Battle B-Daman Cheats - GBA

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 All cheats for this game by platform: GameBoy Advance

Primary Collection of Cheats
Bronze Pass Zero Codes (US)
In the Part Shops you can select the Input Zero Codes option to go and use these passwords:

B-DAMAN - 1000 B-Dabucks
WING NINJA - 2000 B-Dabucks
B-DAFIRING - 3000 B-Dabucks
A CHICKEN! - Chicken Barrel
STEEL BOOT - Iron Stabilizer
HOT FLAMES - L-Shoulder Grip, R-Shoulder Grip, Booster Boots
BIG BARREL - P. Bottle Magazine

Sliver Zero Code US
This is a password you could use when you get the gold pass:

HIDDEN SWORD - Night Blade

Zero Codes (Bronze Pass) (Japanese)
Enter these codes at the Parts Shop once you have gained the Bronze Pass. (Note: Each letter set represents the corresponding katakana symbol. Lowercase letters mean the small version of the symbol, and "-" means the long line that represents a held vowel):

A TSU I HO NO O - "Boost Magnum" Armor Set
KO KE KO tsu KO ! - "Cocco Barrel" Armor Piece
HA GA NE NO A SHI - "Iron Stablizer" Armor Piece
O O KI NA TA RU - "Petbottle Magazine" Armor Piece
BI - DA MA N ! - 1000 Money
YO KU E I MA RU - 2000 Money
BI - FU a I YA - 3000 Money

Zero Codes (Gold Pass) (Japanese)
Enter these codes at the Parts Shop once you have gained the Gold Pass. (Note: Each letter set represents the corresponding katakana symbol. Lowercase letters mean the small version of the symbol, and "-" means the long line that represents a held vowel):

MI DO RI I RO NO GE N E I - "Emerald Mirage" Armor Set
TE N KU U NO KU RO I KA ZE - "Gekifuu Ryuu" Armor Set
A TSU KI KA MI NO I KA ZU CHI - "Gourai Ryuu" Armor Set
O SA KA NA DA I SU KI NI ya - "Nyanko Barrel" Armor Piece
MO U HI TO TSU NO A N KO KU - "Spirit Dragon" Armor Set

Zero Codes (Gold Pass) (US)
Enter these codes at the Parts Shop once you have gained the Gold Pass:

GREEN ILLUSION - "Emerald Mirage" Armor Set

Zero Codes (Silver Pass) (Japanese)
Enter these codes at the Parts Shop once you have gained the Silver Pass. (Note: Each letter set represents the corresponding katakana symbol. Lowercase letters mean the small version of the symbol, and "-" means the long line that represents a held vowel):

U MI NO O KU RI MO NO - "Aqua Zepher" Armor Set
BA KU E N NO YA I BA - "Flame Blade" Armor Set
HA JI MA RI NO CHI KA RA - "Progress One" Armor Set
U NA RE A TSU I KA ZE - "Reppumaru"/"Shinobi Cat" Armor Set
KA KU SA RE TA TSU RU GI - "Stealth Blade" Armor Set
YA SE I NO TA KE BI - "Tiger Barrel" Armor Piece
Costume Change
Under B-Dabattle, if you press the R button on the character select screen, you may change your current character's costume, for certain characters only.
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