Napoleon Dynamite Cheats - DVD Movies

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Mistake: Computer powered off
Advance to the scene where Kip is on the computer chatting with his girlfriend. You will see that the computer is on. However, when Napoleon goes down to fight Kip notice that the computer is no longer on and the keyboard drawer and chair have been pushed in.

Mistake: Wrong date
Advance to the scene where Napoleon is waiting in the van for Uncle Rico to take him to the dance. His watch says that it is July 17. However, after he runs down the road and looks at his watch the second time, it says that it is July 21.

Mistake: Visible crew
In the scene where Deb calls Napoleon from a pay phone, you can se a crew member's legs walking around in the reflection of the payphone.

Mistake: Napoleon's shirt
Napoleon's shirt keeps changing from being tucked in to being untucked several times during his dance at the end of the film.

Mistake: Chunk of orange
When Uncle Rico is driving, Napoleon throws the orange at Rico's van. When it splashes, there is juice. Then when the camera changes to the driver side, there is only chunk of orange.

Mistake: Nachos
Advance to the scene when Napoleon phones Kip from school. Kip is making nachos at the beginning of the phone conversation. There is a full block of cheese on the counter behind Kip. Then, near the end of the conversation, it shows the block of cheese all grated and on top of the nachos.
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