Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance Cheats - GBA

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Krypt Kodes
Prissy KitanaAA
Diva Li MeiAC
Arena: The PortalAD
Free Test Your MightAE
+ 50 KoinsAF
Reptile ScorpionAG
Commando JaxAH
Quan ChiAI
Goth Kung Lao AJ
Golden Rose Kung LaoAK
Fly Girl SonyaAL
Goth FrostAM
Anime SonyaAN
Chrome JaxAO
Arena: House of PekaraBA
Reaper ScorpionBB
Smoke ScorpionBC
Goth ScorpionBE
Irish Rose Li MeiBF
Gamma JaxBG
Goth KenshiBH
Free Test Your MightBI
Select Arcade Mode ArenaBJ
Anime Kano BK
Kry Baby Kung LaoBL
Flaming Frost BM
Goth Quan ChiBN
Thermal ModeBO
Ermac Scorpion CA
Hippy Li MeiCB
Goth Shang TsungCC
Evergreen Shang TsungCD
+ 500 KoinsCE
Vlad Shang TsungCF
Armored KenshiCG
Skin-Suit Kitana (sexy)CH
Purple Quan ChiCI
Anime ScorpionCJ
Demon Quan ChiCK
Suntan Quan ChiCL
Black Knight KenshiCM
Stone Sub-ZeroCN
Piotr KanoDA
Icy FrostDB
Denim Dream KanoDC
Akano KanoDD
Goth KitanaDE
Wood Shaman Kung LaoDF
Colorblind KenshiDG
Handyman Shang TsungDH
Technicolor Shang TsungDI
Reaper Quan ChiDJ
Anime KitanaDK
+ 200 koinsDL
Royal Shang TsungDM
Scorpio Sub-ZeroDN
Goth SonyaDO
Goth JaxEA
Anime Li MeiEB
Anime Quan ChiEC
Anime Kung LaoED
Anime FrostEE
Jade KitanaEF
Rogue SonyaEG
Xeno KanoEH
Justice KenshiEI
Anime Shang TsungEJ
White Kight KenshiEK
Undercover JaxEL
Snowy FrostEM
Goth Li MeiEN
Hyper Blue FrostFA
Krypt Rayder Sonya FB
+ 1000 KoinsFC
Mandarin Li MeiFD
Solid Kenshi FE
Shang Tsung FF
Patriotca Li MeiFG
80s SonyaFH
Private KanoFI
Gold Quan ChiFJ
Arena: The SwampFK
Red Sonya FL
Krazy Survival KolorsFM
Scorpette FrostFN
Anime JaxFO
Golden JaxGA
Happy Raver Frost GB
Anime Sub-ZeroGC
+ 100 KoinsGD
+ 250 KoinsGE
Farenheit Sub-ZeroGF
Anime KenshiGG
Captain Sub-ZeroGH
Goth Sub-ZeroGI
Alien Quan ChiGJ
Goth KanoGK
Black JaxGL
Kung Pao Kung LaoGM
Reaper Kung LaoGN
Parliament Shang TsungGO
Celcius ScorpionHA
Krazy KreditsHB
Wild West Kung LaoHC
Leather KitanaHD
Arena: Spy FacilityHE
Iced Sub-ZeroHF
classic mode HG
Night Vision ModeHH
Lace KitanaHI
Lemon Li MeiHJ
Storm ScorpionHK
Classic SonyaHL
Disco King KanoHM
Reaper Sub-ZeroHN
Tart KitanaHO

25,000 Koins
Enter "KWIKKASH" as your name to begin the game with 25,000 Koins.

1,000 Koins
When playing the Test Your Might mini game, fill the green line completely to the top. Shao Khan will say "Fantastico" and you will get a 1000 Koin bonus.

Fight as Kano
Successfully complete arcade mode under the hard difficulty setting.

Fight as Kitana
Successfully complete arcade mode under the very easy difficulty setting.

Fight as Quan Chi
Successfully complete arcade mode under the very difficult difficulty setting.

Fight as Shang Tsung
Successfully complete arcade mode under the difficult difficulty setting.

Fight as Sub Zero
Successfully complete arcade mode under the normal difficulty setting.

Character biographies
Highlight a fighter at the character select screen then press [Select]. Press [R] to speed up the scrolling text.
Chose a character for Test Your Might and Test Your Sight
Hold the D-Pad in any direction, including the diagonals. For example, hold [Left] to get Scorpion every time.

Free Sight
Once you buy the second most expensive coffin, which is 10,000 Koins, you should get Free Sight. To know where it will land, you must do the following. First, record the result for the first Test Your Sight. It should be Kenshi. The correct bottle will be the first one to the left. The second should be Kitana, and so on. You can keep recording the results and if you miss one, make be sure to see which bottle was the correct one. The next time you play the game, you will know which one to choose. For example, Kenshi will be the first one that comes up, and you will know which bottle to choose.

Beat your opponent until the "Finish Him/Her" message appears. Press [L] to get in your fatality stance, then press [Back], [Down], [Forward], [A].

Frost: Fatality
Press [Down]x2, [A].

Jax: Fatality
Press [Up]x2, [A].

Kano: Fatality
Press [Away]x2, [Forward], [A].

Kenshi: Fatality
Press [Down]x2, [B].

Kitana: Fatality
Press [Down], [Up], [A].

Kung Lao: Fatality
Press [Forward], [Away], [B].

Li Mei: Fatality
Press [Down], [Up], [A].

Quan Chi: Fatality
Press [Away]x2, [A].

Quan Chi: Defeating Moloch
Deep doing the Doom Blade and you will easily defeat Moloch.

Scorpion: Fatality
Press [Forward], [Away], [A].

Shang Tsung: Fatality
Press [Up], [Down], [Up], [A].

Shang Tsung: Morphs
Frost: Press [Down]x2, [L].
Jax: Press [Forward]x2, [L].
Kenshi: Press [Down], [Away], [L].
Kitana: Press [Down], [Up], [L].
Kung Lao: Press [Forward], [Away], [L].
Li Mei: Press [Up]x2, [L].
Quan Chi: Press [Away], [Forward], [Left].
Scorpion: Press [Away]x2, [L].
Sonya: Press [Down], [Forward], [L].
Sub-Zero: Press [Up], [Down], [L].
Sonya: Fatality
Press [Away]x2, [B].

Sub-Zero: Fatality
Press [Up]x2, [A].
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