The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass Cheats - Nintendo DS

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Downloadable The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass Cheats
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Aug. 27, 2010
Apr. 02, 2008
Unlock Big Plays
Go on Wi-Fi and play againt someone and if you do any of the tasks below, you will unlock a big play.

For every four big plays you accomplish, a letter is sent to you telling you to go to Cannon island. When you get to Cannon Island, go to the house and you will receive a Golden part for your ship.

Battle Master Complete the Big Plays "Limit" and "Master" in the same match
Break Break 10 or more of your opponent's helpful items
Get Everythig Win, turning all the Force Gems your color
Guardian Win without letting your opponent score any points
Guardian King Take Link down 3 times as the Phantoms
Limit Defeat Link within the last 20 seconds twice
Master Complete the Big Plays "No Miss" and "Guardian" in the same match
Miracle Win with a final score of 1-0
No Dribble Win without dropping a Force Gems outside a base or safe zone
No Items Win without taking a single item
No Miss Win without being taken down as Link
Perfect Complete the Big Plays "Get Everything" and "Guardian" in the same match
Perfect Master Complete the Big Plays "Perfect" and "Limit" in the same match
Quick Win a match, felling Link in the first 20 seconds of two turns
Solo Defeat Link in any one turn using only one Phantom
Take Pick up 10 or more of your helpful items

Infinite Rupees
Here's an easy way to get as many rupees as you desire. While sailing the seas, you may from time to time encounter jellyfish-like creatures. When these are encountered, the ship should be stopped (though they will follow the ship even if you don't stop). Shoot these foes with the cannon (the cheapest cannon for your craft will only cost 50 rupees). When they are killed, they will drop a green rupee. Since they split apart when shot, you will be able to get multiple rupees per creature. Keep riding your ship around finding more of these creatures, and you can accumulate a good amount of rupees, as many as you'd like.

Fast Rupees
If you haven't yet challenged Jolene to a final duel, go and find her. Battle her a couple of times. You will be rewarded with a large red rupee (worth 200 rupees) each time you do. This is especially useful for buying all of the 1,000 rupee items at Beedle's and the Island Shops.

Acquire Fire Sword
To acquire the Fire Sword, get ten Fairies. Then, head to the Fairy Princess near the Sun Temple, where you will receive the sword.

Ship Parts
To grab new parts for your ship, you must fight the character on the ship The Prince of the Red Lion. If in the time given you manage to get 200 or more hits on the foe, he will give you a ship part. You can do this over and over again for new parts.

Your Doppelganger
Climb aboard the ship called The Prince of the Red Lion, where a character suspiciously similar to Link can be found. You can fight him if you want, over and over again. Earning a certain amount of hits on him will net you new items. For instance, scoring under 100 hits in the time allotted will net you an item like a Pearl Necklace, or a Princess Crown. More than 100 hits will get you a better item, like a Heart Container.

Defeating Bellum
When you face the final boss of the game, Bellum, make sure you have Purple Potions. In his first form, he will first sit in the middle of the pool, spitting drops of sludge that turn into enemies if you do not get hit by them. Equip the Grapple Hook. Grab the purple puddles on Bellum's body while dodging and destroying the enemies he spits out. Then, use the Grapple Hook to bring Bellum to you, then slash away. Repeat this process of grabbing him and striking him until he flies to the second floor. Run up the stairs to the next floor. Equip the bow and arrows and aim for the eyes on his tentacles. Note: The ones with their eye open will attack if you are close. Once they are all shut he will fall to the pool again. Once again, equip the Grapple Hook. Grab the puddles on him then grab him. Strike him as much as you can until he gets up. This time he will go to the third floor of the structure. Follow him up then take aim. He will use more devastating attacks this time. For one, watch for his tentacles to all raise up. When this happens, stand behind a pillar to avoid taking damage. His tentacles will be harder to take out because the eyes on them occasionally close and your arrows will not hurt them. Continue dodging and shooting his tentacles until they are all out again. Watch the intermission sequence, then go to the first floor. Once there, the steps will break away and Bellum will begin to attack. Celia will then make a Phantom Sphere for you. To use it, tap the circle in the bottom center of the screen then draw a figure "8" within the frame that appears. If done correctly, time should stop for a while. Time it to where Bellum is rampaging in a circle with his eye open. After you do that slash at his exposed eye. Repeat this until he is defeated.

After the first battle and intermission sequence is over you will have to face Bellum on the seas. Use the stylus to aim and fire your cannon. To defeat Bellum, shoot the eyeball puddles on the ship. Because you cannot dodge most of his fire, shoot his blasts before they reach you. Watch out for torpedo-like fire that travels underwater. In this case, you can either jump over it or shoot it. Continue to shoot the eyes out until three eyes extend from the deck of his ship. Shoot these eyes to end this battle.

