Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures Cheats - Nintendo DS

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Downloadable Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures Cheats
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Dec. 01, 2009
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Codes
Enter the following codes at the title screen:

[X], [Y], [B], [B], [Y], [X], [L], [L], [R], [R], [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right], [Start], [Select] - Start with 1,000,000 Studs
[Up], [Up], [B], [Down], [Down], [X], [Left], [Left], [Y], [L], [R], [L], [R], [B], [Y], [X], [Start], [Select] - Start with 3,000,000 Studs
[X], [Up], [B], [Down], [Y], [Left], [Start], [Right], [R], [R], [L], [R], [R], [Down], [Down], [Up], [Y], [Y], [Y], [Start], [Select] - Unlock all characters

NOTE: When a code is succesfully entered you'll hear a tone.
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