Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon: Yami no Tankentai Cheats - Nintendo DS

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 All cheats for this game by platform: Nintendo DS

Primary Collection of Cheats
Wonder Mail Codes
To enter them go to the code option on the main menu. You must pass Chapter 10 to use these codes.

*Warning: These codes may contain spoilers*

FN01HWN-00%F 8678 +XY@ &%#3 - Unlocks Bottomless Sea Boss: Kyogre Reward: Water Harmonica (Increases recruit rate for Water type Pokemon)
FH0THYNHR0QF 86N8+SY@&%YN - Unlocks Giant Volcano Boss: Heatran Reward: Frie Drum (Increase recruit rate for Fire type Pokemon)
78SR-H2MP0+4 Y6FY1&Y+#R9S - Unlocks Maze Cave Boss: Gabite Reward: Gabite's Scale
4MP=K98#CT%Y R@--&P7%%K86 - Unlocks Mt. Avalanche Cave Boss: Articuno Reward: Ice Flute (Increase recruit rate for Ice type Pokemon)
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