Ryuusei no RockMan 2: Berserk x Shinobi Cheats - Nintendo DS

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Unlock Title Screen Star Marks ~ Final Boss Xa Ver
Accomplish something in-game to recieve these different icons on your New Game/Continue screen. Getting them all will also result something new to appear on the screen when you start your game. You'll also be able to fight the Xa Version of the Final Boss at the end of the game which has 4000 HP once you obtain Rockman [Megaman] Star, S Comp Star, M Comp Star, G Comp Star, and OoPart Star:

G Comp Star - Colllect All 5 Giga Class Cards
M Comp Star - Collect All 42 Mega Class Cards
Rockman [Megaman] Star - Finish the Main Story
Mu Continent Star - Defeat RaMu Xa
OoPart Star - Defeat ApollonFlame
S Comp Star - Collect All 150 Standard Class Cards

Secret Ending ~ VS. BuraiSX
Once you finish the game with all 6 Title Screen Star Marks, you'll receieve an E-Mail from Solo telling you to level up the 4 In-Game Brothers. The 4 In-Game Brothers can be leveled up by doing their Side Quests. Once you're done with the Side Quests, finish the game once again. A New Epilouge will commence at the end of the Credits. Instead of Solo bringing you to Kodama Town, he'll be his alter-ego Burai and bring you to the Nansca Ruins. He'll want challenge you to a Wave Battle. You'll be able to take control once more, just so you can configure your setups before the fight. Talk to him and the Battle will commence, BuraiSX will have 3500 HP.

After the Battle is Over, you'll receive a Congratulations Picture on Both Screens with all the Voice Actors for the game saying "Congratulations" and laughing having a good time.

Special War Rock Weapon ~ EXE Blaster (BN Buster)
By having the any of the following GBA Games in Slot-2 of the NDS with Ryuusei no Rockman 2:

Battle Network Rockman EXE (Megaman Battle Network)
Battle Network Rockman EXE2 (Megaman Battle Network 2)
Battle Network Rockman EXE3 (Megaman Battle Network 3 White)
Battle Network Rockman EXE3 BLACK (Megaman Battle Network 3 Blue)
Rockman EXE Battle Chip GP (Megaman Battle Chip Challenge)
Rockman EXE4 Tournament Red Sun (Megaman Battle Network 4 Red Sun)
Rockman EXE4 Tournament Blue Moon (Megaman Battle Network 4 Blue Moon)
Rockman EXE4.5 Real Operation
Rockman EXE5 Team of Blues (Megaman Battle Network 5 Team Blues)
Rockman EXE5 Team of Colonel (Megaman Battle Network 5 Team Colonel)
Rockman EXE6 Cyber Beast Greiga (Megaman Battle Network 6 Cybeast Gregar)
Rockman EXE6 Cyber Beast Falzer (Megaman Battle Network 6 Cybeast Falzar)

And either still in or taken out after a saved game. A New Mail message with Goyouda Heiji will be obtained. He'll want you to get Data found in the different Radio Networks.

1/XX: Kodama Town ~ Post Box Radio Network (Already Unlocked)
3/XX: TK Tower 1 ~ Old Binocular Radio Network (Inspect at OphiuchusQueen Scenario)
7/XX: Food Town ~ Forgotten Ice Statue Radio Network (Already Unlocked)
9/XX: Donbura Lake Area 1 ~ Sunken Ship Radio Network (After CondorGeograph Scenario)
11/XX: Nansca ~ Lower Wall Radio Network (After CondorGeograph Scenario)

The Data Items are Diary Entries of an Old Protanganist and also can be read in Items for each of them. Obtaining all of the Data Items gives you an Mail from the Old Protanganist with the "EXE Blaster" attached. Which stats are AT1 | RA5 | CH1.

Slot-2 is also Region Locked for bonuses. Meaning Slot-1's Game must be in Japanese if you want to use Japanese Slot-2 Carts and vice-versa.
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