 1,000 Simoleons.

Alternately, get your mechanical skill points to about four and pick the lock once to open it.

To get to the Haunted Shack where you will find Earl the ghost, you must take the sewers, which you will unlock. To find the correct ladder in the sewers, you must go all the way to the southwest corner. The correct ladder is there. You must have four points of logic to talk to Earl the ghost, only at night. To unlock the gate to the shack, you must pick the lock from ten to twenty times. The riddles that you have to solve that Earl will give you are for a Crystal Ball Table, a Suit of Armor, a Venus Fly Trap, and something else. Be careful -- if you get one wrong, Earl will knock you out and you will end up in the hospital and must start the questions all over.

Answers to Earl's ghost's questions
If you answer all of the following questions correctly, you will get all the furniture in his secret place (outside). The items are a crystal-ball table, a suit of armor, an Venus fly trap, and another item. Note: The crystal-ball table will increase your fun and sleep level. The ghost lives outside town in the mansion east of town. The only way to get there is to go through the secret passageway (the sewers).
1. How many sides dose a circle have? A. 2.
2. An apple, grape, banana, pear which do not belong? A. Banana.
3. How many letters are in the alphabet? A. 11.
4. BCDEKIOX which letter completes the pattern? A. H.
5. If you fill me I can point the way. If not full I do not move. I have two skins, one out and one in. What am I? A. A glove.
Mover Madness prices
From level 1 to 5, the price taken from your salary goes up by 10 Simoleons.
Level 1: 10 Simoleons
Level 2: 20 Simoleons
Level 3: 30 Simoleons
Level 4: 40 Simoleons
Level 5: 50 Simoleons
Easy money
To get more Simoleons, become a level 5 Master Mower. You will get 10 Simoleons per shrub, which equals 600 Simoleons and higher. Note: Running over chickens will not lower your money, but the flowers will take a lot more money than usual.

To make more money, get promoted to level five on the Smoothie Slider game. You can get more than 1,000 Simoleons each time.

Spend lots of days at Uncle Hayseed's mowing the lawn, then use his house to get your needs up.

You can receive at least 1,000 Simoleons when on level five on the game jam session.

Cheaper food
To get cheaper food when using the Dialectic Range And Stove, wait until 11 p.m. The "Make late night snack" option will appear. It will cost you 20 Simoleons instead of 40.

Areas to increase your skills
Library: All
Gym: Charisma, Body
Farm: Mechanical up to 2
Jail: Body
Turing Labyrinth: Creativity
Heidi Shadows: All
Using the library
When advancing skills in the library, the process will not get disrupted when either one of your bars are depleted, unlike the gym. The painting easel will also not disrupt the process. Thus, you can leave your character to advance the skill until you hear the familiar guitar sound. However, if you overdo it, your character might pass out from not eating.

Library vs. gym
The gym will reduce your stamina bar and hygiene bar but the library will only reduce the comfort bar, and also much slower.

Selling paintings
Go to the lover's spot in the painting mission and buy a canvas and paint a masterpiece. After you go to the lover's spotm you will never be able to sell paintings for money again.

To get the Guitar, go to the back of the department store (not the main one) at 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Look in his van after talking to him. To get the place to jam, talk to Uncle Hayseed when he is at level 50 with you.

Ghostly Gift
Go to the Waterfront Villa. The man hole there leads to the sewers. In there you should see the Ghostly Gift (or urn). Pick it up for the "Goal Completed" message.

Fishin' For Profit book
To get the Fishin' For Profit book go to Nikki Nack's store (open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.). After you buy it, find O'Phil Mclean. Give it to him and he will give you a job. Note: You must get the goals from him first. To do this, talk to Salty. Later in the game, you will be offered by Nikki Nack to buy the Waterfront Villa for 3,000 Simoleons.

Pizza mini-game
In the pizza min-game, you can move the plate that you launch pizza on from side to side by pressing [Right] or [Left], however do not move it too fast. You will drop the pizza and lose your ingredients.

