Miami Law Cheats - Nintendo DS

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 All cheats for this game by platform: Nintendo DS

Official Hints
Brawn or Brains
Throughout the game you can play as either Law or Sara. If you like to be more forceful, choose Law. If you like things like forensics and computer hacking choose Sara.

Look Around
As you go from location to location be sure and have a good look around. Often you'll find people and things hiding about that you won't see right away.

Talk to People Repeatedly
Sometimes you'll have to talk to a person more than once to get what you want from them. Don't be afraid to hit the talk button a few times with a character.

Check Your PDA
Check you PDA often as it will let you know what you're working on if you forget. When it is updated a red exclamation point will appear.

When at the Miami PD offices, don't forget to visit the Security Room and talk to the Operator. He'll play some Texas Hold 'em with you. When you complete the game Hold 'em is unlocked for you to play as a mini game!

Sometimes Law will have to get tough....don't be afraid to get a little rough. When available use the Force button.

Duck and Cover
When in a gunfight make sure you duck when you reload!
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