After you complete the ship and intermission sequence save the game when prompted. At the start of the battle, use the Phantom Sphere and run towards his back. Once the time expires and after the intermission sequence, Bellum's back will be shown on the top screen. Dodge his attacks and quickly run in. Strike him, though he will only block them. After a few hits he may jump to the side. If this happens, do not let up on him. Continue to strike him without any hesitation. After a few more hits you will be prompted to rapidly rub the touch screen. Rub the screen until his guard breaks, then hit him so that he falls to his knees. Catch the Phantom Sphere Celia makes for you then dodge his attacks. Note: You can bring him to his knees as many times as desired. This helps you stock up on Phantom Spheres so you will not have to collect one after every use. Watch the top screen and wait for the eye to open, then activate the Phantom Sphere. Note: You can still move Link when the frame appears onscreen. Freeze time and strike his back. Repeat this process until he is defeated.

Use the following trick to defeat the Bellum Knight (third form). Make sure you have yellow potions. When you stop time and go to his back, his eye will be covered. At this point, Ciela (The Courage Spirit) will get taken away from you. Stand in a corner and start attacking him rapidly. When he jumps to your side, dodge his attack. Attack him once more to get caught in a clash. Overpower him and attack him again. Wait until his eye is open and stop time. Start striking him in the eye multiple times. After doing this three to five times, he will die.

Defeating Blaaz
Look on the map. You will see the three people Blaaz turns into. Each one will have a certain amount of horns with the boomerang. Hit them in order from least to greatest and they will become Blaaz. Hit him with the boomerang then hit him with your sword and repeat.

Ghost ship
When you enter the ghost ship for the first time in the northwestern sea (after you have collected all three spirits, Power, Wisdom, and Courage) go down the stairs. Defeat the enemies. The blue flame will extinguish. Talk to the girl in red. She will ask you to find her three sisters (one on each floor). When you find the girl in yellow (the second sister you will find), she will say that there are two treasure chests. Insist to take the one on the left. She will ask if you know which one is left. If you select "Not really" she will say "You silly boy, left is the one that isn't right". If you take the one on the left you will get a ten Rupoor, another Reapling will appear, and the girl will laugh and say "TEE-HEE! how unlucky for you."

Ransacking Beble's ship
Beble's ship can only be accessed once a day; if you buy everything he has he can only sell you potions. Beble's ship is a great place to get cheap treasure and rare ship parts (depending on the day). Go to his ship. Buy everything he has. Save the game. Turn off the DS. Turn it back on and change the system date. Turn off the DS and resume the game. You should start at your save point. Go to Beble's ship, which should be close. He should have more or new stock.

Salvage locations
While sailing on your ship you will encounter enemy pirate ships. If you destroy all the ships in the group, the last ship destroyed will leave a red "X" on your map. This is where you can salvage for a treasure.

Cannon mini-game
When you enter the mini-game, the high score is 2,500 points. It is impossible to get if you only hit blue targets, and it is the same if you only hit red targets. You must hit the red targets five times each to make 100. The only difficult part is that you will have less time to hit the blue target. If you miss one blue target, you should end up with 2,360 points. It does not matter though, because he still gives you a prize. The prize can be Green Rupee (1), Blue Rupee (5), Red Rupee (20), Big Green Rupee (100), Big Red Rupee (200), Ship Parts, Power Gem, Wisdom Gem, or a Courage Gem. A prize of your choice is awarded if you get 2,500 points.

Mercay Islands: Reaching the chest
Travel to Mercay Islands. If you go southeast on the east side of the island you will see a treasure chest. You cannot reach it by jumping. Find a chicken. There are two of them on the island. Go back to where you see the treasure chest. Back up slightly, then run up and jump. You should be able to reach the treasure chest and obtain the crown that was passed down from the Zoras from generation to generation.

Beedle always new ship parts
Use the following trick instead of waiting for Beedle to get new shipment of parts. Save the game. Go into the system calendar then change the date. Beedle will always get new ship parts in.

Fake Link rewards and Windwaker spoof
In the northwestern area, sail to the traveling ship and climb aboard. Talk to the "Doppleganger" and he will tell you that his boat's name is "The Prince of Red Lions". Also his uniform resembles Link's but with a few tweaks. He will the take you as an apprentice and challenge you to a fight. Leave and re-enter the ship. Fight him again and make more hits than last time. Exit and re-enter again. Fight him and make as many hits as you can. Under 100 hits will earn you a spoil (for example, Pearl Necklace, Princess Crown, etc.). Get more than 100 hits and you will get a Heart Container. Aim for 150 or higher.

Glitch: Hourglass Castle Challenge 1 boomerang
On the second basement floor, you are required to get a key (like on the previous floor to continue). Instead of doing the entire puzzle on that floor, make the key appear by hitting the two globes and make the fire disappear by pulling the lever. Make your way to the red blocks that are blocking your way. You should be able to see the key behind the wall. Stand above the third red block from the left. Face northwest and pull out your boomerang. You should be able to get the key by starting an oval and going counterclockwise from Link all the way to the key and back to Link. Note: This may require several attempts. The boomerang should travel from Link's hand, above his head, through the wall above the spikes, over the spikes, get the key, then go through the wall where Link is standing and bring the key to him.
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