Rock 'n' Roll Racing Cheats - GBA

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Drive as Olaf
Highlight Tarquinn, then hold [L] + [R] + [Select] and press [Right] at the driver selection screen. Olaf from The Lost Vikings will now be unlocked as a driver in normal or versus mode.

Inferno level in Vs. mode
Highlight NHO, then hold [L] + [R] + [Select] and press [Right] at the planet selection screen. The Inferno level will now be unlocked in versus mode.

Larry sound test
Enter the options screen and put the pointer on Larry. After enabling Larry, press [L] or [R] to hear different quotations from Larry.
Destroying other racers
Select the Havoc or Battle Trak in versus or normal mode. If the CPU is about one or two dot moves behind, drop about two scatter mines at a turn on the track. The mines should split and the CPU will hit them. They will lift the car in the air and send it over a wall, causing it to crash. Note: This must be timed correctly or it will just slow the CPU down or it will miss them completely.

Select the Havoc. When a CPU car is not far ahead of you, shoot out almost all of your sunbeams (about six). When the CPU hits the turn, it should fly over the wall and crash. If not timed correctly the CPU will only be hurt slightly bad or slowed down.

Select any car. This is a sacrifice, and if not done correctly you will crash and burn. When going over a large hill, if you are directly next to a CPU car, throw your car into the CPU. It should fly over the wall and crash, or run into a wall. If not timed correctly, you will usually be thrown off the track and crash, or run into a wall.
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