Bakugan: Defenders of the Core Cheats - Nintendo DS

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Downloadable Bakugan: Defenders of the Core Cheats
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Jul. 30, 2011
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Enter the following codes at the "Unlock Codes" menu. First you have to enter an 8-digit verification code, then you can enter up to 8 10-digit unlock codes:

HXV6Y7BF - Verification Code.

YQLHBBSMDC - 10 Vexos Passes.
QY8CLD5NJE - 10,000 Core Energy.
JJUZDEACXX - Earthen Armor Ability Card.
YJ7RGG7WGZ - Fire Spirit Ability Card.
2FKRRMNCDQ - Tornado Vortex Ability Card.
HUUH8ST7AR - Water Pillar Ability Card.
82D77YK6P8 - Zorch Thunder Ability Card.
Unlock Maxus Helios
Collect all six bakugan traps of Maxus Helios.
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