Star Fox Command Cheats - Nintendo DS

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Downloadable Star Fox Command Cheats
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Sep. 25, 2007
Alternate Title Screen Music
Complete the game and unlock each ending to hear the StarFox 64 music on the title screen.

The Key of Destiny
Complete the game once to unlock the key of detsiny. This grants you access to the many branching paths and endings.

Play as Bill Grey
Take the path to start the "Falco To The Fore!" mission.

Play as James McCloud
Take the path to start the "Dash Makes A Choice" mission. James McCloud does not appear until near the battle's ending.

Play as Katt Monroe
Take the path to start the "Pigmas's Revenge" mission.

Play as Peppy Hare
Take the path to start the "Andross's Legacy" mission.

Hard mode
Successfully complete the game.

Super Hard mode
Unlock all four endings.

Successfully complete the game.

WiFi ranking
When playing the game on WiFi, notice that there is a letter near your name. If you have just started playing on WiFi, the letter will be at Z. The letter represents your rank as a pilot, with "Z" being the lowest rank and "A" the highest rank. The only way to increase your rank is to collect the stars from enemy ships that have been destroyed. Each star give you about 8 to 9%. When you reach 100%, your letter will go up to the next level. However, it is not that easy. The only way for you to get all the experience from each star is to be in first place after each match. If you finish in second place, you will not get the experience.

Unlock Different Endings
In the beginning you can only go the normal path, but once you unlock the "Key Of Destiny" then you can venture out to new endings. Here is a list of how to achieve each of the endings! when the game asks you where you want to go just select the location. You got when it says to choose from to paths, choose the one that I indicate here.For example, in the start when it tells you to choose from these two: Do some training. or Dive in!. If you choose do some training when you finish all four trainings it would be like you've choosen dive in!

End 1: Fox and Krystal - Move 1- Attack advance guard; Move 2-Meet up as planned; Move 3-Bring her back; Last Move-Go with Fox
End 2: Goodbye Fox - Move 1-Contact Slippy; Move 2-Set course for Fichina; Move 3-Fight Oikonny; Move 4-Check out Corneria; Last Move-Head to Titania
End 3: Contact Slippy (You will have this ending on your first time completing the game) - Move 1-Contact Slippy; Move 2-Set course for Fichina; Move 3-Fight Oikonny; Last Move-Go to Amanda
End 4: Star Wolf returns - Move 1- Attack advance guard; Move 2-Go to Fichina instead; Move 3-Let's find that Device!; Last Move-Adios, Fox
End 5: Lucy and Krystal - Move 1-Contact Slippy; Move 2-Set course for Fichina; Move 3-Fight Oikonny; Move 4-Check out Corneria; Last Move-Say farewell to Peppy
End 6: Dash makes a choice - Move 1-Attack advance guard; Move 2-Go to Fichina instead; Last Move-Sorry I'm outta' here
End 7: Slippy's resolve - Move 1-Contact Slippy; Move 2-Locate Peppy first; Last Move-Join the hunt on aquas
End 8: Pigma's revenge - Move 1-Where's Falco?; Last Move-Search for Krystal
End 9: The curse of Pigma - Move 1-Attack advance guard; Move 2-Go to Fichina instead; Move 3-Let's find that Device!; Last Move-Go after Wolf

Easy Missile Jetstream win
Note: You need a character that has a ship with lock-on ability. Charge your shots as you are flying through the beacons. As soon as the missile is able to be locked on to, fire and recharge. Two shots usually does it.

Extra missile for the Great Fox
When you go to an enemy base or fleet, destroy every enemy on the radar before you collect the last enemy core. When you finish the stage and go back to the map you will get one missile for the Great Fox.

Never miss barrel roll into ships
When you are at the end of a mission where you destroy the base, do a barrel roll before you go through the beacons. You will continue to infinitely do a barrel rolls as you go through the beacons and successfully destroy the ship.

Flying trick
When someone is following you on WiFi mode, immediately press Loop then immediately use the brakes. The other person will fly past, allowing you to get behind them.

Stealing stars
On WiFi after someone is shot down, fly through the star while rolling to collect it. This is a easy way to boost your stats.

Unlock a new level one (The Adventure Begins)
After beating the game a five times, the first level will be replaced with a more difficult alternative.
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