Castlevania Legends Cheats - GameBoy

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Downloadable Castlevania Legends Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
All items, soul weapons
Enter "[Meat] [Candle] [Candle] [Meat]" as a password to start at the last level with all items and soul weapons.

LevelStandard modeLight mode
2[Axe] [Axe] [Blank] [Knife] [Cross] [Axe] [Axe] [Watch]
3[Axe] [Cross] [Blank] [Candles] [Cross] [Cross] [Blank] [Meat]
4[Watch] [Blank] [Knife] [Meat] [Candles] [Axe] [Watch] [Candles]
5-1[Watch] [Holy water] [Meat] [Candles] [Candles] [Holy water] [Meat] [Meat]
5-2[Knife] [Candles] [Candles] [Candles] [Meat] [Candles] [Candles] [Meat]
Bonus[Knife] [Blank] [Candles] [Meat] [Meat] [Blank] [Meat] [Candles]

Hidden level
There is a hidden level in level 5. After defeating the first Boss, a jumping demon creature, go through the doors to get to next screen. There will be two paths, up and to the right. Follow the path that leads straight up and stay to the right. There will be an opening in the wall that leads to the next screen. The next screen will have two bats hanging on the ceiling, and a platform below them. Below this platform is another smaller platform, which is over a hole in the floor. Jump down this hole. Whip the extra life candle that appears while your character is falling. Your character will land on a platform after collecting the candle. Whip the white candle on this platform. Then, get off the platform but do not exit the room. The floor below now will have disappeared. Jump down to reach the hidden level.
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