ESPN International Track and Field Cheats - DC

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 All cheats for this game by platform: Dreamcast | PlayStation 2

Primary Collection of Cheats
Pole vault
Enter "L.a." as a case-sensitive name in championship mode to unlock the pole vault. Note: This also unlocks a chrome metallic player in trial mode.

Extra events
Enter "Montreal" as a case-sensitive name in championship mode to unlock secret events such as the pole vault and weight lifting. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Gold mode
Enter "Helsinki" as a case-sensitive name in trial mode. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Orange metallic player
Enter "Moscow" as a case-sensitive name in trial mode. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Silver metallic player
Enter "Munich" as a case-sensitive name in trial mode. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Bronze metallic player
Enter "Roma" as a case-sensitive name in trial mode. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Silver metallic player
Enter "Sydney" as a case-sensitive name in trial mode. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Green metallic player
Enter "Mexico" as a case-sensitive name in trial mode. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Red metallic player
Enter "Tokyo" as a case-sensitive name in trial mode. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Gray metallic player
Enter "Athens" as a case-sensitive name in trial mode. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Yellow/Orange metallic player
Enter "Atlanta" as a case-sensitive name in trial mode. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Silver with purple and blue metallic player
Enter "Seoul" as a case-sensitive name in trial mode. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
Hammer throw
The hammer throw is one of the more inconsistent events in the game. Use your favorite technique to do fast, clockwise circles. Note: Your power here does not necessarily have to be glowing red; orange-red will do. Stop the power meter at the farthest left side of the throwing area as possible. The red ball can be hanging about one third over the line to still constitute a legal throw. Set your angle at either 43 or 45 degrees for the best possible throw. The game will only let you stop on 43, 45 or 48 degrees usually, and 48 is too high. This technique should land 101+ meter throws and set some great records.

The best way to get long distances is to build up power fast enough so that you can release the hammer when it is directly in the middle of the two lines. If you do this and get the angle at either 43 or 45 degrees, you should consistently get gold medals.
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