Monster Jam: Maximum Destruction Cheats - GBA

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Incredible Hulk truck
Successfully complete the Elite Division to unlock the Incredible Hulk truck in arcade mode.

Mayhem mode
In order to enter Mayhem mode, you need to destroy plenty of objects. This can include street lights, parked cars, trees, slot machines, water fountains, or even your opponents. Warning: Your opponents can do the same thing to get into Mayhem mode as well.
Hiding locations
If you want to let your opponents kill each other, use the following hiding locations:
Junkyard: Behind the UFO.

Hollywood: Between the round building near the wrench.

Snowy Village: Behind trees near the wrench at the southeast corner.

Las Vegas: In the casino. Note: This is timed, so you must get out of it before it reaches 0.

New York: In the parking garage or the harbor (both timed).

Aztec Temple: The triangle platform with six coins. Note: In order to get there, you must start from the left or right. Hold [R] until the blue bar reaches maximum. Then, accelerate and once you reach the end of the platform, release [R]. Once you reach the triangle platform, brake immediately and turn towards the wall.
Bonus trucks
Unlock the Incredible Hulk truck, then successfully complete the game again to unlock another bonus truck. This may be done up to three times to unlock the remaining bonus trucks. The bonus trucks can only be used in arcade mode.
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