Charlotte's Web Cheats - Nintendo DS

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Mini Games
Each mini game is unlockable by finding a hidden icon within the game. Grabing the icons will unlock the mini game. The following is where each icon is located and which game it unlocks:

Aeronauts - Secret room located in level 4.
Apple Masher - Secret Room on top of the heystacks in level 3.
Bale Out - Secret Room in Zuckerman's Barn.
Bounce - Enter the hole in the tree and search in the branches in level 8.
Bumper Cars - Ledge outside of the circus tent in level 13.
Food Catch - Enter the tires and the icon will be on the tire pile in level 10.
Ring Toss - Secret Room outside of the circus tent in level 14.
Snacktime for Templeton - Enter the tires and the icon will be on the tire pile in level 9.
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