The Sims 2 Cheats - Nintendo DS

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Control crystal
Start the game and make sure you are on the "Interact" slot. You will see a crystal on the touch screen. Slide your finger across the touch screen. The crystal will start spinning.

Completion bonus
After you have completed everything in the game, check at the store every month or change the month on the DS system date until an object that resembles a tanning bed. Buy it and put it in your room. When you get in there, there will be a place to choose your skin color. The colors are green, yellow, dark gray, light gray, blue, red, pink, and orange. The color will wear off in one or two days.

Mongoo Monkey
Have the Game Boy Advance game Sims 2 in the cartridge slot to unlock Mongoo Monkey for the casino.
Getting things finished faster
To get things done faster, change the internal clock on your DS system. This trick works well if you want to get rooms built faster. Instead of waiting the normal eight hours, just set your clock ahead eight hours. If you need money get guests to stay, set clock forward the desired number of hours or days.

More aliens
To get more aliens on your save, set the system clock forward by one minute. Load your saved game and walk around for a minute. Save the game, then set system clock back to real time. The bellhop should say that you are a time traveler and that the aliens have launched a full scale attack. As soon as you see the clock, touch it or you will lose all your sanity.

Aliens and criminals
Do not bother fighting the aliens or criminals. They will just go away eventually. Also, do not approach them. They will take you back to your room. To make them go away so you are not stuck in your room, save the game, turn off the DS off, then turn it back on. Change the time to what ever time you are supposed to defeat the criminals or the aliens. Start the game and walk around a little bit. Save the game, turn it off, and turn it back on. Change the time to the actual time and you are set.

Desert aliens kill
Wait in the desert until your sanity disappears. You will be abducted and will walk like a zombie. Note: You can compare it with the mummy you will see in the desert.

Alien revenge
You can dissect an alien by getting an Alien Mummy and buying the Government Lab for 2,000 Simoleons. Get near the table and select "Alien Autopsy". You must be very still when doing this, you will damage the organs.

Mummified Alien
Go into the Desert with your Metal Detector. Find the crashed space ship and use your Metal Detector in that area. You should get a Mummified Alien, worth 375 Simoleons.

Rat Cave
When you go in the City Hall, do not bother building the "Rat Cave". Tristan Legend will build it at no charge when progress in the game, whereas if you do build it, it will cost 3,000 Simoleons.

Free milkshake
Go to the area of the town where all the cows are found. Go up to the cows, not the bull, and tip it over. After you tip it over and it is laying down, select "Milk" to get a milkshake. If you just milk the cow without tipping it, you will get plain milk. You can sell it for 2 Simoleons at the store, drink it, or give it away as a gift.

Quickly refill your sanity
In the basement of the hotel, turn to your right. Go down the hall. Enter the door at the end of the hall and you will be in a freezer. A piece of meat will be hanging from the ceiling. Go up to it and punch it. Your sanity meter will refill faster than usual.

Increase stats
After getting your Hotel score to 100% and obtaining at least four stars for your Hotel goals, go to the computer in your room and check out all stats. Afterwards you receive an outfit. You can do this a total of three times, but afterwards your stats will keep getting raised. Also, you must have a good relationship with Mama Hogg and the Goth chick.

Easy money
Set the DS system date to the year 2080 or later. Then, play the game. There should be an alien invasion and lots of dirt piles. After defeating the aliens with your water gun, your vacuum and take all the dirt. You should get valuable things, like glowing rocks (42 Simoleons), Shrunken Heads (50 Simoleons), and Precious Stones (over 120 Simoleons).

Stop wires from getting chewed
In order to have the mole or worm stop chewing on the wires, spray it with water several times.

Walk slowly
Set the Nintendo DS system time ten minutes behind. Then, go back into the game. Somebody will call and say that you are an alien. You will now be able to walk very slowly. Take a shower to make the effects wear off.

SSX 3 reference
Go to the shop in Strangetown. Once you enter the shop, go to the left side where you see boxes on a shelf. Look closely to see the box art from SSX 3.

Unlock new songs
3 songs are unlockable in the game. The first two can be used in the Music Mixer, and the last one is only availible on the stereos:

"Combat Mode" - Collect 12 license plates
"Credits Theme" - Beat the game
"Razor Burn" - Collect 24 license plates

Unlock Mongoo Monkey
To unlock Mongoo Monkey for the casino, play The Sims 2 DS while having The Sims 2 GBA in the DS.

Glitch: Fast Social
Note: Save the game before you attempt this. This trick can only be done if you have Optem Alfred living in your penthouse, and if you have every room built (including the Bovine Shrine). Set the Nintendo DS system date to October 31 (Halloween) of next year. Restart the system and start the game. You should have several messages. One of them should be the cashier at your hotel. He will say that a friendly ghost came to the hotel. If you do not get this message, change the date to one year in the future again and restart. Check for the ghost in these locations: Art Gallery, Mamma Hogg's Saloon, Hotel Lobby, Atrium, and Basement. When you see him, go to a person nearby and do a Social with him or her (Impress, Calm Down, etc.) while close to the ghost. He will watch and make the Social go faster. When the mini game is done, you will now make the social go faster for every person you socialize with. Go up to the ghost. To the right side of the screen you will see the words " Mood neutral" and there will be two selections which are "xxx Ofix mood social xxx" and "Give gift". Select the first option. Note: If you select "Give gift" your Sim will enter the Wight Abyss not be able to get out. Your interaction with anything will not show up. Do not enter any doors or the game will freeze. Instead, reset the Nintendo DS and you will start where you saved, but will still speed up interactions, Notice that the game will be odd and you will find new people. Note: Repeating the process may delete your saved game file.

Glitch: Sink into floor
Note: Save the game before attempting this. Go into Jebidiah J. Jerky's room, located in Saloon near the restroom. Run into the corner where the orange toolbox is found and keep running. You will sink into the floor. Note: Do not save the game after this happens.

Glitch: Darkness
Purchase the Rat Cave from the town hall. After it is finished being built, wait until you get a call that a criminal is in town. Do not put on the rat suit, and find the criminal. When you find the criminal make sure there is a person in the room who needs to calm down, cheer up, etc. Go to that person and calm them down, cheer them up, etc. If the criminal gets near you while you are doing this, you will pass out and go to your room. It will then be dark everywhere. To reverse this, simply calm someone down, cheer them up, etc.
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