Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Cheats - Nintendo DS
Unlock Cases
By completing a case you will unlock the next one. There are four cases total in this game.
Saving the Game
You don't have to wait until the end of a sequence (such as an investigation sequence or a part of a trial) to save your game. You can save your game, quite literally, at any time by simply pressing the [Start] button. This will bring you to the menu where your game can be saved.
Different Lottery Tickets from Ema
There are 3 tickets which can appear after scanning Ema's lottery tickets: Big Winner, Try again and You lose. Seeing each one depends of the speed at which the game sentences are read. To see the Big winner they musn't be skipped with the [B] button or touching the screen, if the player keeps pushing the [B] button to skip them then the Try again appears, and if it touches the screen too much to skip sentences then the You lose appears.