Elebits: The Adventures of Kai & Zero Cheats - Nintendo DS

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 All cheats for this game by platform: Nintendo DS

Primary Collection of Cheats
Big Red Bonus Omega
From the main menu, select your file, go to "Extra"->"Download additional Omegas"->"Download data" and press the following buttons:

[B], [Y], [Up], [L], [Right], [R], [Down], [Left], [X], [A]
Unlock Bonus Omega
Mobius Omega - Complete the game.
Big Green Omega - Evolve all Omegas into their master forms, save on the bus then reload the game.
Dewy Omega - Obtain all Omegas gotten through traditional ways,save on the bus then reload the game.
Moai Omega - Load 10000 watts into the capture gun, save on the bus then reload the game.
Night Omega - Obtain all seven diary scarpt then head to the Sea Tample and talk to Misha.
Penta Omega - Load 5000 watts into the capture gun, save on the bus then reload the game.
Takosuke Omega - Load 2500 watts into the capture gun, save on the bus then reload the game.
Twinbee Omega - Load 7500 watts into the capture gun, save on the bus then reload the game.
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