Animal Crossing: Wild World Cheats - Nintendo DS

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 All cheats for this game by platform: Nintendo DS

Brewster: Become friends
Keep buying coffee from Brewster at the café every day until he begins taking to you in a more friendly manner.

Crazy Redd: Entering his tent
To enter Crazy Redd's tent you must give a password the first time and become a member. You can usually find the password by talking to some of the villagers.

Crazy Redd: Detecting forged items
Buy a painting from Crazy Redd, then immediately check the catalog at Nook's shop. If the painting is listed in it, give it to Blathers to be appraised. If the painting is not listed in the catalog, it is a forgery. Sell it to Tom Nook instead of getting it appraised first, which will lower the selling price.

Go up to the item and press A. Crazy Redd will tell you how much it costs. If there is a thought bubble over his head, and he says it "is a very nice item", "it took ol' Redd a long time to get his hands on that!", "a lot of wheeling and dealing", "when it comes to items for Crazy Redd's family, I won't stop 'til I get it!", or "I'm gonna offer it to you for only <number> Bells!", then the item is fake. Pay attention, because after he says these lines he will only say he had another cousin eyeing it. If an item seems very cheap, such as a few thousand Bells (for example, 2,800), then do not buy it, as the item is most likely fake. Note: This may not work if you do not buy the membership, because he only calls you family if you buy it. It is worth a mere 3,000 Bells.

Crazy Redd: Passwords
Use the indicated responses with Crazy Redd:
Ask and you shall: Be charged
An open wallet: Is often empty
Bottom dollar: Top dog
Crazy Redd: Is 35
Even robbers: Have safes
Fan in one hand: Cash in other
Foot in the door: Eye on prize
For my fans: Shop here again
Give 2 cents: Ask for change
Head in the sand: Find something
Hot and cold: Money makes it
I'm all alone: But I have cash
Life expectancy: Redd is 35
Look at people: Wallets full
No money: Means no fun
Roses have: High prices
Rough childhood: Lax adulthood
Spoiled rotten: Bean curd
Talk is cheap: So is Redd
The grass is greener: On my side
The pen: Is cheaper
Tom Nook: One ugly fellow
What smells?: Bean curd
What's inside: Is fabulous
When the cat's gone: Mice shop
Why buy the cow: Buy milk here!
Kapp'n: Go to Animal Crossing Island
Connect to the houses of four friends and give Tom Nook 50 fossils. You will get a whistle that calls Kapp'n. He will take you to Animal Crossing Island.

Lyle: Selling Accident Insurance
Set your system date to the year 2099. Lyle will be waiting outside to sell you Accident Insurance. There will also be bugs every time you set down new furniture.

Mr. Resetti: Home
Restart the game at least two times to have Mr. Resstti appear. Next, use a shovel to hit all the rocks until one cracks. Hit that rock again then enter the hole that appears to find Mr. Resetti's home.

Sable: Become friends
Go in the Able Sisters store. Find Sable near the sewing machine and talk to her every day until she starts being friendly.

Tom Nook: Home
Go to the back of Tom Nook's shop between 12:00 and 2:00 p.m. Use a shovel to hit the back wall three times then the hit the front entrance once. You will be able to enter and see Tom Nook in pajamas with a teddy bear.

Tom Nook: Shop progression
The following are the expansions for Tom Nook's shop and how to obtain them:
Nook's Cranny: Available at start.
Nook 'n Go: Spend 25,000 Bells worth of merchandise.
Nookway: Spend 65,000 Bells worth of merchandise.
Nookingtons: Spend 240,000 Bells and have a visiting friend buy something from Nook. Note: This version of the store includes a hair salon.
Tom Nook: Shop point rewards
Buy as much as you can in Nook's shop. Not only will his selection get bigger, but you will get points for every purchase. Get enough purchases to become a member. Keep spending at Nook's shop to accumulate PIM points, and rewards at the following levels.
300 PIM points: Nook's Cranny model and store membership
3,000 PIM points: Nook' n Go model and 5% discount
10,000 PIM points: Nookway model and 10% discount
20,000 PIM points: Nookington's model and 20% Discount
Tom Nook: Restock shop
Save your game and then go to your phone. Select "Reset Clock" and change the date. Nook will have all new furniture in his shop.

House upgrades
The following upgrades for your house will be available after you pay back a certain level of debt.
First house expansion: 19,800 Bells
Second house expansion: 120,000 Bells
Upstairs room: 298,000 Bells
Left room: 598,000 Bells
Right room: 728,000 Bells
Back room: 848,000 Bells
Donation rewards
Donate the indicated amount of Bells to Boondox to get the corresponding reward.
10,000 Bells: Green Feather
200,000 Bells: Blue Feather
500,000 Bells: Yellow Feather
800,000 Bells: Red Feather
1,100,000 Bells: Purple Feather
1,400,000 Bells: White Feather
6,400,000 Bells: Rainbow Feather
Saving rewards
Save the indicated amount of bells at the Post Office to get the corresponding reward.
Box of Tissues: 1,000,000 bells.
Pelly's Picture: 100,000,000 bells.
Phyllis' Picture: 500,000,000 bells.
Piggy Bank: 10,000,000 bells.
Town Hall Model: 999,999,999 bells.
Home point rewards
Get the indicated number of HRA points to win the corresponding reward.
One story house model: 70,000 points
Two story house model: 100,000 points
Mansion model: 150,000 points
Fishing Tourney: Every third Sunday in January, March, May, Nov. and Dec. from 12:00 Noon to 6 p.m.
Bug-Off: Every third Sunday in June-September from 12:00 Noon to 6 p.m.
Fireworks Show: Every Saturday in August from 7 p.m. to 12 p.m.
Flower Fest: Second week if April.

Bug trophy: Catch the biggest bug in the Bug-Off.
Fish trophy: Catch the biggest fish in the Fishing Tourney.
Flower trophy: Create the best garden in the Flower Fest.

Birthday Cake
Someone in your town will give you a Birthday Cake when the game is played on your birthday.

Look on your beach every day you might find a Coconut.

Golden Axe
Give a Scallop Seashell to Pascal. This requires some trading. Start by purchasing a Red Turnip from Joan. Trade it to Wendel for a Turban or Country Guitar when he appears in town. If Wendel gave you a Turban, trade it to Sahara for a Massage Chair or Red Vase when she comes to town. If Sahara gave you a Massage Chair, trade it to Tortimer on the next holiday to get the Scallop Seashell.

Golden Bug Net
Catch one of each type of bug.

Golden Fishing Rod
Catch one of each type of fish.

Golden Shovel
Bury regular shovel in the ground. When dug up after 24 hours, it will be a Golden Shovel.

Golden Slingshot
Shoot fifteen items out of the sky. A Golden Slingshot will appear in the sky. Shoot it down to collect it.

Golden Watering Can
Keep the environment perfect for sixteen consecutive days to get a Golden Watering Can from Pelly or Phyllis.

Party Poppers
Speak to Tortimer on New Year's Eve.

Roman Candles
Talk to Tortimer during the Fireworks Show.

Snowman furniture
During winter, find the two snowballs in your town. Roll them to a medium size, then stack the snowballs by walking one into the other one at the bottom left of your town. If you manage to make the snowman in the most extreme lower right square, and make him perfectly, you will be awarded two Snowman furniture instead of just one.

Talk to Tortimer during the Fireworks Show.

Free furniture
Sometimes when you go to the Town Hall, the recycling box may have furniture that you need. The lost and found at the Main Gate also may have free items. Talk to Booker, the dog on the left, to get to the lost and found.
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