Fire Emblem: Fuuin no Tsurugi Cheats - GBA

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 All cheats for this game by platform: GameBoy Advance

Primary Collection of Cheats
Battle Maps
Successfully complete the gamein normal mode to unlock Battle Map 1 and Battle Map 2. Successfully complete the game in normal mode with the secret ending to unlock Battle Map 3.

Play as Brenya
Successfully complete the game four times to unlock Brenya in Battle Map mode.

Play as Eliwood
Successfully complete the game five times to unlock Eliwood in Battle Map mode.

Play as Gale
Successfully complete the game two times to unlock Gale in Battle Map mode.

Play as Guinivere
Successfully complete the game eight times to unlock Guinivere in Battle Map mode.

Play as Hector
Successfully complete the game three times to unlock Hector in Battle Map mode.

Play as Mardocus
Successfully complete the game six times to unlock Mardocus in Battle Map mode.

Play as Narshen
Successfully complete the game one time to unlock Narshen in Battle Map mode.

Play as Zephyr
Successfully complete the game seven times to unlock Zephyr in Battle Map mode.
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