Placing wall objects behind floor objects
Use the following trick to place wall objects which you will never interact with behind floor objects. Like the fire alarm and the burglar alarm, put the alarm against the wall first, then put the floor object (stoves etc.) on the same spot. Otherwise you cannot place them together.

Every time you get burgled, think of Giuseppi. Also, after he is arrested, you will not get burgled anymore.

Aluminum cans
In the entire game you will need 35 aluminum cans. Do not sell them until you finish those quests. Besides, they are the lowest valued of the five sellable items.

Most likely every day, you can find two cans on the grass patch in front of the Waterfont villa.

Paradise Island
You must go to Paradise Island to receive four items at the store which you cannot get anywhere else: Denizen Cane Double Bed, Denizen Cane Bamboo Chair, Denizen Cane Bamboo Recliner, and Giant Tiki Head. You cannot get them at the General Store or Cheatum And Howe's Retail. You can get to Paradise Island by linking two Game Boy Advances with The Sims: Bustin' Out.

The Hills
The hills in mission 5 can be found at that blocked off area next to the "Country Cafe''.

Sand castles
You can build a sand castle by the Dockside Dinner in the sand, next to the boat.

Items to buy
In the entire game, you do not need to buy a lot of items. The set of items which should be kept (in order) is:
Phone (free from the start)
Toilet (free from the start)
Savvy Shower (buy it; part of quest)
Stove (buy it)
Fire alarm (buy it)
Burglar alarm (buy it)
Aquarius/Capricorn/etc./etc. Recliner (free from the sewers secret area)
Crystal Ball (free from Earl Euphram's prize)
The rest of the items you receive, once you find a good replacement (such as the Crystal Ball for the bed). You can sell the rest off. Note: You have to increase your skills at the library, etc.

You will need 13 friends in the entire game (above 50). Note: In Chapter 5 you must get relationships with O Phil and Misty Waters to -50' do not waste your efforts on them (after you get Bait Slinger).

Raise stats
If your Sim has a roomate of the opposite gender, and their roommate sits on a couch with room for two people, have your Sim sit on the couch next to their roommate. This will raise your Energy, Social, Comfort and Fun bars all at the same time.

Free items
Link two Game Boy Advances together and go to the library in both games. Go to the computer to link them together. At the computer, there will be an auction-like setting, but with only the players. To give free items have one player choose an item, then lower the price to 0 by pressing [Down]. The player who gave the item away should then exit out of the auction and turn off their Game Boy Advance without saving. When it is turned back on, you will have all the items you traded away, and the person you traded them to will also have them.

Fishing tips
Lure A: Blue fish
Lure B: Green fish
Lure C: Black fish
Generally in size, you will see that from biggest to smallest, the fishes are in Blue, Green and Black. When you get promoted you will start seeing bigger fishes of different types. Mix and match your own fishing style, but when you see unusually big black fish or unusually big green fish, go for them. Otherwise, take the big blue fish. Even a black fish that is the size of a usual sized green fish can be a shark. To get the big fishes (swordfish and shark) in easily, keep tapping [A] and [Down].

Glitch: Fire
This happens when you have a fire alarm installed and your stove catches fire. Then, the fire will show up at your door entrance for a brief moment.

Glitch: Daddy Bigbucks dialogue
When Daddy Bigbucks says that he is at Paradise Island, he says "Hey I'll tanning on Paradise Island for [quite] a while" instead of saying "Hey I'll be tanning on Paradise Island for [quite] a while".

Glitch: Lottie Cash dialogue
Sometimes when you call Lottie Cash early in the morning she will say she is tanning on Paradise Island.

Glitch: Occupant on every floor
If you get someone to move in with you, they will be on every floor of the house.

Glitch: Closing times
When you go inside any building and stay in it until after closing time, you can remain there as long as desired.

Glitch: Floating item
Place something on a tabletop and remove the table. The first item will float. For example, put a lamp on a table then take out the table; the lamp will float. This works most of the time.
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