Naruto: Saikyou Ninja Daikesshuu 3 Cheats - Nintendo DS

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 All cheats for this game by platform: Nintendo DS

Graffiti mode wallpapers
Chouji: Successfully complete the game.
Gaara: Successfully complete the game twice.
Gai: Successfully complete the game twice.
Hinata: Successfully complete the game three times
Ino: Successfully complete the game three times
Jiraiya: Successfully complete the game twice.
Kakashi: Successfully complete the game twice.
Kankuro: Successfully complete the game twice.
Kiba: Successfully complete the game.
Naruto: Successfully complete the game.
Neji: Successfully complete the game.
Rock Lee: Successfully complete the game.
Sakura: Successfully complete the game.
Sandaime: Successfully complete the game twice.
Sasuke: Successfully complete the game.
Shikamaru: Successfully complete the game.
Shino: Successfully complete the game.
Temari: Successfully complete the game three times
Tenten: Successfully complete the game three times

Play as Jiraiya
Successfully complete the game.

Play as Gai and Kakashi
Complete levels 1 and 2.

Play as Sarutobi, Sandaime, and The Third
Complete a level with a "Hokage" rank.
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