D2 Cheats - DC

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 All cheats for this game by platform: Dreamcast

Primary Collection of Cheats
Control logo
Press the [Analog-stick] or [D-pad] at the title screen to rotate the game's logo.

Millennium countdown
Successfully complete the game and allow the credits to end. Press A to display a black screen with a countdown to the year 2000. Note: The countdown still progresses even after the year 2000 has passed.

Unlimited grenades, shotgun shells, and first aid sprays
When you leave the last cabin on Disc 4 you will find two grenades, shotgun shells, and various first aid sprays in the snow. Pick these up, then re-enter the cabin. Go back outside and all the items will be there again. Note: This also works by saving than restarting your file in any place on the last path.
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