Game Center CX: Arino no Chousenjou 2 Cheats - Nintendo DS

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 All cheats for this game by platform: Nintendo DS

Primary Collection of Cheats
Demon Return Codes
Enter these codes at various points to unlock their effects:

[Left] + [Start] simultaneously at Game Over Screen - Continue from level you died on.
[Right], [Left], [Right], [Left], [Down], [Up], [Down], [Up] on Pause Screen - Invincibility, can only use once.
[Left], [Right], [Left], [Right], [Up], [Down], [Up], [Down] on Title Screen - Start game with 99 lives.

Kung Fu Codes
Enter these codes at various points to unlock their effects:

[Left] + [Start] simultaneously at Game Over Screen - Continue from stage you died on.
[Left], [Right], [Left], [Right], Select on Title Screen - Start from second play through.

Toriotos Codes
Enter these codes at various points to unlock their effects:

[Down], [Down], [Up], [Up], [B], [B], [Up], [Up] on Mode Select Screen - Play Vs. Death Level.
[Up], [Up], [Down], [Down], [B], [B], [Down], [Down] on Mode Select Screen - Vs. Level Select.

Wiz-Man Codes
Enter these codes at various points to unlock their effects:

[Left] + [Start] simultaneously at Game Over Screen - Continue from stage you died on.
[Up], [Up], [A], [A], [B], [B] at Title Screen - Stage Select.
Unlock Sound Test
Complete final challenge. The challenge where you beat all 9 main games. The sound test is the last option in the main menu.

Guadia Quest Saga Quick Finish
In Guadia Quest Saga, once you've gotten to the bottom of the tower, go south as far as you can. Around there you should see a small town, enter it. If you go to the building with a bunch of ducks walking in it and choose to LOOK around the middle, a stairway will appear. Go down the stairs and talk to the man there. Talk to him and continually answer him with the first answer, and you will be taken to the credits of the game!

Warp from 1-1 to 4-4 in Super Demon Returns
At the very beginning of 1-1, run to the first enemy and ride it back to the sign at the beginning of the level. Jump in the air and off of the enemy you're riding, then attack the air as much as possible. If you hit the right area, a block will appear. Get on top of this block, then jump right and attack, and another block should appear. If you continue to attack to the right, higher and higher, you will eventually get to a small cove that contains a warp to 4-4!

Warping in Wiz-Man
At the beginning of every Wiz-Man level, one of the bigger jewels throughout the maze will have a slight glint of light go across it every few seconds. Collect it WITHOUT COLLECTING ANY OTHER BIG JEWELS, and another jewel will start to have the same slight glint. Collect each jewel with a slight glint on it without collecting ANY OTHER BIG JEWELS, you will eventually warp to the next level! Warning: If you die on the level you warp to, you will be sent back to the level you warped from.
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