Grand Theft Auto III: 10 Year Anniversary Edition Cheats - Android

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Rockstar state that this game does not support cheats. It does however have all the cheats built in from the PC version, but it needs a keyboard to type them in. On an Android tablet such as the Asus Transformer Prime it has a detachable keyboard dock allowing you to simply type the codes in at will, but with phone its not so easy. This works on some phone, but I cannot say it will work on all. Simply hold down the MENU button on your phone for the keyboard to popup allowing you entry of the codes. All codes can be typed either in the pause menu or in-game.

Tortoise - 100% Armor.
gesundheit - 100% Health.
cornerslikemad - Better vehicle handling.
gunsgunsguns - Get All Weapons (Keep using to add ammo).
morepoliceplease - Higher Wanted Level.
itsallgoingmaaad - Insane Pedstrians.
anicesetofwheels - Invisible Cars.
nopoliceplease - Lower Wanted Level.
ilikedressingup - Change Outfit.
skincancerforme - Clear Weather.
timeflieswhenyou - Clock Moves Faster.
ilikescotland - Cloudy Weather.
nastylimbscheat - Crank Up Gore.
bangbangbang - Destroy all cars.
chittycittybb - Flying vehicle.
peasoup - Foggy Weather.
ifiwerearichman - More Money (Keep using for more cash).
nobodylikesme - Pedestrians Attack.
weaponsforall - Pedtrians Fight One Another.
ilovescotland - Rainy Weather.
giveusatank - Spawn Vehicles (Keep using for different vehicles).
boooooring - Speed up Gameplay.
madweather - Super-speedy Game Clock.
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