Gone in 60 Seconds Cheats - DVD Movies

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Secret: Hidden poster
After Mirror Man distracts the policeman, check out the poster behind him as he leaves. You will see a big "GONE" and if you look closely you will see "in sixty seconds".

Secret: Grease reference
The car with the license plate reading "DEAN" (flames come out the tailpipes) is also the car of the Scorpions (the T-Birds rivals) in Grease. It can be viewd in Grease in the scene where Sandy is going out with the jock at the malt shop, and the T-Birds step outside and see the Scorpions' run a car off the road and pass them on the other side of the street. The car has the same paint job, flames, and license plates in both movies.
Fixed side mirror
When Nicholas Cage finally steals the car he fears, it takes him awhile to do any damage to it. Eventually, he will knock off the passenger door mirror. At that point, the car will stall. After begging and pleading with it, the car starts. As Cage pulls away with a police car in pursuit, you will see a behind and slightly above the two cars view. Miraculously the passenger side mirror is back in its original place, firmly secured to the car.

Visible wire
During the big chase scene, an Asian police officer will come flying out of an alley and get broadsided by a streetcar. Look closely at the undercarriage of the police car and the road to see a steel wire. The wire is secured to the front of the police car's axle, runs along the entire undercarriage of the car, and across the street into the alley from which the car emerged from. You can see it best when you are looking at the driver's side of the police car, just when the streetcar rams into its passenger side. The wire along the ground will flail around on the street because of the slack caused by the impact. Also, after the streetcar hits the police car and crushes it against another car, a fire will ignite which clearly shows the steel cable under the police car.

Unburned toast
When Nicholas Cage is in his brother's kitchen, and his brother is cooking him breakfast, you can see a shot of the toaster smoking. When he pops the toast up, you can see that it is visibly black. When he goes to put the toast on Cage's plate, you can see both sides of the toast, and it appears that the toast is cooked quite nicely, and not burnt at all.

Switched seats
Go to the sequence when Randolph and Kip are driving down the street and are being shot at. Immediately before they are shot at, they are talking and sitting in a vehicle with cloth captain chairs. When they are cut off, they are driving a junk car with vinyl seats.

Jaguar XJ220 timing
During a shot of them loading cars, you will see a Jaguar XJ220 pull in, yet it is quite a later point in the movie that Sway pulls up in the car and says, "I love that car." Also, the car is crossed off much earlier than it is stolen.
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